Investment Account with different currencies

Fred's Avatar


09 Dec, 2023 03:44 PM

I have an Investment Account (IRA-Individual Retirement Account)) set up in US$, and all Securities in this Portfolio are held in US$. Now my Fin Advisor wants to add some securities held in EUR to my IRA portfolio (I am living in Europe now). He converted part of the Cash in the account from US$ to EUR, in preparation of buying EUR denominated securities.
How do I cater to this in Moneydance ? Should I create a new Investment Account in EUR and transfer the purchased EUR cash from the US$ account to this EUR account and then record in here the securities traded in EUR ? Drawback of this approach is that my IRA holdings will now be split between two accounts and keeping track will become a constant exercise, for example when I download the qfx file for this IRA account from the Broker, there will be US$ and EUR securities in the same file, albeit with clearly identified currency - and I will have to go in and split this accordingly.
What is the best way to deal with this in MD ?

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