MD loads QFX Transaction into the wrong Account

robjayd's Avatar


07 Jan, 2025 03:51 PM

I bank at Chase Bank. I used to be a First Republic customer; after they failed my account is now at Chase. My bank routing number and account number stayed the same. I have to download a QFX file from Chase to import my transactions into MD. Everything was working fine until recently. Previously when I clicked on the downloaded each QFX file, all new transactions were properly imported into the Chase account. Background info: At Chase, when you download info, you are asked the File type you want to import. I mistakenly selected an Excel CSV file. I then tried to download a QFX file. I had problems but eventually it appeared that the download to work - although it seemed that hundreds of transactions were downloaded into First Republic account. I just downloaded a file today. All transactions were imported into the First Republic account; none into the Chase account. Also, all transactions were classified as category ATM. I need to get these transactions downloaded into Chase; not First Republic. How can I do that.

FYI - I spoke to Chase after I mistakenly downloaded using CSV format. They may have reset something on their end; I'm not sure. They were worse than useless to speak to.

Thank you, Robert

PS: I also upgraded to the newest version of MD on Jan 3, 2025. So two things have happened since I last successfully imported transactions into my MD Chase account:
1. I downloaded a .CSV file by mistake
2. I upgraded MD to the newest version.

Around Dec 31, 2024 I downloaded

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Maddy on 07 Jan, 2025 03:58 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Hi Robert,
    We are sorry to hear about the problem you have encountered.

    You can navigate to Online->Match Online Accounts.
    This feature is for the remembered account number links for manually imported files.

    If the problem persists, you should navigate to Extensions->Manage Extensions and install the Toolbox.
    - Launch Toolbox and select 'Update Mode'

    • Navigate to Menu: Online Banking (OFX) Tools

    In the resulting window, under Update Functions you should select Forget OFX Banking File Import Link (

    Finally, click "Proceed" to select the account you need.
    Restart Moneydance.

    Please keep us posted on your progress, Thank you!

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  2. 2 Posted by robjayd on 07 Jan, 2025 04:01 PM

    robjayd's Avatar

    After reading the article you sent I selected selected File ... Import. I tried to import the QFX file I had just downloaded. (I had previously clicked on this same file and it had automatically imported it (by mistake) into First Republic account Remember that First Republic and Chase now have the Routing and Account numbers).

    When I tried to import it, it seemed that nothing happened.

  3. 3 Posted by robjayd on 07 Jan, 2025 04:06 PM

    robjayd's Avatar

    The comment above was submitted before your response. After reading your response, I selected Matching Online accounts. The Chase Checking account is not one of the options. First Republic is an option. So is another checking account. I will now do the Extensions -> Manage Extensions step. I'll update this later after I do what you suggested.

    Thank You

  4. 4 Posted by robjayd on 07 Jan, 2025 04:15 PM

    robjayd's Avatar

    I just installed Toolbox. 2 questions:
    1. How do I launch toolbox? What do I clicks on?
    2. Once I launch it, you say that I should select
      Forget OFX Banking File Import Link (

    I have downloaded QFX files. I guess that selecting OFX files will also forget QFX files?

  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by Maddy on 07 Jan, 2025 04:50 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    To launch the Toolbox, you should navigate to Extensions->Toolbox.

    Then you should select Update Mode' and follow the onscreen instruction.

    Using this fix, will prevent your data from being imported to the 'wrong' account.

    Side note: Does the local Chase Checking account exist?
    In other words, is Chase Checking account listed in the left side bar?

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  6. 6 Posted by robjayd on 07 Jan, 2025 07:13 PM

    robjayd's Avatar

    When I launch toolbox I get an Alert Message with LOTS of stuff. But ...
    I went back to your first step - Online Match Accounts. I edited the checking account number that is now Chase (it used to be First Republic). It looks like MD changed the association from Chase BACK to First Republic. I then clicked on the latest QFX file again. The transactions were imported into Chase Account. YAY! But the balances are not right; I don't think this is an MD problem. It looks to me that I have to go back to the beginning of the Chase account to make sure what's in MD corresponds to what actually happened in Chase. This may take me a couple of days.

    No need for you to do anything further with this. FYI - something seems to be messed up - the account balances are not correct. I'll need to try to figure out what happened; I don't think this is an MD issue.
    Thanks for all your help, Bob

  7. 7 Posted by robjayd on 07 Jan, 2025 07:25 PM

    robjayd's Avatar

    Per prior message - the balance was incorrect. I went thru the complete Chase Account from the beginning (May 25, 2024) and found following:
    - from May 25 thru July 5, 15 extra transactions were in Chase. I created 15 'offset' transactions. If there was a debit, I created (and reconciled) an offsetting credit.
    - for next several months, everything was ok
    - starting in mid-December continuing thru Jan 3, 6 actual transactions were not in Chase. I created them and indicated in description that I had created it. All of these transactions were in First Republic account.

    Hopefully things will be ok going forward. In Match Online Accounts, Chase is now listed for the account number for Imported OFX/QFX files.

    Hopefully from this point forward, all is ok. We'll see.

  8. Support Staff 8 Posted by Maddy on 07 Jan, 2025 08:14 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    You are welcome!
    I'm very pleased to hear that.
    I'll close this discussion for now, but please do not hesitate to contact us again, if you need further assistance.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  9. 9 Posted by robjayd on 10 Jan, 2025 04:28 PM

    robjayd's Avatar

    Unfortunately I'm still having problems. I've gone to great lengths to try and get MD register and Chase bank account duplicated. I hand put in extra transactions, etc. Now EVERY TIME I download a QFX file, it adds and deletes a handful of transactions and I have to repeat. If I can't get this resolved, I can't continue to use MD. (This is not meant as a threat. I definitely want to get this to work, but can't seem to.) Do you have any suggestions?

    It appears to me that what is happening is that the process is:
    - I download a QFX file. I think (?) that the QFX file has every single transaction from when I first opened the Chase account in it.
    - Then MD compares the QFX file to its register and adds (and also deletes?) transaction not in the QFX file.

    What happened in last 3 days:
    - I downloaded a QFX file 2 days ago. This caused my MD register to no longer balance with Chase.
    - I went back to Nov Chase statement and balanced everything from Nov 5 thru Jan 8th. I tweaked MD file as needed to make it balance
    - I downloaded a QFX file today. Now they no longer balance to each other.

    I looked very closely to try and understand what is happening. I noticed one error in the MD file:
    - there was a $4.75 Oakland Parking xact on Dec 18.
    - On Jan 9, there was a 2nd (different) $4.75 Oakland Parking xact on Jan 9. This was in the QFX file I just downloaded.
    - the $4.75 transaction is no longer in the MD file. I assume it was there before since everything balanced before I downloaded the last QFX file.
    ... Either the Dec 18 $4.75 transaction disappeared from the QFX file or MD incorrectly deleted it when it updated the MD file.

    Speaking to Chase is useless. I'm glad to discuss this with MD (Maddy would probably be best since she's been involved in this thread.) I hope to resolve this but can't go on hand reconciling MD to Chase.

  10. Support Staff 10 Posted by Maddy on 10 Jan, 2025 04:51 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Hi Robert,
    Sorry to hear that the issue persists.

    When you navigate to Chase's website to download your QFX file, you should see an option called "Custom dates" or similar. There you should indicate the time period you wish to download. I believe that if you skip this step your file will include the last 90 days or so. This might explain what is happening, perhaps?

    Another possibility is that your register is sorted in a way that is not what you expect, so you may want to try the following:

    When viewing the account register, you could simply click in the 'Date' column header. Click again to toggle between ascending and descending order. Alternatively, you should 'right click' (or press Ctrl and click) on any transaction to view the context menu then choose Choose Sort By > Date Entered. Close and restart Moneydance to retain the change.
    Finally, you can refer to this article of the Knowledge Base

    Lastly, is the" Use Bank Dates for Merged Transactions" option selected in the Network tab?

    Most importantly, after downloading/importing your data, you should go through the confirmation process, as outlined here.
    To begin the confirmation process, you should select the first transaction in the register with a 'blue dot'. A panel will appear on the right of your screen which shows the 'Current Transaction' details. You should amend the category within this panel, then select 'Confirm'.

    You'll see the solid blue dot change to a blue circle. Moneydance will then move to the next unconfirmed transaction in the register.

    As you go through this process it will become quicker and easier. Moneydance will begin to recognize the information you have previously confirmed, and start to suggest the correct categories within 'Similar Payees' in the panel on the right.

    The next time you download from the bank many of the correct categories will automatically be assigned, and this will improve as you confirm more transactions.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  11. 11 Posted by robjayd on 10 Jan, 2025 05:01 PM

    robjayd's Avatar

    Thanks. I'll look this over and implement your suggestions. All very helpful.
    FYI - I checked Chase's website. They have a date option for download.

    THANK YOU, Bob

  12. 12 Posted by robjayd on 11 Jan, 2025 03:37 PM

    robjayd's Avatar

    1. When I downloaded QFX file, I specified Custom Dates. It 11 transactions (vs 1500 which is what it always downloaded before - similar to what you said.)
    2. The register was previously sorted by date and still is.
    3. Use Bank Dates for Merged Transactions was checked; I unchecked it.
    4. I always have gone thru confirmation process; I still do. It does improve over time.

    The download and importing the new transactions almost worked totally correctly. MD did make an error importing transactions; I remember it regularly makes the following errors. I had a credit transaction from REI. When it imported the QFX transactions, it marked it as a payment, not as a deposit. I hand deleted it the debit and made it a credit. This happened to a similar transaction about 30 days ago. Once I made this change, MD and Chase now have the same balance.

    FYI - when I have a deposit transaction, it is correctly marked as a Deposit. I'm hoping we're almost there. At least this is an error that is easy to notice and fix.

    Thanks for all, Bob

  13. Support Staff 13 Posted by Maddy on 13 Jan, 2025 03:21 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Did you set up your credit card account correctly?
    To verify this information, please refer to this article of the Knowledge Base.

    Thank you

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  14. 14 Posted by robjayd on 13 Jan, 2025 04:50 PM

    robjayd's Avatar

    I reviewed the article. But I'm confused. My Chase account is a checking account and my primary credit card. (It's actually a debit card). I set it up as a bank account. I did the same thing when this same account was at First Republic. I don't recall having debit card credit transaction imported and then becoming debits. I thought the correct account type for this would be a bank account since I both write checks, deposit money, and use a debit card. Seems to me it's a bank account.

  15. Support Staff 15 Posted by Maddy on 13 Jan, 2025 06:51 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Thank you for clarifying, Rob!

    In order to change the category type for a particular transaction that was erroneously assigned to 'income' instead of 'expense' for instance, you can:

    1. Install the Toolbox extension via Extensions->Manage Extensions, and use it to change the definition of the category from 'expense to 'Income 'as follow:

    Update Mode->MENU: Accounts and Categories Tools->Fix: Force change Account's Type in the drop list you are offered all the accounts and all the categories included in your data file.

    1. use batch change to move the transaction

    Moneydance contains a feature called "Batch Change", which allows you to make changes to a single transaction, or multiple transactions at once.

    Batch Change allows you to make changes to the Description, Date, Check#, Memo, Tags, Category, and Account fields in the register.

    For further details about this function, please refer to this article in the Knowledge Base.

    When using the Batch Change option, the accounts list will show only accounts containing the same currency as the account you want to move transactions from.

    Please keep us posted on your progress, Thank you!

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  16. 16 Posted by robjayd on 16 Jan, 2025 03:18 PM

    robjayd's Avatar

    I thought I responded to this on Jan 13 but it now is not in the thread. For some categories a transaction could sometimes be an expense (Debit) and sometimes a refund (Credit). 99% of the time, when I use my debit card, it is a Debit. Very occasionally the EXACT same transaction can be a Credit. This shows correctly at Chase Bank. I assume that when QFX transactions are downloaded from Chase, the Debit shows as a negative and the credit shows as a positive. I expect that when MD imports these transactions, the Debit should show as a Payment, and the Credit will show as a Deposit. I think ALL categories from a Credit or Debit Card are like this. I should not have to do anything to fix it. I should not have do the process you outlined above. MD should do it. I believe that before I upgraded, this was how MD worked. I'm not sure.

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