Error getting quote history
I am getting errors retrieving the price history for my mutual funds using the "Quotes and Exchange Rates Updater" extension. Current price and history are both set to use Yahoo Finance USA. For each security the current price downloads fine but the history gets an error. Also tried the option to retrieve history prices from Google and that gave errors also. This just started happening (for me, anyway) over the weekend. No recent changes to my list of securities and they all downloaded fine prior to the weekend.
We have Moneydance on 3 computers (with the data file shared using Dropbox). Tried on a different PC and got the same result.
Any idea what's wrong?
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1 Posted by Henry on 07 Jun, 2017 02:59 PM
Thank you for contacting us.
We've been looking into this issue and it seems all customers are encountering 400 and 500 errors - 404, 502 or 504.
A Yahoo support representative has confirmed that Yahoo Finance API has been discontinued.
From the changes that have been made, it seems like Yahoo is trying to prevent people from automated downloading like Moneydance (and so many others) are doing.
Our lead developer has mentioned that we may be able to make a change, that means the Moneydance connection will pose as a browser, rather than a program. This may allow the connection. However, it seems very likely that this will turn into a 'cat-and-mouse' game.
The current workaround is to download the quotes in a cvs file and import them by navigating to Tools > Securities > Edit then Import.
We are looking into other services we can use instead to resume the automatic downloads.
Infinite Kind Support
2 Posted by sjperry on 07 Jun, 2017 03:15 PM
Yes I was afraid maybe something had been decommissioned. I will try the workaround for now. Hope you are able to find a stable alternative to provide this service in the future. Thanks for the response!
3 Posted by aj2wilson on 09 Jun, 2017 02:40 PM
How do i download quotes into a CVS file please?
4 Posted by sjperry on 09 Jun, 2017 02:45 PM
I was able to download current quotes by adding tickers to my portfolio in Yahoo Finance, then if you go to the Portfolio page there is an option to export CSV. However, I was only able to get the current prices this way. To reconcile my investment statement I need to be able to download historical prices (so I have prices that match the statement date).
Henry, do you know how I can download CSV with historical prices?
5 Posted by Henry on 09 Jun, 2017 02:52 PM
To download the quotes manually one option is to go to
and enter the ticker in the search field, then you need to look at the Historical Data tab, on the right side of that should there should be an icon with the description download data. This is one option, but there are other services available online some free others paid.
Infinite Kind Support
6 Posted by richard on 01 Jul, 2017 03:26 PM
How about a service that is not free? Why don't you add an option I could pay for. This situation is quite bad.
7 Posted by sjperry on 01 Jul, 2017 03:56 PM
I have to agree with Richard. Manual download is not an option for me. I use personal finance software to make this kind of thing easy and manually downloading & importing historical prices is definitely not easy. I like to be able to reconcile my Moneydance accounts with my monthly investment statement and if I don't happen to download the current day prices on the exact statement date (often the last day of the month, but earlier if the month ends on a weekend) my balances don't match.
I could switch to doing a balance-adjust entry to make Moneydance match the statement and forget about downloading activity and prices. But whenever I have done that sort of thing in the past (losing detail to work around a software issue) I have regretted it. Like the time as a Quicken user that I "fixed" slow performance by purging the oldest 5 years of transactions.
So I would like this fixed and if it requires subscribing to something I am open to considering that.
8 Posted by richard on 02 Jul, 2017 05:18 PM
What about Morningstar? They seem to have an Excel add-in and an API, I'd
have to buy a PC to try it (I only have a Mac here), but that might be
doable. It's not clear if you have to pay.
9 Posted by Henry on 03 Jul, 2017 09:28 AM
@Richard We are also looking into payable options, but of course we are first trying to make changes that wouldn't require additional payments.Thank you for your suggestion, I will forward your suggestion to the lead developer.
@Sjperry I understand that the manual downloads and direct entry is not ideal and it's not our wish to keep it this way. For certain customers the workaround of using Google Finance in the Quotes and Exchange rate extension for Security Historical prices, solution and using the Security Price Entry extension for updating the current prices proved to be the easier solution.
I will update you as soon as I receive more information on the progress.
I apologise for the inconveniences caused and I thank you for your patience.
Infinite Kind Support
10 Posted by sjperry on 04 Jul, 2017 08:36 PM
Henry, Google Finance does not work for downloading historical prices. When I select Google Finance for Historical Prices, and "Do Not Update" for the other two options, then click Update Now, I get 404-Not Found for each security it tries to download. All my securities have valid ticker symbols that used to work fine with Yahoo.
11 Posted by richard on 05 Jul, 2017 12:18 AM
Google seems to work for stocks, but not mutual funds.
System closed this discussion on 04 Oct, 2017 12:20 AM.