iPhone stop to sync with app

fabio.grasso's Avatar


24 Jun, 2023 03:42 PM

I'm using Dropbox for sync my desktop app with my iPhone. It seems that around 20 days ago the sync has stopped and I cannot find why.

This is what I see on Moneydance consoleç

Starting Moneydance 2023.1 (5006) at Sat Jun 24 17:39:38 CEST 2023
Settings Folder: /Users/xxx/Library/Containers/com.infinitekind.MoneydanceOSX/Data/Library/Application Support/Moneydance
OS: Mac OS X 13.4 x86_64
Architecture: intel64
Java: 18.0.1 (Eclipse Adoptium)
Is in sandbox: true; restricted file access: false
Library path: /Applications/Moneydance.app/Contents/MacOS:/Applications/Moneydance.app/Contents/PlugIns/vm.jdk/Contents/Home/lib:/Applications/Moneydance.app/Contents/MacOS:/Applications/Moneydance.app/Contents/PlugIns/vm.jdk/Contents/Home/Frameworks
initialized extension moneyforesight in 0.543 seconds
findandreplace (0): 06-24 17:39:39.331|Initialized build 1215 ok
initialized extension findandreplace in 0.07 seconds
initialized extension securityquoteload in 0.092 seconds
Quote Load>INFO:17:39:39-main(Quote Load,Init) Started Build 3058
Quote Load>INFO:17:39:39-main(Quote Load,Init) Locale it_IT
Font initialisation attempted from non-UI thread. Hopping over to dispatch thread...
Initializing fonts:
  default: [[SF Pro Display, SF Display, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Lucida Grande, Dialog]]
  printing: [[SF Pro Display, SF Display, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Lucida Grande, Dialog]]
  monospaced: [[Gill Sans, Menlo, Monaco, Monospaced]]
  coding: [[Hack, Monospaced]]
fonts resolved:
 default: SF Pro Display:13.0:style0
 mono: Gill Sans:13.0:style0
 coding: Hack:13.0:style0
 print: SF Pro Display:12.0:style0
 header: SF Pro Display:15.0:style0
 register: SF Pro Display:12.0:style0
 reportTitle: SF Pro Display:32.0:style0
 calendarTitle: SF Pro Display:12.0:style0
 reportHeader: SF Pro Display:11.0:style0
 detailTitle: SF Pro Display:15.0:style0
String loader: NoSuchField: online_reg_req
String loader: NoSuchField: choose_exp_qif_file_title
String loader: NoSuchField: delete_currency
String loader: NoSuchField: invst_dist_graph
String loader: NoSuchField: home_exchrates
Cannot load field '**' string resource. Reason: java.lang.NullPointerException
String loader: NoSuchField: txn_limit_msg
Cannot load field '3des_crypto_option' string resource. Reason: java.lang.NullPointerException
String loader: NoSuchField: reg_msg
String loader: NoSuchField: keep_old_txns
String loader: NoSuchField: show_curr_on_hp
String loader: NoSuchField: move_internal_storage_delete_str
String loader: NoSuchField: a_s_minutes
String loader: NoSuchField: move_internal_storage_message_short
detected system appearance: org.violetlib.vappearances.VAppearanceImpl@75437611
Setting look and feel class to org.violetlib.aqua.AquaLookAndFeel
Font initialisation attempted from non-UI thread. Hopping over to dispatch thread...
opening last file: /Users/xxx/Documents/Banca/Moneydance/Moneydance comune.moneydance
loading dataset: /Users/xxx/Documents/Banca/Moneydance/Moneydance comune.moneydance
loading with 128 bit encryption key
reading trunk data tiksync/trunk
trunk data loaded (1.383 seconds), checking for incremental updates
loading un-synced txn files...
loading synced txn files...
 reading txn file 1428454d-e653-4209-95cf-00af68052b0e.mdtxn
 reading txn file 3d96527e-8d01-47f6-ad59-e0f2d5bd871b.mdtxn
replacing root: null () with new root: Le Mie Finanze (5fe63107-3065-4c1d-803e-e473354501b1
error creating base folder '/.moneydancesync/7750e72e-ecf7-4327-953d-fe91b4817170' : com.dropbox.core.v2.files.CreateFolderErrorException: Exception in 2/files/create_folder_v2: {".tag":"path","path":{".tag":"conflict","conflict":"folder"}}
starting syncing via encryptedFS(DropboxAPI:/.moneydancesync/7750e72e-ecf7-4327-953d-fe91b4817170)
VAQUA: system appearance did change
VAQUA: applying updated theme: default
detected system appearance: org.violetlib.vappearances.VAppearanceImpl@75437611
Setting look and feel class to org.violetlib.aqua.AquaLookAndFeel
extension moneyforesight took a while (0.337 seconds) to respond to event md:file:opened
Java version: 1800001
Quote Load>INFO:17:39:49-main(Quote Load,HandleEventFileOpened) Debug level set to INFO
Quote Load>INFO:17:39:49-main(Quote Load,sendAuto) Check Auto without delay 
Quote Load>INFO:17:39:49-AWT-EventQueue-0(Quote Load,sendAuto) now 17:39:49.039021 next 2023-06-24T19:00
Update info received with successful signature verification
Version info retrieved; we are up to date!
Found 10106 files in folder: /.moneydancesync/7750e72e-ecf7-4327-953d-fe91b4817170/v3
adding local txn file to upload buffer: tiksync/out/20230624154006_741.txn
there are txns to buffer in the outgoing file (numbytes:6131)
uploading buffer file to syncFolder
uploading file v3/90d6ded5-efb3-4d49-bc40-dc3105a7877b.mdtxn to path /.moneydancesync/7750e72e-ecf7-4327-953d-fe91b4817170/v3/90d6ded5-efb3-4d49-bc40-dc3105a7877b.mdtxn
uploading file /var/folders/hr/fq44kkzs4lv30nmk2c10qh_40000gn/T/com.infinitekind.MoneydanceOSX/moneydance_db_sync13230001152844261921 to dropbox path v3/90d6ded5-efb3-4d49-bc40-dc3105a7877b.mdtxn
Writing file to dropbox API with debug mode=true
 ...uploaded file to dropbox path v3/90d6ded5-efb3-4d49-bc40-dc3105a7877b.mdtxn with length 6144

On the iPhone I receive no error, and I can see the message "Last sync -current date-" few seconds after opening it.

So it seems that some transaction were recognized but not updated.
In this moment I have more transaction on my phone, as I use it more ofter. How I can fix and import the missing transaction on the desktop app?

  1. 1 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 24 Jun, 2023 04:09 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    Hmm… it’s not clear what’s not working.

    1. Are you using same drop box account on both?

    2. Look inside Dropbox folder on both desktop and iPhone. Look inside the hidden .moneydancesync folder. Then inside that you will see a folder with a looooong number name. Look inside that. Do you see this folder updating when you change txns on both?

    3. 10106 Files isn’t helping. I would try these things.

    • change to Dropbox folders from Dropbox connection.

    • toolbox extension. Update mode. Advanced. Force push/refresh sync.

    • reboot both. Test again.

  2. 2 Posted by fabio.grasso on 30 Jun, 2023 05:43 PM

    fabio.grasso's Avatar

    Hello Stuart:
    1. yes, I'm using the same Dropbox account. Unfortunately iCloud is not an option for me: I share Moneydance with my wife and we have different iCloud accounts. So Dropbox is the only way for sync in my case

    1. yes, the folder is updating

    2. tried, but it doesn't solved

    I tried also to: disable sync on both, delete the folder on Dropbox, uninstall&reinstall the app on my iPhone, then re-enabled sync on PC and iPhone. It worked for a couple of days and then stopped again.

    Any suggestion? It's very annoying for me to not be able to sync with my mobile.


  3. 3 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 30 Jun, 2023 06:12 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    What about the actions in point 3?

  4. 4 Posted by fabio.grasso on 01 Jul, 2023 07:42 AM

    fabio.grasso's Avatar

    I started from scratch by deleting the dropbox folder. What I should do more?

    Then, I don't have the Dropbox client installed on my Mac (and I don't want install it), so Dropbox Folder is not an option for me

  5. System closed this discussion on 12 Oct, 2023 07:52 PM.

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