Quotes not updating
My quotes are not updating my Security/stock prices. It stopped updating a month ago and I have checked all the obvious options without success. Exchange rates update but the securities get an error message 'Error downloading...no data found'. I have run the Test but just get X History X.
Any help most welcomed
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151 Posted by yardy on 11 Nov, 2017 07:52 PM
Jim, I would be interested also if you care to share.
152 Posted by Jim Kuhn on 11 Nov, 2017 07:58 PM
I hacked this together on Nov 1st. Two scripts (since the python built
into MD2017 had some problems with https)... one to download the prices and
one to import. It'll get me through until the proper support is in place.
Caveat emptor.
*To download current and previous few days (simplified):*
import json
import requests
import string
securityList = [ "agu.to", "msft" ]
for security in securityList:
r = requests.get('
+ security + '&apikey=YOUR_API_KEY')
data = r.json()
ts = data["Time Series (Daily)"]
items = sorted(list(ts.items()), reverse=True)[:19]
for item in items:
print(security, str(item[0]).translate(str.maketrans('', '', '-')),
item[1]["5. adjusted close"], item[1]["6. volume"])
*The python script in MD:*
from com.infinitekind.moneydance.model import *
book = moneydance.getCurrentAccountBook()
currencies = book.getCurrencies()
usd = currencies.getCurrencyByName("US Dollar")
if not usd:
print "NO USD"
file = open("/tmp/prices.out", "r")
lastsym = ""
for line in file:
vals = line.split()
symbol = vals[0].split(".")[0]
date = vals[1]
if float(vals[2]) < 0.001:
price = 1.0 / float(vals[2])
if symbol != lastsym:
security = currencies.getCurrencyByTickerSymbol(symbol)
if not security:
lastsym = symbol
print "Set", security.getTickerSymbol(), "to", 1 / price
if len(vals[0].split(".")) == 1:
security.setUserRate(price, usd)
print date, 1 / price
if len(vals[0].split(".")) == 1:
snap = security.setSnapshotInt(int(date), price, usd)
snap = security.setSnapshotInt(int(date), price)
153 Posted by George on 11 Nov, 2017 08:20 PM
I am a new user and successfully (mostly) transferred My quicken (Windows) data to Moneydance. But I am not able to update my security prices. It seems there are issues but, while I'm not a total novice, most of the discussions are beyond my understanding. I like what I see of the program but if I can't update security prices it won't be very useful. Any help would be much appreciated.
154 Posted by yardy on 11 Nov, 2017 09:45 PM
George, Welcome to MD. Yahoo and Google stopped allowing MD to get stock data on Nov 1. MD says they are working to fix the extension to go to other sources for this data. I suggest you read some more of the entries in this Blog to get the flavor of the situation.
155 Posted by JimRB on 29 Nov, 2017 07:14 PM
Hi yardy
My stocks were all updating until 21 November. Today is the first I realised they were not working any more!
IK support staff - why was this not included on your blog? I spent some time trying different things to get my extension to work before coming to the forum to see whether I was the only one.
156 Posted by bonniemitch on 23 Jan, 2018 06:12 AM
My stocks do not update anymore either. I have installed the latest MD and extension.
157 Posted by derekkent23 on 23 Jan, 2018 09:45 AM
I am not support staff, just a user.
Can you provide more information.
You don’t state what build of Moneydance 2017 you are using. You can check version/build under HELP – ABOUT MONYDANCE. For example I am running 2017.7(1663). Also what version of the Q & ER are you using see under EXTENSION – MANAGE EXTENSIONS.
Can you also proved say three security symbols and their names to test?
Hope this helps
158 Posted by TAM on 30 Jan, 2018 03:01 PM
Considering switching to MoneyDance. Downloaded the application and migrated data from Quicken yesterday HA says 2017.6 (1656) and claims to be current. I have 300 plus securities. If I update 50 at a time using the Quotes & Exchange Rates extension, things update fine. If I try to update all at the same time, only 100 quotes are obtained and then it bombs out. 167 skipped, 33 errors, 100 quotes.
159 Posted by gray256 on 20 Feb, 2018 06:15 PM
TAM, I am another user - not staff. I saw your query from 1/30/18 regarding updating 100+ quotes at once. When I look at the API documentation for the Alphavantage service (used by the Quotes Updater in Moneydance), the BatchStockQuote function says: "Up to 100 stock symbols seperated by comma. For example: symbols=MSFT,FB,AAPL. If more than 100 symbols are included, the API will return quotes for the first 100 symbols." So I am guessing that the author of the app needs to take this into consideration.
System closed this discussion on 22 May, 2018 06:20 PM.