Problems setting up online banking

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18 Dec, 2024 10:22 AM

This comment was split from the discussion: Problems setting up online banking

Is it possible to fix this or should I try a different downlaod method?

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Maddy on 18 Dec, 2024 10:25 AM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Hi Leslee,
    After checking your error logs, I can confirm that there are no errors relating to the OFX service. Can you please describe more in detail what it seems to be an issue with your investment accounts, please?

    Thank you

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  2. 2 Posted by Les Lee on 19 Dec, 2024 04:54 AM

    Les Lee's Avatar

    In the beginning I tried calling a couple of the companies but didn't
    seem to get anywhere. No one seemed to think that my account needed to
    be marked in some way for Direct Connect. So I sent messages with the
    EXACT wording suggested to a couple of the companies. The replies
    implied that they could not do it through email... that I needed to
    contact them directly. So I tried calling again. Basically the same
    response... nothing special for Direct Connect.

    The company that I think is the main problem is T Rowe Price. I won't
    know for sure about Janus and Vanguard until the end of the month.

    Fidelity asked to match all my stocks and seems to be downloading
    correctly so far.

    I have two IRA funds at Janus but the download only asked to match 1 and
    that is the only one that downloads. The download never asked to match
    the second one. The second fund will not have any transactions until the
    end of the month so I am hoping it will ask to match that fund then?

    I have multiple Roth, IRA and TOD funds at TRP which I am in the process
    of consolidating (many transactions monthly). On the initial Moneydance
    download it only asked to match 1 Roth fund (I was in the Moneydance TOD
    account when I tried to download if that makes a difference). When it
    downloaded transactions it downloaded the SELL side of the Roth fund
    that it matched but added that SELL transaction AND THE SECURITY to the
    other 2 Moneydance accounts even though they didn't contain that fund.
    It did NOT download the BUY side of the transaction to any account. The
    Roth account shares are okay for the SELL transaction but the other two
    accounts have *-289.855* shares.

    I have 2 Vanguard Moneydance accounts (IRA and TOD). Vanguard asked to
    match all 3 funds when I was in the Moneydance TOD account but it only
    contains 1 of 3 funds that it asked to match. The other two are in the
    Moneydance IRA account. Every time I try to download from Vanguard it
    asks for the starting date but I guess that is because it hasn't
    downloaded anything yet. I won't know until the end of the month if it
    puts the right transactions in the right accounts. It did NOT add
    securities to the wrong accounts (like TRP) so I am assuming it will be
    okay when it does download.

    I will attempt to call TRP (and maybe Janus) tomorrow to see if I can
    talk to someone that is knowledgeable about Direct Connect.

    Thanks. I hope that is not too confusing.

  3. 3 Posted by Leslee on 19 Dec, 2024 03:05 PM

    Leslee's Avatar

    I found this link "Quicken Download: User's FAQ" for T Rowe Price. It is specific to Quicken and I don't see how it can apply to Moneydance. I'll try playing around with it but....Any suggestions? Thanks.

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Maddy on 19 Dec, 2024 03:55 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Generally, the steps to set up Direct Connect are outlined in this article of the Knowledge Base.

    Many financial institutions will require you to enable your accounts for application-based online banking. You can accomplish this by asking your bank to set up your account for direct connections from Quicken. Moneydance uses exactly the same OFX server connection protocol as Quicken but your bank representative may not know this and mistakenly believe that you can not connect in Moneydance.

    Calling up your bank and stating precisely the following should get you started:

    "Please enable direct connect on my account such that I can connect to your servers directly with Quicken. Also give me the login credentials I need to connect Quicken to this service."

    Application-based online banking often requires a different login/PIN than the ones that are used for ATM or web-based banking. When you enable your account for access from Moneydance or Quicken, your financial institution should let you know what customer ID/login and PIN to use. 

    Lastly, for further information about Investment Accounts, please refer to this section of the Knowledge Base.

    Please let me know if I can be of further assistance, and thanks for your interest in Moneydance!

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  5. 5 Posted by Leslee on 19 Dec, 2024 04:58 PM

    Leslee's Avatar

    TRP has a different account number for each fund so I have the equivalent of 25 TRP accounts. I tried a couple of things in online banking to get TRP working. I finally went into the Match Online Accounts and matched all the TRP accounts to the correct Moneydance security.

    When I try to download, it lists all the TRP securities contained in the 1 Moneydance TRP account as individual downloadable accounts. I selected the first account number and it downloaded transactions for that security but nothing else. I tried additional downloads for several more securities but it shows zero transactions and nothing is downloaded. Is there any way to get TRP to download the remaining securities without having to create a unique Moneydance account for each security?

    One good thing is that it did not download the new transaction into the other 2 Moneydance TRP accounts and add the security to them like it did the first time.

  6. 6 Posted by Leslee on 19 Dec, 2024 07:04 PM

    Leslee's Avatar

    I added the Text Import extension but it appears to only be for banking. TRP was not available for selection.

    I tried the CSV Importer extension. There was nothing in the drop down box for File Reader. Among other things it says: Format not recognized / date format not recognized / unsupported CSV file format.

  7. Support Staff 7 Posted by Maddy on 20 Dec, 2024 10:21 AM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Moneydance does not support importing CSV files into Investment accounts.

    If there is enough data and it meets the requirements like compatible action names, which is a rarity for CSV files, then you can use a converter, often a plug in for a spreadsheet program to convert the file into a QIF file which can be imported.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  8. 8 Posted by derekkent23 on 20 Dec, 2024 02:22 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Leslee

    See if this Extension from Mike Bray fits your needs.

    Hope this helps.

  9. 9 Posted by Leslee on 20 Dec, 2024 09:09 PM

    Leslee's Avatar

    Thanks Maddy & derekkent23. I went ahead and manually added the TRP December transactions so far so I can take my time to try to find a solution. Since I'm not sure what part of the Direct Connect download is requiring an account-to-account match it may be that there just is no solution for me with TRP investments. I definitely don't want 25 individual TRP accounts in Moneydance!

  10. 10 Posted by Leslee on 20 Dec, 2024 09:20 PM

    Leslee's Avatar

    Hi, derekkent23. I looked briefly at the introduction. I will definitely need a test Moneydance file to play around with this but hopefully I can get it working without too much effort. Thanks!

  11. 11 Posted by Leslee on 24 Dec, 2024 04:34 AM

    Leslee's Avatar

    Hi, derekkent23. Thanks again for suggesting this extension! I looked at it and think it could work but it would not be a clean download and import without some fiddling. The problem is that I have some of the same funds in the different TRP accounts and the extension does not match account names.

    I could make 3 CSV files (one for each of my TRP Moneydance accounts) and delete the transactions that don't apply to the account I'm downloading. The other option would be to run the single CSV file on each TRP Moneydance account and then delete the transactions that are applied to the incorrect accounts. Not sure which option is better. May try them both but leaning toward the first option.

    I will have to play with it to see if it will work for me or if it is just easier to manually add the transactions to Moneydance.

  12. 12 Posted by Leslee on 24 Dec, 2024 05:07 AM

    Leslee's Avatar

    My mistake. It does specify which account but I am going with 3 files since I was able to download transactions individually for each account.

  13. 13 Posted by Leslee on 25 Dec, 2024 10:44 AM

    Leslee's Avatar

    @ derekkent23
    After trying to set up the CSV Import extension for TRP in Moneydance I have decided to just do the transactions manually. I think Direct Connect would work for TRP if it didn't have multiple account numbers for 1 type of investment. Since I could not figure out how to get the LOAD to generate transactions or even to be able to change transactions, I am sticking with adding TRP transactions manually... for now.

    I really don't understand how TRP can be officially supported for Direct Connect in Moneydance with its current 1 fund / 1 account number setup. I did disable Direct Connect for TRP but I am wondering if I screwed up stuff in the background by manually matching TRP account numbers to TRP securities. Should I go back and delete them if that is even possible?

    Thanks to both of you!

  14. 14 Posted by avp2 on 26 Dec, 2024 08:04 PM

    avp2's Avatar

    I hope I do not confuse the situation, but it seems you may just need more experience with (MD) OFX operation to get things going right. Remember, however, that: each MD account number equals an account that may, or may not, have more than one "fund" (of securities). And, the same "fund" could be in more than one account or institution. MD keeps an index of all the "funds" and individual securities for which there are transactions in MD and they are shown in any account which has transactions for them. Downloaded account transactions show in the account as they happen in the account. Buys and Sells do not usually happen at the same time, usually showing as decrease and increase changes in the cash/balance of the account, i.e. an account Sell to Buy will show as a balance increase, followed by Buy with balance decrease which may show up over different downloads. If the Sell and Buy are between accounts the delay may be days apart. If there is only one "fund" in an account, there is no reason it should not OFX, but you should try to combine "funds" of different accounts in one account. If you have multiple "funds" at an institution that allows only one per account, you just have to put up multiple accounts for them and, unfortunately, MD does not allow "child" Investment accounts so you can not have a Parent subtotal per institution (or other grouping) as you can for Bank accounts.

  15. 15 Posted by Leslee on 27 Dec, 2024 04:46 AM

    Leslee's Avatar

    Thanks, avp2. Do you see any way I can use OFX with this scenario?

    PRSIX security is in all 3 Moneydance TRP accounts (Roth-12 securities total, IRA-7 securities total, TOD-6 securities total).. Each of the 3 PRSIX securities in TRP has a unique account number. The issue I seem to be having with OFX is only one security will download into all 3 accounts. So if PRSIX happened to be the security that downloads, it would work. But the other 22 securities do not download. Do you have any ideas for getting this to work other than setting up a separate Moneydance account for each TRP security?

  16. 16 Posted by avp2 on 28 Dec, 2024 06:24 PM

    avp2's Avatar

    The only thing I can think of that would keep your other (besides PRSIX) transactions from downloading in an account is they have occurred too long ago to be included in the time period requested by MD or they are not actually in the account being downloaded. On download, MD asks for all transactions after a specific "sync" date. I don't know what the sync date is on the very first download, but there is probably a limit as to how far back (early) it can be. After the initial download, the sync date is that of the most previous downloaded transaction for the account. Resetting the online sync date (in the "online>setup online banking" menu) will allow you to get (some) previous transactions again, but I do not know for how far back.

    If any of the PRSIX securities are actually in their own accounts, they (as well as the ROTH, IRA and TOD accounts) would have to be setup in MD as separate accounts. And, if you used the PRSIX numbers for the Roth, IRA and TOD accounts, it would account for the missing transactions.

  17. 17 Posted by Leslee on 28 Dec, 2024 10:35 PM

    Leslee's Avatar

    I am totally confused. Sorry. It's been a while since I tried downloading TRP so I just tried again.

    I matched all my TRP accounts manually a while ago because of the issues I was having trying to Direct Connect. Before I tried to download just now I checked to be sure all TRP accounts were matched. There were 2 that weren't so I matched them but MD seemed to disconnect Roth TIIPX if I then did a REFRESH. So I manually matched it again and did not do another refresh.

    I had my MD TRP Roth account open. When I went into ONLINE and selected DOWNLOAD TRP ROTH ACCOUNT it listed a download line for each individual (Roth?) TRP account. There were also 2 additional options at the bottom. I think one was to open TRP online (?) and I forget what the other option was. So I opted out of that and tried the DOWNLOAD ALL ACCOUNTS option. I cancelled the downloads for all but the three MD TRP accounts. Maybe doing all 3 TRP accounts when I had MD TRP ROTH open was part of my problem?

    Anyway, what I got was:

    When I originally tried to download TRP I selected Dec 1, 2024 as the start date. The VERY FIRST transaction after Dec 1 was a SELL of ROTH TIIPX. It apparently matched successfully to the SELL I added manually and did not do anything in the MD Roth account.

    However, it added TIIPX security and the Roth SELL transaction to my MD IRA and MD TOD accounts so I have -289.855 shares of TIIPX in both the IRA & TOD accounts.
    I have 9 pages of online TRP transactions for Dec 2024 and that was the ONLY transaction it processed. Before I manually added all my transactions for December it did the same thing... but it also correctly added the transaction to TRP Roth because it was not there. All other December transactions were never applied.

  18. 18 Posted by avp2 on 29 Dec, 2024 04:20 PM

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    I think you should try to get one investment account working right first then work on the other two, i.e. disable two of your account in the Online menu>setup online banking function - you have to have the account selected in MD to un-gray the function.

    Go to tools and select the un-disabled for download account. In the "accounts" window, check that the account the account number matches your account statement/info. Go back to the "online>setup online banking" function and click on reset sync date for the un-disabled account. Under MD "Preferences>Network", uncheck (if checked) "auto download in background", "auto merge downloaded transactions", "mark transactions as cleared when confirmed" and "Ignore transaction type if amount matches". Check "use bank dates". This makes merging pretty manual. You can select these functions as you want once you get the account downloading. Do a download from either the account's register window or online menu. You should get all the transactions from the start date as duplicates of the ones you have entered manually. Match/merge all but the most recent one, or two. Do another download without resetting the sync date. You should not get any duplicates and likely not any new transactions. You should have the transactions you did not merge and can merge them. If it works, you can then repeat for the other two accounts - one at a time. If it doesn't, I don't know what is going on with your setup. Maybe some one else here can figure it out. You could also repeat this process for each of the other two accounts individually to see if they all act the same.

  19. 19 Posted by Leslee on 30 Dec, 2024 03:27 PM

    Leslee's Avatar

    Wait. I have to have a TRP account number in MD to get the Direct Connect to work? If I try to do this for my TRP Roth account I have 14 account numbers. Which one do I use? Do I have to download 14 times with each of the different account numbers?

    I checked Preferences>Network and none of those items were checked.

    Okay. I tried this. I did everything you said and set TRP to the account number for PRCOX since I was missing a transaction for it. I downloaded from the register using 12/1/2024 date. Zero. So I resynced again and didn't specify a date. It downloaded 14 transactions but it was for TRBUX not PRCOX.. Before it was downloading TIIPX transactions. I assume it selected TRBUX this time because it was the first new transaction? I tried downloading again and it selected 0 of 14 transactions without resyncing.

    So I tried my own theory. I created a TRP account for TIIPX and downloaded all transactions. Shares are correct. So I created another TRP account for PRWAX and all shares are correct. So to get back to my original theory I would need to have 25 MD TRP accounts to be able to download all the transactions correctly. I don't see any other way of downloading TRP correctly.

  20. 20 Posted by avp2 on 30 Dec, 2024 07:19 PM

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    I have never had a TRP (I assume TRowePrice) account/s. I have been doing OFX since the early 90’s (MD since 2008), using over a dozen different institutions, and the institutional norm is to have an account number for each type of account (Savings, Roth, IRA, 403B, Checking, etc.) you have at the institution. You then set up MD to have matching accounts for each. If TRP is different and has an account number for each security, you would indeed have to have a MD account set up for each. Seems kind of crazy to me TRP would do this, but I think setting up one account number at a time and proceeding to the next after getting consistent downloads is the way to go.

  21. 21 Posted by Leslee on 01 Jan, 2025 02:48 AM

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    Yes, it's T Rowe Price. I have had other securities that have different account numbers for each security. Janus Henderson is kind of the same way. They use the same account number for each security but have a fund number prefix on them so I would need to have multiple accounts for those also. And if I am not mistaken there were other securities that do the same. I think Vanguard at one time had unique account numbers for each security. Oh, well. I will continue to do updates manually for TRP until I get really tired of it. The only one I know for sure that works correctly is Fidelity.

  22. 22 Posted by dtd on 01 Jan, 2025 03:21 AM

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    The only time I've run into something like this was with a business credit card with multiple users - each user had their own card number, and downloading the information would be by each account number.

    So, basically the same issue, just with users versus securities. Turns out I found a solution in that there was a "master cc number" (wasn't even my card number) that was a master over all the others (ie. if you downloaded that, all accounts would download to it. Had to figure out the master number by looking at the list of numbers (as even a phone call would not yield that number from support)

    Not saying you have something like this, just providing more info.

  23. 23 Posted by avp2 on 01 Jan, 2025 04:13 PM

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    I have had at least a half dozen different investment/brokerage firms over the years and have not seen one without an account (type) number, including Vanguard which I have had since 2016.

    This really would be one situation where the ability to group MD Investment accounts, and subtotal them like Bank accounts can be, via a parent account would be handy. I have suggested it a few times, but MD has been uninterested in doing it so far - sort of like the Investment transaction “merge” function may users have asked for. I guess Sean has his reasons.

  24. 24 Posted by Leslee on 01 Jan, 2025 07:15 PM

    Leslee's Avatar

    Thanks to both of you!

    Interesting about the master account number. I will definitely check into that with TRP.

    I was unsure if this was a Direct Connect issue or if it was a Moneydance issue. Sounds like Moneydance is the culprit. Too bad MD won't do anything about it. It would sure make my life a lot easier. Oh, well.

  25. 25 Posted by dtd on 01 Jan, 2025 08:18 PM

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    I'm sorry, but how did you conclude that Moneydance was issue/culprit?

    All avp2 suggested was, given your direct connect issue with securities, which neither of us have ever seen before (we both are long time Vanguard users, given your assertion that Vanguard used to do what you see) - is that an enhancement to MD might help you, but that MD hasn't seen such a need. So it isn't a moneydance issue, avp2 was conjecturing how a new feature in moneydance might help your TRP issues.

    Calling MD the culprit here is a bit out of line just because they haven't felt a need to handle your specific (and to me, unique, as I've never heard it mentioned here before) issue. It's sort of like blaming Moneydance when banks drop direct connect and users say to MD "why don't you fix those bank downloads which we can't get anymore?"

  26. 26 Posted by Leslee on 03 Jan, 2025 01:27 AM

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    My apologies. I apparently misunderstood what avp2 said about MD grouping accounts. I do not know what happens behind the scenes so am only guessing about what actually takes place. As far as Vanguard goes, I was not sure about different account numbers. I know I have had other accounts that do have multiple account numbers for each security so I was mistaken that Vanguard was one of them. Again I am terribly sorry for implying that Moneydance was the problem.

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