Interface no longer responsive after waking from sleep affecting 2023.2 5059 2023.3 5063 running on macOS

hukxchen's Avatar


04 Dec, 2023 10:59 PM

Behavior observed: Use Moneydance to reconcile some stuff and edit some transactions. Get up to go to bathroom without exiting Moneydance. Come back and try to continue editing transactions and reconciling. Interface no longer appears to change. Mouse clicks do not appear to register. Up and down arrow keystrokes do not lead to any change in the highlighted transaction in Moneydance. Close/exit Moneydance. Reopen. Everything works as expected again.

Any thoughts on what could be going on here?

  1. 1 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 04 Dec, 2023 11:05 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    Yup - something will have crashed... After this occurs, grab help/console. Upload that here...

  2. 2 Posted by hukxchen on 05 Dec, 2023 03:10 AM

    hukxchen's Avatar

    Thanks for the tip! Here's what I could see in the console log:

    Starting Moneydance 2023.3 (5063) at Mon Dec 04 20:59:48 CST 2023
    Settings Folder: /Users/khu/Library/Containers/com.infinitekind.MoneydanceOSX/Data/Library/Application Support/Moneydance
    OS: Mac OS X 13.4.1 aarch64
    Architecture: arm64
    Java: 21 (Eclipse Adoptium)
    Is in sandbox: true; restricted file access: false
    Library path: /Applications/
    initialized extension moneyforesight in 0.005 seconds
    findandreplace (0): 12-04 20:59:48.996|Initialized build 1217 ok
    initialized extension findandreplace in 0.011 seconds
    Font initialisation attempted from non-UI thread. Hopping over to dispatch thread...
    Initializing fonts:
      default: [[SF Pro Display, SF Display, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Lucida Grande, Dialog]]
      printing: [[SF Pro Display, SF Display, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Lucida Grande, Dialog]]
      monospaced: [[Gill Sans, Menlo, Monaco, Monospaced]]
      coding: [[Hack, Monospaced]]
    fonts resolved:
     default: SF Pro Display:13.0:style0
     mono: Gill Sans:13.0:style0
     coding: Hack:13.0:style0
     print: SF Pro Display:12.0:style0
     header: SF Pro Display:15.0:style0
     register: SF Pro Display:12.0:style0
     reportTitle: SF Pro Display:32.0:style0
     calendarTitle: SF Pro Display:12.0:style0
     reportHeader: SF Pro Display:11.0:style0
     detailTitle: SF Pro Display:15.0:style0
    VAqua look and feel: release 12, build 2023-10-31T23:37:24Z
      using VAquaRendering: release Hybrid master 13x, build 2023-10-22T17:44:22Z
    detected system appearance: org.violetlib.vappearances.VAppearanceImpl@68567e20
    Setting look and feel class to org.violetlib.aqua.AquaLookAndFeel
    Font initialisation attempted from non-UI thread. Hopping over to dispatch thread...
    opening last file: Latest-EK-Finances
    loading dataset: /Users/khu/Library/Containers/com.infinitekind.MoneydanceOSX/Data/Documents/Latest-EK-Finances.moneydance
    Java version: 2100000
    loading with 128 bit encryption key
    loading with 128 bit encryption key
    reading trunk data tiksync/trunk
    trunk data loaded (0.263 seconds), checking for incremental updates
    loading un-synced txn files...
     reading txn file 20231204231040_612.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231403_204.txn
     reading txn file 20231204235337_051.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230739_497.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234543_478.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234737_481.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231231_357.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231914_889.txn
     reading txn file 20231204233649_882.txn
     reading txn file 20231205000331_104.txn
     reading txn file 20231204233900_996.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231340_144.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231808_414.txn
     reading txn file 20231204235507_996.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230808_646.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231352_451.txn
     reading txn file 20231204233839_385.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231046_556.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230725_771.txn
     reading txn file 20231204225456_919.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231449_637.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231849_904.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230832_028.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230521_671.txn
     reading txn file 20231205015358_768.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234833_482.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231412_674.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234655_903.txn
     reading txn file 20231204233041_016.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234635_595.txn
     reading txn file 20231204235540_189.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231147_319.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231838_037.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230714_497.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231748_171.txn
     reading txn file 20231204235548_749.txn
     reading txn file 20231204232421_717.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230759_707.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234904_162.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234733_191.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230128_953.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234808_865.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234854_083.txn
     reading txn file 20231204232443_718.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231757_474.txn
     reading txn file 20231204233831_099.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230750_689.txn
     reading txn file 20231204233749_525.txn
     reading txn file 20231204232458_829.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234643_754.txn
     reading txn file 20231205025754_991.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234951_348.txn
     reading txn file 20231204235453_815.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234626_267.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230429_009.txn
     reading txn file 20231204233448_649.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230628_729.txn
     reading txn file 20231205005421_247.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231003_038.txn
     reading txn file 20231204233412_153.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231007_346.txn
     reading txn file 20231205000454_028.txn
     reading txn file 20231205004827_795.txn
     reading txn file 20231204232014_260.txn
     reading txn file 20231204233851_213.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230915_730.txn
     reading txn file 20231204232032_896.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230817_722.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234930_868.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231458_117.txn
     reading txn file 20231204235707_728.txn
     reading txn file 20231204233759_597.txn
     reading txn file 20231204233022_651.txn
     reading txn file 20231204235349_296.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231611_799.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231938_831.txn
     reading txn file 20231204233423_942.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231641_803.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230326_689.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231347_268.txn
     reading txn file 20231204232829_046.txn
     reading txn file 20231205020842_316.txn
     reading txn file 20231204233810_330.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234916_211.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234842_933.txn
     reading txn file 20231204233725_676.txn
     reading txn file 20231204233345_119.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230637_870.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230117_700.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234747_412.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231155_539.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231800_419.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231529_489.txn
     reading txn file 20231204233133_220.txn
     reading txn file 20231204232925_946.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231720_557.txn
     reading txn file 20231204235219_005.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230907_441.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230109_181.txn
     reading txn file 20231204231818_583.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230438_872.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234848_771.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230604_298.txn
     reading txn file 20231204232001_192.txn
     reading txn file 20231204230527_671.txn
     reading txn file 20231204232448_525.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234448_880.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234704_244.txn
     reading txn file 20231204234820_263.txn
    loading synced txn files...
    replacing root: null () with new root: Financial Account (3c46ece2-25aa-4a3a-8b64-4bf830ec4e00
    Scheduling next reminders auto-commit for Mon Dec 04 21:00:03 CST 2023  (was previously scheduled for Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969)
    VAQUA: system appearance did change
    VAQUA: applying updated theme: default
    detected system appearance: org.violetlib.vappearances.VAppearanceImpl@68567e20
    Setting look and feel class to org.violetlib.aqua.AquaLookAndFeel
    it took 0.08 seconds to build a plaid client
    Update info received with successful signature verification
    Version info retrieved; we are up to date!
    Performing periodic reminders autocommitting on Latest-EK-Finances at Mon Dec 04 21:00:09 CST 2023
    Scheduling next reminders auto-commit for Tue Dec 05 00:00:09 CST 2023  (was previously scheduled for Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969)
    findandreplace (M): 12-04 21:00:40.885|Initialized build 1218 ok
    initialized extension findandreplace in 0.005 seconds
    Got accounts for item qVQPak5DpOFwqeeNo7VmcYomyOLQkpcNoKAwA: Response{protocol=h2, code=200, message=, url=}
    Got accounts for item P7JYJAPqjAigrwmvjNPjsxramOjNg7twjKOZZ: Response{protocol=h2, code=200, message=, url=}
    Got accounts for item edmyKeA9MxiL9OmamdLNh4N8qeZQobfx1jeNq: Response{protocol=h2, code=200, message=, url=}
    old and new account info is the same. count=7
    successfully updated MD+ account lists
    Ran 1 of 2 MDP tasks @ Mon Dec 04 21:10:03 CST 2023) forcedRefresh=true
  3. 3 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 05 Dec, 2023 07:26 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    There’s no issue in this log. Are you sure this is after it became unresponsive? Or did you restart MD and then grab the log, as this is no good. After you restart you wipe the log. If you have to kill the app, find errlog.txt file on disk

  4. 4 Posted by hukxchen on 05 Dec, 2023 12:08 PM

    hukxchen's Avatar

    Hmm.. let me double check. So I tried to reproduce once more, got the behavior described in the original post, and here's something I noticed in this log that looks a little funky: mousePressed, but the parent is an ancestor.

    As far as needing to kill the app, I have never actually needed to kill the app as normal ⌘Q and using the built-in menu quit options all continue to work as expected. I can even use the menus to start up processes to create new accounts or categories, etc. Using the side bar to switch between accounts updates the top bar as expected. Only the highlights in the side bar and the transaction log interface fail to update and show the fact that I'm actually clicking around and switching things up. Very interesting...

    Starting Moneydance 2023.3 (5063) at Tue Dec 05 05:01:41 CST 2023
    Settings Folder: /Users/khu/Library/Containers/com.infinitekind.MoneydanceOSX/Data/Library/Application Support/Moneydance
    OS: Mac OS X 13.4.1 aarch64
    Architecture: arm64
    Java: 21 (Eclipse Adoptium)
    Is in sandbox: true; restricted file access: false
    Library path: /Applications/
    initialized extension moneyforesight in 0.004 seconds
    findandreplace (0): 12-05 05:01:41.754|Initialized build 1218 ok
    initialized extension findandreplace in 0.011 seconds
    Font initialisation attempted from non-UI thread. Hopping over to dispatch thread...
    Initializing fonts:
      default: [[SF Pro Display, SF Display, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Lucida Grande, Dialog]]
      printing: [[SF Pro Display, SF Display, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Lucida Grande, Dialog]]
      monospaced: [[Gill Sans, Menlo, Monaco, Monospaced]]
      coding: [[Hack, Monospaced]]
    fonts resolved:
     default: SF Pro Display:13.0:style0
     mono: Gill Sans:13.0:style0
     coding: Hack:13.0:style0
     print: SF Pro Display:12.0:style0
     header: SF Pro Display:15.0:style0
     register: SF Pro Display:12.0:style0
     reportTitle: SF Pro Display:32.0:style0
     calendarTitle: SF Pro Display:12.0:style0
     reportHeader: SF Pro Display:11.0:style0
     detailTitle: SF Pro Display:15.0:style0
    VAqua look and feel: release 12, build 2023-10-31T23:37:24Z
      using VAquaRendering: release Hybrid master 13x, build 2023-10-22T17:44:22Z
    detected system appearance: org.violetlib.vappearances.VAppearanceImpl@11fc564b
    Setting look and feel class to org.violetlib.aqua.AquaLookAndFeel
    Font initialisation attempted from non-UI thread. Hopping over to dispatch thread...
    opening last file: Latest-EK-Finances
    loading dataset: /Users/khu/Library/Containers/com.infinitekind.MoneydanceOSX/Data/Documents/Latest-EK-Finances.moneydance
    Java version: 2100000
    loading with 128 bit encryption key
    loading with 128 bit encryption key
    reading trunk data tiksync/trunk
    trunk data loaded (0.281 seconds), checking for incremental updates
    loading un-synced txn files...
     reading txn file 20231205031210_596.txn
    loading synced txn files...
    replacing root: null () with new root: Financial Account (3c46ece2-25aa-4a3a-8b64-4bf830ec4e00
    Scheduling next reminders auto-commit for Tue Dec 05 05:01:52 CST 2023  (was previously scheduled for Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969)
    VAQUA: system appearance did change
    VAQUA: applying updated theme: default
    detected system appearance: org.violetlib.vappearances.VAppearanceImpl@11fc564b
    Setting look and feel class to org.violetlib.aqua.AquaLookAndFeel
    it took 0.073 seconds to build a plaid client
    Update info received with successful signature verification
    Version info retrieved; we are up to date!
    Performing periodic reminders autocommitting on Latest-EK-Finances at Tue Dec 05 05:01:59 CST 2023
    Scheduling next reminders auto-commit for Tue Dec 05 08:01:59 CST 2023  (was previously scheduled for Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969)
    Got accounts for item qVQPak5DpOFwqeeNo7VmcYomyOLQkpcNoKAwA: Response{protocol=h2, code=200, message=, url=}
    Got accounts for item P7JYJAPqjAigrwmvjNPjsxramOjNg7twjKOZZ: Response{protocol=h2, code=200, message=, url=}
    Got accounts for item edmyKeA9MxiL9OmamdLNh4N8qeZQobfx1jeNq: Response{protocol=h2, code=200, message=, url=}
    old and new account info is the same. count=7
    successfully updated MD+ account lists
    mousePressed, but the parent is an ancestor
  5. 5 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 05 Dec, 2023 12:31 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar
    mousePressed, but the parent is an ancestor

    is not relevant.

    Hmm, no errors… I can’t really offer too much here…

    Perhaps change MD theme and try again?

  6. Support Staff 6 Posted by Maddy on 05 Dec, 2023 12:37 PM

    Maddy's Avatar

    Hi ,
    We are sorry to hear about the problem you have encountered.

    Could you try changing your backup location in the Moneydance Preferences to the default location, perhaps?

    You can do this by opening the Moneydance 'Preferences', selecting the Backup tab and un-checking the box for the backup location.

    Maddy, Infinite Kind Support

  7. 7 Posted by hukxchen on 07 Dec, 2023 09:33 PM

    hukxchen's Avatar

    Thanks @Maddy -- Have not tested the backup location change yet, but I might be able to do this over the weekend. For now, I've reverted to using a 2022 version of Moneydance (build 4097), in which this behavior is not present.

  8. System closed this discussion on 07 Mar, 2024 09:40 PM.

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