The new Quote Loader

Mike Bray (Quote Loader Author)'s Avatar

Mike Bray (Quote Loader Author)

01 Feb, 2020 07:22 AM

TIK has improved the security on the use of unsigned extensions. This is in build 1899 which is still in preview mode. Once it is released for general use you will see a warning message on the summary screen if you are using unverified extensions. This included all of my extensions. I have worked with TIK to get my extensions verified which includes Quote Loader. These are now available on my repository in

To verify an extension I have had to make my source code available to TIK. The author of the back end of Quote Loader (hleofxquotes) was not prepared to do this and thus I have redesigned Quote Loader to be standalone. I would like to thank hleofxquotes for his work and help in making Quote Loader an extension of choice.

I have asked TIK to add Quote Loader to the list of available extensions. This is being considered.

DerekKent23 has written/updated a PDF on how to install and set up Quote Loader. This is accompanied by a couple of videos. These assume Quote Loader has been added to the list of available extensions. Before that list is updated please download the file securityquoteload.mxt from my repository ( and add it using the MD Extensions/Manage Extensions/Add from File. The updated PDF will be available shortly.


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  1. 91 Posted by derekkent23 on 12 Aug, 2020 05:03 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi PaulF

    Can you post a screen shot of the Currency/Security History window for Euro found under TOOLS – CURRENCIES – EURO similar to screen shot 2 as well as Edit Currency/Exchange Rates window under EDIT screen shot 3.

  2. 92 Posted by PaulF on 12 Aug, 2020 05:10 PM

    PaulF's Avatar

    Hi Derek - is this what you are after? Looks identical to yours. Paul

  3. 93 Posted by derekkent23 on 12 Aug, 2020 05:45 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi PaulF

    Yes, they were the screen shots I wanted to check and they look OK.
    Try RESTORE FROM BACKUP using the attached file.
    It simply has one security Volkswagen AG
    On my computer it looks to be working OK, see how it works for you.
    You will need to unzip the file to get to PaulF-20200812-1838.moneydancearchive

  4. 94 Posted by PaulF on 12 Aug, 2020 06:31 PM

    PaulF's Avatar

    Many thanks. This file works so it looks like my file has become corrupted in some way. I will experiment in creating a new Euro2 currency and will see if that works. If I set the FX rate as 1 Euro to what looks like a valid Euro history file. Will that then pick up the right FX rate historically and from QL going forward? I could then redenominate my Euro investments as Euro2... Any thoughts on if this will solve this?

  5. 95 Posted by derekkent23 on 12 Aug, 2020 07:08 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi PaulF

    If more than on Currency or for that matter Security has the same ticker symbol the Quote Loader will only display/update one of them.

    If I add Euro2 as a currency to the test data set then as it happens Quote Loader displays/updates Euro2 and Euro is ignored. When the Volkswagen AG currency is set to Euro2 the price for Volkswagen AG updates correctly.

    Is Volkswagen AG the only Euro Security you have or are there other and do they work?

    I should do a EXPORT BACKUP before you try any fix.

    Not tried this so make sure you have a backup.
    Once you have converted everything to Euro2 delete Euro as a Currency and then rename Euro2 to Euro.

  6. 96 Posted by PaulF on 13 Aug, 2020 01:18 PM

    PaulF's Avatar

    Hi Derek I am testing this solution and it seems to work. My only question is the effect of deleting the Euro as a currency. I seem to remember that MD book FX transactions at the spot rate and then does not change them when the rate is changed. Eg if I booked A Euro transaction in 2010 at the 2010 rate, this will not be affected if the 2010 rate is deleted. My thought is that the only effect will be the Balance translation of accounts denominated in Euros and that this would be corrected once the new Euro FX rates were input. BTW is there an easy way to export the MD historic Euro rates so that I can import them into my new Euro account? I will continue testing.... Alo on rereading the Guidance Notes to QL I realise that you are the author - it is really useful. Many thanks for your help.

  7. 97 Posted by derekkent23 on 13 Aug, 2020 02:34 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi PaulF

    No harm in testing theories provided at each stage you do an EXPORT BACKUP so you can find your way back.
    As far as I know there is no way to export Euro Exchange Rates, they are not even included in a QIF export or any of the reports.

    You can import exchange rates, but not export them.

    Lets me know how you get on.

    Good Luck.

  8. 98 Posted by sjperry on 10 Sep, 2020 08:12 PM

    sjperry's Avatar

    Hi, Does (or will) the Quote Loader support the new 2020 version of Moneydance?
    I think I am in your target audience - just need today's quotes (as I open MD almost daily) and QER tool is way too slow. Thanks

  9. 99 Posted by derekkent23 on 10 Sep, 2020 08:45 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi sjperry

    The current version of Quote Loader will run with Moneydance 2019 and 2020.

    For information see post 63 at

    Download the PDF attached to posts 63 and have a read.

    To get an overview take a look at the YouTube videos by using the links on page 1 and 2 of the PDF.

    Let us know how you get on or if you need help just post.

    Hope this helps.

  10. 100 Posted by paul.r.smith on 22 Oct, 2020 09:56 AM

    paul.r.smith's Avatar

    I've followed the development of this extension almost since the start. I didn't use the early development versions because they were quite involved.

    Now it's in full 'user' mode, it is by far the best extension added to Moneydance.

    Thanks for all the work you've put into this, Mike and Derek!

    Paul Smith

  11. 101 Posted by derekkent23 on 22 Oct, 2020 01:34 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Paul

    Really glad you like Quote Loader and it great to get positive feed back after all the hard work that was put in especially by Mike.

    Stay safe, Have Fun.

  12. 102 Posted by Mike Bray (Quot... on 22 Oct, 2020 02:31 PM

    Mike Bray (Quote Loader Author)'s Avatar

    Paul, thanks for the feedback. It is refreshing to see positive comments.

  13. 103 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 22 Oct, 2020 02:36 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    Mike, ditto. The extension is great and makes MD for investments work well!

    Regards Stuart

  14. 104 Posted by sjperry on 22 Oct, 2020 06:05 PM

    sjperry's Avatar

    Yes, I have been using it since Derek sent the instructions and it's been
    great! Much appreciated.

  15. 105 Posted by Dick on 22 Oct, 2020 06:09 PM

    Dick's Avatar

    Thanks for all the work you guys put into it.


  16. Melissa closed this discussion on 03 Dec, 2020 08:21 PM.

  17. derekkent23 re-opened this discussion on 06 Dec, 2020 08:14 AM

  18. 106 Posted by derekkent23 on 06 Dec, 2020 08:14 AM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    Third-party Quote Loader Extension, Moneydance 2019/2020/2021 ONLY.

    I am not support staff, just a user.

    Quote Loader is a third-party extension that has been reviewed and signed by Infinite Kind (Moneydance).

    For Moneydance 2019-2020-2021 latest Quote Loader build is 3027.


    • Allow Ticker symbols to include the character &

    • Fix issue relating to some Locale settings under preferences.

    • Update PDF “Quote Loader Extension by Mike Bray Moneydance 2019-2020-2021” to V9.2

    • Update PDF “Quote Loader Extension, Moneydance 2019-2020-2021 Handling Cryptocurrencies and Market Indices & Futures” to V4.2

    EXISTING USERS using Quote Loader with a build number lower than 3021 should REMOVE (uninstall) all Extensions under EXTENSIONS – MB EXTENSION INSTALLER, lastly removing (uninstalling) MB EXTENSION INSTALLER itself by using the REMOVE buttons.
    The background folder “.rhumba” is redundant, expert user can if they so wish delete the “.rhumba” folder with Moneydance closed. On installing the latest Quote Loader a new replacement folder “.qlmeta” is created. MB Extension Installer is no longer required to install Quote Loader.

    As a signed extension Quote Loader can be found under EXTENSIONS – MANAGE EXTENSIONS.
    Simply click EXTENSIONS – MANAGE EXTENSIONS – AVAILABLE tab, find Quote Loader and click install or update.
    Once installed re-start Moneydance - installation complete.

    Quote Loader was developed and is supported by Mike Bray.

    PDF’s and Video by Derek Kent.

    The system provides an end to end solution, obtaining quotes from a choice of sources and entering them into the relevant Currency/Security History window, all from a single window within Moneydance. The system can obtain Security Prices, Exchange Rates, Market Indices, Cryptocurrency Rates and prices for Cryptocurrency Investments. The system provides quotes from many stock exchanges, US, Canada, UK, Europe and Australia to name but a few. The process of obtaining quotes from the selected source is fast and error free.

    Download the attached PDF, follow the instructions on how to use Quote Loader.
    The PDF also contains links to a Quick Start Video Guide, a Short Tutorial Video and a Full Tutorial Video, all on YouTube.

    The second PDF covers the creation and importing of Cryptocurrencies and Market Indices into Moneydance.

    Acknowledgement to Kevin N and dwg for their support during development.
    Please keep this thread to this subject on how to use Quote Loader.
    Please try this approach and if you find it useful please take the time to post comments and outline any problems you may find.
    To receive email notification to updates on this thread, click the SUBSCRIBE button in the box at the top right of the forum page.

    Hope this helps.


  19. 107 Posted by shamsu hamid on 06 Dec, 2020 01:27 PM

    shamsu hamid's Avatar

    I would like to thank Mike & Derek for resolving the problem of" &" which formed a part of the security ticker. updated to the new version and the rates updated correctly
    Tks once again

  20. 108 Posted by fabio.grasso on 12 Dec, 2020 03:33 PM

    fabio.grasso's Avatar

    Hello Mike,
    thank you for this great plugin, it's very useful!

    I'm trying to load quote of some Italian government bonds. I've found them in Yahoo but they are reported in "TLO" (extension ".TI") market. I don't know what it means...

    They're quoted on EuroTLX (maybe TLO/.TI means EuroTLX?) and M.O.T. (this one is an Italian bonds market but it seems that is not supported by Yahoo)


    Can you suggest how to add them to quote loader? I think that there is no option for add ".TI" as suffix.

    Probably we need to add the ".TI" suffix in file src/com/moneydance/modules/features/securityquoteload/resources/stockexchanges.dict but I'm not sure...


  21. 109 Posted by Mike Bray (Quot... on 12 Dec, 2020 04:21 PM

    Mike Bray (Quote Loader Author)'s Avatar

    Hi Fabio, The data after the . is the exchange, have a look at (EuroTLX - Itlay). You can add
    the .TI to the ticker in the security screen.

    Create a security for each Bond you are interested in. When entering the
    data enter the ticker as it appears on Yahoo including the .TI
    extension. Quote Loader will pick this up. Make sure you do not specify
    an exchange for that entry.

  22. 110 Posted by Mike Bray (Quot... on 12 Dec, 2020 06:17 PM

    Mike Bray (Quote Loader Author)'s Avatar

    Hi Fabio, when you said you had found them on yahoo I didn’t appreciate that you were talking about the Italian yahoo site. QL only works with the US site ( If a security is not found there it can not be loaded by QL.

  23. 111 Posted by fabio.grasso on 27 Dec, 2020 04:30 PM

    fabio.grasso's Avatar

    Hi Mike,
    thanks for your interest.

    It seems that they're available also on

    There is something strange because for IT0005415291 I can see the full quote, while for IT0005410912 I can see the search result (with the price) but there isn't a detailed stock page.

    Anyway, I've tried to insert them in quote loader but it isn't loading prices.

    It's not a big issue, these stocks don't have many swings, I can update them by hand every now and then.

    Thanks anyway for your help

  24. 112 Posted by Mike Bray (Quot... on 28 Dec, 2020 04:20 PM

    Mike Bray (Quote Loader Author)'s Avatar

    IT0005415291.TI should update but make sure that there isn't an exchange
    defined for the entry and the full ticker including the .TI is defined
    for the security.  Not much can be done for IT0005410912.TI

  25. 113 Posted by Mike Bray (Quot... on 29 Dec, 2020 05:07 PM

    Mike Bray (Quote Loader Author)'s Avatar

    Hi Fabio, I have found the issue. It is because Yahoo returns a different format page for your stock. However Yahoo HD does work. I have taken the Yahoo HD code and implemented in Yahoo but it does slow Yahoo down. I will release the update in the next build. As a work around use Yahoo HD.

  26. 114 Posted by aeonlight on 30 Dec, 2020 04:03 PM

    aeonlight's Avatar

    is it possible to update all historical prices?

  27. 115 Posted by derekkent23 on 30 Dec, 2020 04:30 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    hi aeonlight

    The sort answer is yes.
    For a detailed answer read the PDF attached to the Quote Loader release notes at

    Hope this helps.

  28. 116 Posted by trevor on 31 Dec, 2020 03:18 PM

    trevor's Avatar

    Just wanted to say thank you for all the work on this -- MD has been frustrating me lately with the issues with stock prices not updating consistently, Fidelity starting to fail, etc. Fixed the Fidelity issue with the help other users have graciously shared on the board and then found this about stock prices.

    Been a longtime user (since at least 2008?) of the app and contemplated switching over the stock prices -- but I think this fixes the issues I was having and I can keep using the program. Thank you much.

  29. 117 Posted by derekkent23 on 31 Dec, 2020 05:27 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    hi aeonlight

    Glad we were able to help.

    Have Fun, Stay Safe.

  30. 118 Posted by Tom on 01 Jan, 2021 01:11 PM

    Tom's Avatar

    I just installed this extension because MD stopped retrieving my Vanguard mutual fund quotes a few months ago. But, this extension is not retrieving anything, either. The progress bar stays at 0%. I don't know if there is something in my PC environment that is preventing it from calling out for the quotes. There's no error message -- just no results. Not sure how to investigate.

  31. 119 Posted by derekkent23 on 01 Jan, 2021 01:38 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Tom

    Can you post a screen shot of the Quote Loader windows as the one I have attached.
    From this I might be able to help.
    What version and build of Moneydance are you running, e.g. 2021(3032)?
    What build of Quote Loader are you running?
    What is your computer operating system?

  32. 120 Posted by Tom on 01 Jan, 2021 01:55 PM

    Tom's Avatar

    Well, guess what: all of a sudden it worked! It's odd because I had the extension installed, and no matter what settings I tried, it would not work. I removed the extension, restarted MD. I re-installed the extension, restarted MD. I set source to Yahoo, and when I clicked "Get new prices", it worked. So I think we're all good. I'll see what happens Tuesday when we have Monday prices to retrieve.

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