Moneydance is constantly syncing
I run 2019 on an iMac. In File I can only see "Syncing in Progress" (well in French but anyway...). I have tried to delete the Dropbox .moneydancesync folder but every time I quit Moneydance it recreates another one. My problem is that our phones don't synch anymore. I tried to diable the syncing from the phones but I cannot synch back...
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1 Posted by dwg on 24 Jul, 2024 12:09 AM
I expect that Moneydance has become very confused and the software has no idea where it is up to.
I think the best approach would be to disable syncing everywhere and just initially take the system back to a single standalone device - the desktop. Then delete all the syncing files in Dropbox so you have a fresh slate, then set syncing up from scratch.