online banking setup
Under "online banking setup" I click on the "Click to select account" and get "no accounts of required type found". What does that mean and how can I import my investment account from Charles Schwab?
Thank you
Bill Platt
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Maddy on 22 Jan, 2025 02:49 PM
Hi Bill,
Thank you for contacting Moneydance support.
Currently, Moneydance supports automatic downloads using Direct Connect or Moneydance +.
As Charles Schwab no longer support Direct Connect, if you wish to obtain automatic downloads you could consider subscribing to Moneydance +.
Alternatively, without Direct Connect and Moneydance +, you are still able to easily import your data into the program using the OFX or QFX file format, if either of these are available from your bank's website. If not, you can use the QIF file format.Please find the steps for manually importing your data in this article.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have further questions or need any assistance.
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
2 Posted by Bill Platt on 22 Jan, 2025 03:20 PM
Hi Maddy,Ok. I am impressed with how quickly my emails/questions are responded to.
So, perhaps I was a bit hasty in cancelling the purchase that I had made.Before cancelling, I was having trouble loading my Schwab investment account and perhaps I should have reached out to you instead.Before I re-purchase Moneydance+ I want to make sure of two things. 1) Can I use automatic downloads from Schwab, Stifel, Merrill Lynch and Raymond James if I purchase Monedance+ ?2) I did get a download from Schwab to kind of work. It did automatically download data from my account but it had stocks in the Moneydance list that were NOT in my Schwab account and there was an entry for a stock without having a name. Both of these entries caused the total dollar amount for the account to be incorrect. Moneydance would not allow me to delete these entries. That is when I got frustrated and cancelled my purchase. Is the issue that I just listed something that has a remedy?
If so I will repurchase Monedance+ and try it again.Thank you though for your prompt reply!Bill Platt
PS Is Moneydance+ strictly purchased with an annual fee or is there a one-time purchase option?
On Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 09:50:08 AM EST, Maddy <[email blocked]> wrote:
Support Staff 3 Posted by Maddy on 22 Jan, 2025 03:59 PM
Please find my replies below:
1) Can I use automatic downloads from Schwab, Stifel, Merrill Lynch and Raymond James if I purchase Moneydance+ ?
Firstly because it is free, secondly because the downloads are immediate as these do not require the intervention of an aggregator as it happens with Moneydance +.
2) I did get a download from Schwab to kind of work.
It did automatically download data from my account but it had stocks in the Moneydance list that were NOT in my Schwab account and there was an entry for a stock without having a name.
Both of these entries caused the total dollar amount for the account to be incorrect. Moneydance would not allow me to delete these entries. That is when I got frustrated and cancelled my purchase. Is the issue that I just listed something that has a remedy?
The software will not allow you to remove a security that is in use.
In turn, you should highlight each investment Account listed in the Side Bar.
Then in the Security Detail tab click Remove Security and use the dropdown to select the security you want to delete. Then OK –> YES to delete the Security.
You must do this for each investment Account.
Generally, in Moneydance, each investment account has a sub-account for each security, structured like this:
Vanguard (investment account; currency=USD)
-> Apple (security account; currency=AAPL) -> Google (security account; currency=GOOG) -> Microsoft (security account; currency=MSFT)
Those accounts contain the number of shares of the securities that are traded in that account. In addition to the security accounts, there are security "currencies" which are basically just like any other currency - they have a current price and price histories, just like currencies have exchange rates. Currencies are stored in a separate list, which is accessible under the Tools->Securities menu. That list is independent of any specific account.
When you want to delete a security you need to be sure that there are no investment accounts that have sub accounts priced in that security.
To check, you can select Tools->Accounts.
This will show you a list of all the accounts in your file. Under you investment accounts you should see a security account for each type of security used by that investment account. You need to delete any security sub account that is prices in the abstract security you want to delete before you can delete the abstract security. Do this by selecting the security sub account you want to delete and click the delete button.
On the Edit -> Securities screen, edit the Security Name and Ticker Symbol fields and put the word 'delete' in both. Now go back to the account. The blank entry will now show delete me... You need to select the Register tab and filter for junk or deleteme. Now you will see the relevant transactions. You will need to delete these before you can delete the "unwanted" security.
Side note: The Toolbox is a very useful extension that you could use to "diagnose" your currencies and securities.
You can install it from within Moneydance via Extensions->Manage Extensions
Additionally, you could consider using an extension called Quote Loader. You can install it from within Moneydance by navigating to Extensions->Manage Extensions.
You can find more information about the extension on post 112 in this thread
To get an overview take a look at the YouTube video by using the link on page one of the PDF.
The latest build 321402 of Quote Loader is available within Moneydance, under Extensions –> Manage Extensions.
The system provides an end to end solution, obtaining quotes from a choice of two sources and entering them into the relevant History window, all from a single window within Moneydance. The system can obtain Security Prices, Exchange Rates, Market Indices, Cryptocurrency Rates and prices for Cryptocurrency Investments. The system provides quotes from many stock exchanges, US, Canada, UK, Europe and Australia to name but a few. The process of obtaining quotes from the selected source is fast and error free.
Download the attached PDF, follow the instructions on how to use Quote Loader.
The PDF also contains links to a Quick Start Video Guide, a Short Tutorial Video and a Full Tutorial Video, all on YouTube.
The second PDF covers the creation and importing of Cryptocurrencies and Market Indices into Moneydance.
Finally, it might be useful referring you to this thread containing the last updates from Mike Bray - the Quote Loader developer.
3) Is Moneydance+ strictly purchased with an annual fee or is there a one-time purchase option?
For more details please refer to this article of the Knowledge Base.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions or need more assistance.
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support