Reporting Investment lots

elizabeth simon's Avatar

elizabeth simon

27 Feb, 2018 09:10 PM

Is there a way to report and/or export the lot history for a stock?


  1. 1 Posted by dwg on 28 Feb, 2018 05:15 AM

    dwg's Avatar

    The Cost Basis report will show each lot separately, so would suggest you look at it and see if it meets your needs.

  2. 2 Posted by Elizabeth M G S... on 28 Feb, 2018 02:34 PM

    Elizabeth M G Simon's Avatar

    Thanks for your reply. It does half of what I need. It doesn’t show which lots have been sold, when they were sold, and which are still available.


  3. System closed this discussion on 30 May, 2018 02:40 PM.

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