Importing .QFX File Does Nothing

bill's Avatar


29 Sep, 2023 06:13 PM

Hi there,

I've been a MoneyDance user since 2013. Wow, 10 years! I've not had a major problem until now.

I import my transactions by downloading a .QFX file from my bank. Then, I use the Import function to bring them in to MoneyDance. Over the last few day nothing happens when I do this. No blue dot appears beside the Account name. No new transactions are shown. Any idea how I might troubleshoot this issue?

I am using the 2023.1 (5006) of MoneyDance with Ubuntu Linux 22.04.

Thanks in advance!


Bill D-G

  1. 1 Posted by dtd on 29 Sep, 2023 10:31 PM

    dtd's Avatar

    Try opening the QFX file (any text file editor) and seeing what is in it. Is it zero bytes? That would explain why nothing is imported.

    If so, you have to ask yourself, what has changed with the bank, not with MD.

  2. 2 Posted by bill on 29 Sep, 2023 11:25 PM

    bill's Avatar

    Thank you for your insightful reply.

    I imported the .QFX file into a competitor's program and it too lacked the new transactions.

    So, as you were inferring it is an issue with my bank. I will contact them and get it sorted out.

    Your help was much appreciated.

  3. Ethan closed this discussion on 30 Sep, 2023 11:55 PM.

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