Transactions not Downloading from Charles Schwab
Transactions from Charles Schwab not downloading at all. VPN is off when attempting to download. Please advise. Thanks!
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1 Posted by dtd on 11 Oct, 2021 04:51 PM
just a user
Schwab stopped sending ofx information to the proxy server set up by Sean (MD) late last year.
You can find numerous discussions on this subject in the forums.
2 Posted by Christian S on 11 Oct, 2021 11:24 PM
I am having the same issue. The problem just started a few days ago.
Similar problem occurred about a year ago, but there was a solution to that, but that solution does not seem to work this time.
3 Posted by dtd on 12 Oct, 2021 12:07 AM
The problem began on October 1.
The solution last year was the proxy server set up by Sean (MD).
Schwab shut it down, and it will likely not be reinstated.
There is more detail provided in many other threads.
4 Posted by Jeffrey Morriso... on 12 Oct, 2021 10:28 PM
So if all my my accounts are at Schwab, there will be no more ability to download transactions automatically, correct?
5 Posted by dtd on 12 Oct, 2021 10:51 PM
You'd have to use Moneydance+ in the 2022 release, and pay for a $2/month subscription as MD had to use Plaid as an aggregator (the $2/month goes to MD to pay Plaid for the service) based on Schwab (and others) not wanting to bother with the little guys.
At this point, Schwab investment accounts are not yet activated, so all you'd get right now is access to Schwab checking and such. Hopefully the investment accounts will be activated soon - that's what I really depend upon.
But to your original question - there will be no more ability to download transactions the way they were downloaded before... but MD is working to make MD+ the new solution, but not yet quite ready with investment accounts.
6 Posted by Christian Skiel... on 12 Oct, 2021 11:10 PM
That's what it looks like if Schwab does not reinstate the proxy server.
7 Posted by dtd on 12 Oct, 2021 11:11 PM
Yep, but bet on non-reinstation. Sadly.
8 Posted by dtd on 12 Oct, 2021 11:16 PM
Note - you do NOT need to pay $2/month to use MD 2022, but you do need to pay if you want the MD+ service.
On Sep 30, I did not plan to use MD+, but with Schwab and USAA cutting off OFX access in the last 12 days, I will probably have to (reluctantly) move to the new service.
9 Posted by David Greene on 13 Oct, 2021 12:46 AM
When will MD+ be available? I saw a tweet from Moneydance today regarding the 2022 version but nothing mentioned about MD+.
10 Posted by dtd on 13 Oct, 2021 12:59 AM
MD+ is now available, and 4054 was released as stable, but we have a 4055 a day later, so it's still a work in progress. You can check out the most recent blog about the new release.
That said, there are many missing pieces - investment accounts, and some non-US pieces. For me, investment accounts is essential.
Still, you can upgrade to 2022 (some will get it free, some will have to pay for a half-price upgrade) and check it out.
Actually, you can download it and use it for free (the trial period 100 manual entries bit) and back away if you don't like it.
11 Posted by David Greene on 13 Oct, 2021 01:28 AM
Thank you. I will wait for the investment account feature before
updating. Until then, I am okay as I have learned some shortcuts like
just posting dividends in total (not by security) and using CSV files
from Schwab. I have learned that maybe I don't need too much
12 Posted by davet65 on 19 Oct, 2021 06:13 PM
All of the threads regarding the transaction download issue seem to be silent since Oct 12. Is there an issue? Or something causing that?
13 Posted by dwg on 19 Oct, 2021 08:06 PM
Schwab were asked to temporarily turn the interim service back on so that the work can be completed on Moneydance 2022 and Moneydance+ but they have not.
So Moneydance+ will be the solution for automated downloads from Schwab moving forward. The latest information I have seen is that getting MD+ activated for Investment Accounts is a work in progress.
14 Posted by Christian Skiel... on 24 Oct, 2021 06:22 PM
Any progress on this issue?
15 Posted by davet65 on 24 Oct, 2021 11:12 PM
If I accept the fact that I still have to wait for investment accounts at Schwab to work via Moneydance +, is it now "safe" to download and install 2022.1 build 4058? Or should I just wait for the stable release? I don't have time right now to be on the debug team, but do like some of the features in 2022 - and I get a free upgrade.
16 Posted by dtd on 24 Oct, 2021 11:21 PM
just a user - I'm testing 4058 (4054 was released as stable, but well there are 4 more releases).
My live data is still on 2021(3069).
Many of the preview releases have basically been bug fixes, but even though 4054 was released as stable, especially if you are using OFX or MD+, I'd consider it more beta.
Most of the rest of the features work fine, but online banking in the 2022 version is still shifting, and the other big change - icloud sync support, still works for only computers not ios devices.
So, my bottom line? *I* am waiting given my live data, but I guess I am on the unofficial debug team, and am debugging. I'd suggest waiting - but I'd guess it will not be that much longer (a couple weeks? guessing) till I move my live data.
That said - I extremely desire Schwab investment accounts in MD+, but that may be a bit longer as MD has to depend on Plaid/Schwab/etc. to make that start working. Another guess? that maybe by Thanksgiving.
Hope that helps, as there is a lot of conjecture in this message.
17 Posted by dtd on 24 Oct, 2021 11:29 PM
otoh - if you want the fix for the date field entries, well - yes, there are fixes like that ready to go. it's all a tradeoff and a personal decision. The 2022.1 version has a lot of nice fixes - it's the major changes that are still falling into a "stable place".
18 Posted by dtd on 24 Oct, 2021 11:34 PM
So, final statement - it is probably "safe" to install 2022.1, just recognize not everything is working perfectly yet.
19 Posted by Christian Skiel... on 03 Nov, 2021 07:02 PM
So When does MoneyDance expect that downloading from investment accounts at Schwab will work again.
And what are the instructions for doing so?
20 Posted by Christian Skiel... on 05 Nov, 2021 07:30 PM
Hello again Moneydance support,
So When does MoneyDance expect that downloading from investment accounts at Schwab will work again.
And what are the instructions for doing so?
21 Posted by David Greene on 11 Nov, 2021 11:06 PM
I apologize. I have been posting and reconciling my Charles Schwab
transactions manually using import features and then cleaning it up. Is
there a Moneydance version now that has all the bugs with Charles Schwab
worked out (I know it is Schwab's fault, not Moneydance, but I have better
things to do with my time than this)? If there is a version out that works
with Schwab, what is it? Will gladly pay a premium for that, otherwise,
the most logical time to convert to Darth Vader (Intuit) is probably
January 1. Good news appreciated.
Support Staff 22 Posted by Maddy on 12 Nov, 2021 12:09 PM
Hi All,
At this time, Moneydance+ does not support investment accounts. We are working with Plaid (the third-party aggregator that our Moneydance+ service uses) to enable this, but we can't speculate on when that will be released.
Unfortunately, Schwab OFX (Direct Connect) downloads are no longer available. Schwab has disconnected this service without a replacement. We are working to restore a connection through Moneydance+ which was recommended by Schwab as the only way forward due to security concerns on their side. Using Moneydance+ in Moneydance 2022 you can download banking transactions from Schwab accounts, but investment accounts are not yet accessible.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions or need more assistance.
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
23 Posted by David Greene on 12 Nov, 2021 12:45 PM
Yes it is!!! The banking transactions are my main issue. So the new
Moneydance 2022+ takes care of the bank? Excellent. Note: on investment
account, I can just do that manually for awhile (ie. add up similar
transactions and post in total, like dividends, interest, etc without tying
to a particular security/fund).
Thanks again. . Assume it is just an upgrade from what I have, which is
version 2021.1 (3069)?
Support Staff 24 Posted by Maddy on 12 Nov, 2021 01:00 PM
According to our records you are entitled to a free upgrade to Moneydance 2022.2 (4060). This version is required to be able to use the add on feature - Moneydance +.
In order to subscribe to Moneydance +, please follow the steps outlined here. The cost would be $2 monthly following a free trial period of 14 days.
You may want to refer to our blog for further information.
Please keep us posted on your progress, Thank you!
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
25 Posted by David Greene on 12 Nov, 2021 04:25 PM
I have this setup but how do I execute the download of transactions from
Schwab. The online does nothing and I cannot figure out how to use plaid
or whatever its called. Where are the instructions?
Support Staff 26 Posted by Maddy on 12 Nov, 2021 04:42 PM
So, you'll need to force clear the current connection information for your bank in Moneydance to remove the OFX method and move to Moneydance +. This will allow your transactions to download as expected.. I'm sending a file called 'remove_one_service.py_' that will help do that.
Before proceeding, take a manual backup via File --> Export Backup.
To use the .py file, first save it to your computer and then follow these steps:
5.Finally, navigate to Online menu->Moneydance+ Set up and recreate the connection as outlined here.
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
27 Posted by David Greene on 12 Nov, 2021 05:26 PM
This worked beautifully. What threw me was that the 'none' was not
highlighted, I did not know to click on it. What I love about this
approach, is that you can elect NOT to connect or to connect any account.
Nice job!! Just let us know when investment accounts work, but right now,
having it working on bank will save me a lot ot time!!!
Thanks again!!
28 Posted by davet65 on 12 Nov, 2021 09:11 PM
I'm in a situation similar to David Greene, but am now more confused on how to set up the new download method.
I upgrade to MD .4060.
It will show existing accounts that still download, as well as Schwab accounts for which I already Disabled online downloads. Should I Disable all existing online download accounts now? Do I have to "Force Clear" using the .py method, or merely "Disable" the account before setting up Moneydance+ ? Do I have to Quit and Reopen MD?
How will I know that those existing online download accounts will be supported by Moneydance+ / Plaid?
If they are not, can I go back to the old method and it will still work as a separate download?
I'm hoping that some credit card accounts that currently require downloading a file from the web site will now work.
Is there a Step-by-Step Help File for this process?
Thanks in advance, Maddy/MD Support
29 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 12 Nov, 2021 10:40 PM
You don’t need the py script. You can use toolbox extension. Menu online banking tools if needed.
You can mix and match OFX DC and md+ connections as long as you only have one per account. Use disable on accounts where you want to switch to md+
Yes. You can disable md+ and go back to ofx DC later if you wish.
30 Posted by dtd on 12 Nov, 2021 10:49 PM
I haven't personally set up MD+ for myself yet (waiting for Schwab investment accounts to work), but this is what I've gleaned from the forums and the knowledgebase bits. I could be wrong on some of these answers given that.
OFX and MD+ connections can be mix and match. But each account must use only one. If you do set up both, OFX is used, and MD+ is ignored. You will need to disable the OFX setup if you want MD+ to be used. (In certain cases, you may need to use Stuart's toolbox which has the "remove one service" bit built in.)
I would not disable all OFX accounts, as there is no need to move everything to MD+, In fact, if the OFX download is working well, I see no real reason to move it. I saw one case where a person moved their working OFX download to MD+, and it wouldn't connect with MD+.
I don't know if you need to quit/restart MD, but it's not a bad idea.
You can go back and forth, but again, I'd leave the working OFX alone, and only move what you need.