Line of credit account.
Hi I just want to say I love your program.
One thing I am having a problem with is that I have a line of credit.
I would like it to show up as part of my net worth. Yet when I have to use some of it that it turns out to be a loan from what ever
I borrowed from my line of credit. Right now I have it under the Assets account. An if I need to use it I have to create a loan
account and then I am working with two accounts just to use my line of credit. Is there an easier way to do this
or am I doing the only thing that can be done with your software.
One more issue not related, is that you update the address book for today's information that is required I.e. more phone and email lines, just to name a couple. Otherwise I really like the software and the price is right.
Rick C..
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1 Posted by Henry on 08 Oct, 2017 07:24 PM
Hi Rick,
Thank you for contacting us.
Have you tried to create it as a liability account. Or if your bank offers direct connections for downloading transactions you could use an account of type credit card.
Regarding the second issue:
Is the suggestion to add multiple lines of information the the address book?
Infinite Kind Support
2 Posted by Rick Charland on 08 Oct, 2017 10:18 PM
Thanks for your quick response.
I will try what you suggest.The second issue is about the address book. It would be great to add multiple phone numbers and or email addresses and maybe assign a category to the person. Just a thought.ThanksRickI'll be buying your program in a couple of days. There are a few thing I need to try first, but overall a great alternative to Quicken which I used for many years.
On Sunday, October 8, 2017 12:24 PM, Henry <[email blocked]> wrote:
#yiv6565258583 pre {width:92%;margin:10px 2%;padding:5px 2%;background:#efefef;border:1px solid #d6d6d6;}#yiv6565258583 blockquote {margin-left:0;padding-left:1em;border-left:5px solid #ccc;}
3 Posted by Henry on 09 Oct, 2017 09:03 AM
Thanks for the suggestion for improving Moneydance! I will file a ticket in our ticketing system with your suggestion on adding multiple phone numbers/E-mail addressees for the developers to looking into it, but before I do that I wanted to make sure I understand how the category would work with the payee.
Would it be set as the default category for the payee or would it be added to the other categories that have been assigned to the payee?
At the moment Moneydance memorises the payee and auto fills the details when you re-use the payee.
Infinite Kind Support
System closed this discussion on 08 Jan, 2018 09:10 AM.