Can't accurately load/update investments.

Cande Iveson's Avatar

Cande Iveson

15 Jan, 2018 04:58 PM

I'm in the process of testing personal finance programs to a) replace Quicken and b) move to MAC platform from Windows and I'm down to two contenders. I've been testing in your trial (100 transaction) package. I really like it and far prefer its look and feel to that of the other finalist.

This weekend I decided to test one more thing and hit a major snag. I'm hoping you can help me! Here's what happened:
1) I tried to import a single investment account from Quicken QIF file. (I had no trouble with importing QIF files with bank accounts.)
2) The file appeared to import correctly but did not produce the same total value as the original file. It was missing 4 securities. And, for teh securities it did import, the number of shares was correct but the value was different from the original file.
3) I tried MULTIPLE times to add those securities. Even walked step-by-step through the documentation. (Admit this is rare for me.). Finally got them added, but then couldn't get them linked to that account.
4) Eventually tried to download update from brokerage by setting up as an automatic download. Another adventure! I did get that working, but it did not download ALL the updates. Data from the QIF file was up to 12/17/17. The download got me data through 12/31/17, but nothing for the first two weeks of 2018.

I'd really like to make this work, but fear that may not be possible. Or may be possible but too labor intensive. Guidance appreciated!

  1. System closed this discussion on 16 Apr, 2018 05:00 PM.

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