Correcting Number of Shares
I have an investment account with about 15 different mutual funds that I track on Money Dance. For two of the investments, I've discovered a small discrepancy between the number of shares that Money Dance says I own and the number reported on the monthly statement I received from the brokerage. The difference is very small (less than 1% of the account value) and for that reason I don't want to take the time to ferret out where I made the data entry errors. However, I would like Money Dance to reflect that correct number of shares.
Is there a way to simply add or remove shares to correct this problem? (When I used Quicken, it offered this functionality.) I realize this kind of correction (without adjusting actual cost of the shares) may skew performance and other calculations. But I'd prefer that Money Dance reflect the correct number of shares.
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1 Posted by sprimost on 12 Aug, 2018 04:06 PM
Not Support. Just a User.
I see this on occasion with my mutual funds. It is due to rounding when
buying and selling if you enter price and total cost rather than shares
with dividends.
I usually add or subtract from one if the dividend to get it right knowing
it amounts to pennies at the end of year. No tax implications...too small.
You could use miscellaneous category but it just adds an event at year end.
System closed this discussion on 11 Nov, 2018 04:10 PM.