Differences between Moneydance 2023.2 (5007) and Moneydance 2023.1 (5006) + compatibility with Sonoma

drsfg's Avatar


26 Sep, 2023 11:04 PM

I see some people are mentioning 2023.2, I have 2023.1 and the program says there are no updates. Where I download it directly, I get 2023.1. Explanation?

  1. 1 Posted by dtd on 26 Sep, 2023 11:39 PM

    dtd's Avatar

    2023.2 is a preview version available from the preview area.

    That said, 2023.2(5007) is simply a bugfix version of 2023.1(5006), so feel free to download it.

    Many preview versions are beta versions for testing, but this particular one is a one day later bugfix.


  2. 2 Posted by dtd on 26 Sep, 2023 11:41 PM

    dtd's Avatar

    The above message assumes you bought the software from IK/MD, not Apple or Microsoft.

  3. 3 Posted by dwg on 26 Sep, 2023 11:47 PM

    dwg's Avatar

    There is currently a preview build of Moneydance - Build 5007 which is in the 2023.2 family.

    Some of the discussions you will be seeing is around when their will be a further update to the builds in this family as build 5007 has been around a while. Build 5007 really just fixed a couple of issues in build 5006.

    The next build will have major under the hood changes to Moneydance, users will not see any real changes on the surface so the next version will be more of an enabler for future changes/enhancement/improvements.

    There will be quite a jump in the build numbers as the next preview is going through a lengthy Alpha phase to try and resolve as many problems as possible.

  4. 4 Posted by drsfg on 26 Sep, 2023 11:55 PM

    drsfg's Avatar

    So, it is my understanding that 2023.2 Build 5007 is not a formal update. Is that correct?

    And a new formal update is in the works, hopefully to establish reasonable compatibility with Mac OS 14 Sonoma. Is that correct?


  5. 5 Posted by drsfg on 26 Sep, 2023 11:57 PM

    drsfg's Avatar

    Thank you. I got this in reverse to dwg’s response.


  6. 6 Posted by dwg on 27 Sep, 2023 12:08 AM

    dwg's Avatar

    The next build is not specifically for the next version of macOS, but it being tested against it and some problems resolved, it is hopeful that we will also have an Apple silicon native release i.e. not requiring Rosetta.

    As said build 5007 is just a bug fix release, nothing more.

    In the next release there are no data format changes. These are code level changes because Moneydance is in the process of moving to a new programming language. On the existing desktop platforms it is still intended to use the Java layer so existing extensions etc will still function as normal, but the goal is to be able to have a more complete platform on devices like IOS and Android based tablets, operating systems that do not allow Java based programs, hence on those platforms the Java layer will be changed.

  7. 7 Posted by dtd on 27 Sep, 2023 12:17 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    2023.2(5007) in my personal opinion, is a "formal update", but the primary developer decided not to "push it out" as formal, as it would require doing so with all operating systems and apple, and microsoft, and "it only fixed a couple of bugs" and those who needed the fixes could grab it.

    A new formal update is in the works, and yes, Sonoma issues are being fixed, and Universal support, as well as under the cover changes to allow more capability and enhancements. But that's quite a bit, which is why the next version is still in (late) Alpha, (currently build 5042) and even when placed into Preview (i.e. beta), it should be downloaded only on test data (could be a backup), not as a "formal update" (yet).

    Those testing the Alpha are mostly "experienced users" who have been willing to set up a VM or an isolated test base since the primary bit is to not have any potential data corruption - we appear to be past that, and are now into "what works/what doesn't work".

    The "negative side" of this is that requests for improvement for specific items are not happening much at this time.

  8. 8 Posted by drsfg on 27 Sep, 2023 12:31 AM

    drsfg's Avatar

    Thank you for the clarification. Sonoma was released today and there was a critique on how great it is. However, I wrote and cautioned that upgrading until at least the first upgrade to the OS is dangerous *and* one should *never* upgrade until compatibility with critical programs be established. Hence the questions about Sonoma compatibility with Moneydance, which is a critical program in my life.


  9. 9 Posted by dtd on 27 Sep, 2023 12:38 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    MD is working on many things across many operating systems, Sonoma and Universal are Mac issues that are being addressed.

    Since Sonoma is released, that's why previews are released (and version 50xx) should be soon. Still - as a test bed, but "good enough" for some to test with test data against Sonoma (or whatever OS they are working with).

    It's a conservative approach, but financial data is critical for many.

  10. 10 Posted by drsfg on 27 Sep, 2023 12:40 AM

    drsfg's Avatar

    Thank you for the clarification. Native Silicon support would be nice, but compatibility, even if through Rosetta is more critical as far as I am concerned. Extras are nice, but again, not critical, at least for me. Moneydance doesn’t use a great deal of resources, so it works very well on my M2 MacBook Pro MAX. But we all know that Silicon support must be addressed eventually.

    Moneydance, it seems will be the program that brings me to Sonoma. It may be the very one of my critical programs that takes the most time to be upgraded, although I’m also concerned about Paperless and ScanSnap


  11. 11 Posted by drsfg on 27 Sep, 2023 12:41 AM

    drsfg's Avatar

    I agree.


  12. 12 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 27 Sep, 2023 05:27 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    A few things:
    1/ if I were you I would grab MD2023.2(5007) now. It is a formal update even though it’s still called a preview. It contains 1 fix for check/printing settings. This build will soo disappear forever and it will be the last in the current family of internal code.

    2/ we understand the that once the alpha is released as a preview, which will be any day now, it will become 2023.2(5042 or higher). Yup, that’s 2023.2 again. Thus 2023.1 will be (mainly) on the ‘old’ language code base and 2023.2 will be the entirely new (Kotlin) language code base. However, the binaries will be all Java (20) on the desktop.

    3/ the universal build for Silicone (arm64) is undergoing testing to run native without Rosetta. It’s virtually there, so hopefully the developer nails the remaining issues and hopefully the preview will be considered universal too 🤞 (it would be a shame if it wasn't).

    4/ a couple of testers, including the developer, are running Sonoma and there have been issues. MD never qualifies its code for MacOS builds until it’s formally released. As this was yesterday, who knows whether we can say MD is compatible just yet.

    5/ as mentioned, there are virtually no enhancements in this release. Only (huge) source code and compiler changes. The only one I can think of is auto committing of reminders every 3 hours. There are also a lot of internal memory leak type bug fixes, so if you open and close different datasets, then this will help with memory…

    6/ as mentioned, when this is released as a preview, you should try it with a test dataset (not live data).

    7/ reasons for testing it would include:
    - you are on Sonoma already and want to see if it works

    • you want a native arm64 build and want to see if the preview works as universal, without Rosetta

    • you like testing new things and don’t mind if there are issues

    8/ I would not upgrade to Sonoma and hope MD works. I would let others do that and watch the reports for any issues, until MD says it’s formally certified for it.

  13. 13 Posted by drsfg on 27 Sep, 2023 05:17 PM

    drsfg's Avatar

    1/ That is exactly what I did.

    2/ Thanks for letting me know about this. I will sit still now and not upgrade to Sonoma until a new stable MD is officially released. I’m fine with MD as it is. I didn’t have any intention of upgrading until at least two updates are issued by Apple, so at least some of the bugs are ironed out.

    3/ I’m happy/grateful that MD is doing the updating so I don’t have to start searching for a new financial software program (that would be my third).

    4/ Completely off topic, I’m waiting for Fujitsu to update/certify their software for my scanner for Sonoma. It looks like Mariner Software is essentially out of business, so I’m a bit terrified that Paperless will not work after update to Sonoma.


  14. 14 Posted by HG on 30 Sep, 2023 07:22 AM

    HG's Avatar

    I upgraded my Mac to Sonoma yesterday. The Moneydance seems to have be using lot of resources on my Mac since then and appears really slow.

  15. 15 Posted by dtd on 30 Sep, 2023 07:26 AM

    dtd's Avatar

    Moneydance has not certified itself as Sonoma compatible. Apple continually breaks older software. Give you upgraded immediately, I doubt MD will be your only software issue.

    That said, MD is working toward Sonoma compatibility.

  16. 16 Posted by HG on 30 Sep, 2023 07:31 AM

    HG's Avatar

    I agree @dtd. It was an auto upgrade in the night. Damn!

  17. 17 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 30 Sep, 2023 09:05 AM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    As far as I know, macOS will never auto upgrade the major version… you have to request it…

  18. 18 Posted by tonyt on 30 Sep, 2023 10:30 AM

    tonyt's Avatar

    Maybe auto Sonoma update?

  19. 19 Posted by drsfg on 30 Sep, 2023 06:03 PM

    drsfg's Avatar

    Thank you for the input. I’m not upgrading to Sonoma for now. In general, knowing Apple’s history (I’ve used an Apple Computer since the very early days of the company’s existence) I am reticent to upgrade MacOS until 1-2 updates are offered. I never install the initial release. I have a number of legacy programs that I use that don’t get upgraded quickly (example: Moneydance) so I want them to test prior to updating. And, I don’t necessarily like the way the operating system has changed over the years.

    On the other hand, iOS updates I tend to install immediately. They seem to present less issues historically.


  20. 20 Posted by drsfg on 30 Sep, 2023 06:10 PM

    drsfg's Avatar

    That’s very strange. I have auto updates on with all options active BUT Software Update lists Sonoma, but I have to click on update in order to install Sonoma. I don’t think it’s Apple’s policy to automatically install a new operating system without expressly asking your permission. Updates to the current OS, yes, but a new OS, no.


  21. 21 Posted by drsfg on 30 Sep, 2023 06:16 PM

    drsfg's Avatar



  22. 22 Posted by tonyt on 30 Sep, 2023 07:41 PM

    tonyt's Avatar

    So what was the overnight update for? Sorry to be dim!

  23. 23 Posted by jonlamon on 30 Sep, 2023 07:57 PM

    jonlamon's Avatar


    there is a link to the release note on infinitekind.com/preview:

    Updated: Sun, 02 Apr 2023 23:00:00 +0000

    Moneydance Preview Updates

    Moneydance 2023.2 build 5007 (Sun, 02 Apr 2023 23:00:00 +0000)
    * Fixed bug that caused downloaded transactions to not be added to the register when a currency rate or security price was a non-positive number.

    * Fixed bug that prevented saving changes to check printing settings.


  24. 24 Posted by dtd on 30 Sep, 2023 11:40 PM

    dtd's Avatar

    Today's update: Still currently at 5042 for Alpha, 5043 should be out for Alpha testing very soon.

    Sean had hoped to move this to Preview (i.e. beta) by now, but Sonoma (for mac only of course) and a few other issues are keeping it in Alpha for now.

  25. 25 Posted by drsfg on 01 Oct, 2023 04:50 PM

    drsfg's Avatar

    Just please let us know when the official stable release is available. Thank you.


  26. 26 Posted by dtd on 01 Oct, 2023 09:42 PM

    dtd's Avatar

    When the official stable release is available, MD should inform you automatically.

    I just thought some would appreciate knowing where MD was in the process. Stable release is probably still a while away, given they haven't moved to beta/preview yet.

    Given you will be told automatically, I won't keep the status updated.

  27. System closed this discussion on 31 Dec, 2023 09:50 PM.

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