temporary using Moneydance on a notebook computer and updating the desktop when home?
I do not know how syncing works and have not used things like dropbox with my windows 11 destop that I use for Moneydance.
I want to use a notebook computer I have while on vacation and then bring the files on the desktop up to date when I get home.
I was thinking I would load the Moneydance program on the notebook (also windows 11). Then back up my desktop and use that file to use on the notebook = restore the desktop file on the notebook.
Then when home reverse the process and backup the notebook Moneydance and restore it on the desktop.
Does this make sense or can someone give me a simple understanding of syncing that I read Moneydance does,
Thank you , Roy
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1 Posted by dwg on 13 Apr, 2024 10:24 PM
The decision for you is will this be a once off sort of use, or do you wish to routinely use Moneydance with the data on both machines.
If this is a one off type of thing with no regular use on the notebook then what you propose is as a good a way as anything.
I you want to routinely use Moneydance on both systems then you should look towards syncing.
In my view syncing works well when you have routine use on multiple machines it is not as good for infrequent use.
Support Staff 2 Posted by Ethan on 14 Apr, 2024 01:21 AM
Hello Roy,
The method you describe of copying your data file from one computer to another should work just fine. I agree with the previous comment in that if you want to regularly move between the computers, consider setting up syncing. The main downside with the method you describe is that you'll always have to copy your data manually between the computers, and remember which computer currently has the current up to date file. With syncing, once that process is set up, everything will be taken care of automatically.
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3 Posted by dwg on 14 Apr, 2024 02:07 AM
We all have different usage patterns and habits, it comes down to what suits you.
I have multiple machines and multiple operating systems, I also get involved in testing new Moneydance versions and Extensions.
I have a desktop I use to manage my own finances, I do not need to do on the go data entry, so for me I do not need to use syncing. I'm happy enough to walk over to the desktop if I need to update anything. I also do not want my live finances anywhere near testing setups.
I have had some hospital stays of late and took a notebook with me. I did not consider it worthwhile to set up syncing, plus hospital internet can be a little patchy at times so I did take the approach of copying my data set over to the notebook.
4 Posted by roy on 14 Apr, 2024 02:41 AM
Thank you for thus fantastic response. Excatly what I needed to learn.
I will not be traveling often so the backup way will be great. And something
I already understand.
Also it gives me time to learn how the whole syncing thing works. Tight now
it seems prety overwhelming.
Truly, Roy
5 Posted by dwg on 14 Apr, 2024 02:53 AM
The syncing that Moneydance uses is fairly simple to understand it is copying small incremental update files between systems and applying them to the local copy of the data.
Setup is pretty straightforward but does need to be procedural, there are no short cuts.
By all means learn it over time.
System closed this discussion on 14 Jul, 2024 03:00 AM.