setting up new checking
I downloaded to test, getting tired of Quicken flufff I don't need. Seems I having trouble setting up a checking account. Set up something called Jer Test , looks like it thinks it is an account but I can't delete it? This Jer test is something I did earlier and then gave up, want it gone now.
Then I tried to set up a checking account and it keeps asking for a parent account, what does that mean? I didn't want it to be a sub account, wanted it to be the parent and then set up a sub account.
Is there a tutorial?
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1 Posted by mhoggie on 01 Jun, 2023 08:50 PM
just a user,
Here is the tutorial
The default parent account is the name of the database file you created. If you select others the account will be a sub account of that account. So your database name is most likely what you want.
System closed this discussion on 31 Aug, 2023 09:00 PM.