Copying Moneydance Data File from Imac to Macbook
I just upgraded to Moneydance 2017 from an older version and installed the program on my desktop Imac and laptop Macbook Pro. I read the instructions on the forum for syncing data using Dropbox. I was able to get a synced file into Dropbox from my desktop.
But when I went to Moneydance on the laptop, there was no way to access File New and follow the syncing instructions. There was also no way to register the program by putting in the program key. The only choice on the menu bar was Moneydance. It was also not clear how I would get to my Dropbox on the internet as opposed to the Dropbox that I downloaded locally onto the laptop.
Can anyone give me better instructions for how to get the data currently on the Imac, where I do most of my financial work, onto the laptop? Also, how do you keep the data on both computers the same as you make changes on one computer?
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Ethan on Jan 08, 2017 @ 10:16 PM
Just to make sure, on the computer you are having trouble with, did you also update that system to the 2017 version, and are you certain that's the version you are running on there?
Can you try resetting your Moneydance preferences and see if that fixes the issue that you're seeing? To do this, you have to rename your config.dict file. If you're using Mac OS X, it should be located at one of these locations within your Home folder:
Library/Containers/com.infinitekind.MoneydanceOSX/Data/Library/Application Support/Moneydance/config.dict
Library/Application Support/Moneydance/config.dict
If you have any trouble finding your Home Library folder, open Finder and select Go>Go to Folder> and type in:
This should pull up your local Library folder.
Once you've found your config.dict file, close Moneydance and rename it (to something like config2.dict, for example), then open Moneydance again and it will appear as though you've just installed Moneydance for the first time, so you'll have to re-enter your license key and may have to locate and open your data set again. If you run into any problems, you can simply close Moneydance and rename the original config.dict file back to config.dict and open Moneydance again to restore your original settings.
If that doesn't work, can you send me your errlog.txt file? It should be in the same place as you found your config.dict file. Again, if you're using Mac OS X, it should be located at one of these locations within your Home folder:
Library/Containers/com.infinitekind.MoneydanceOSX/Data/Library/Application Support/Moneydance/errlog.txt
Library/Application Support/Moneydance/errlog.txt
If you have any trouble finding your Home Library folder, open Finder and select Go -> Go to Folder and type in:
This should pull up your local Library folder.
Moneydance Support
2 Posted by diane.franklin on Jan 08, 2017 @ 11:01 PM
Yikes! This is really confusing.
On my Imac, I upgraded to MD 201 from MD 2012. On my Macbook, which is a
new computer, I installed MD 2017 for the first time. I did not have an
earlier version of it on the Macbook since it's new. On the Imac, I'm using
El Capitan OS while the MacBook uses Sierra, which I know is causing
problems for some people.
On which computer do you want me to reset my Moneydance preferences - the
Imac or Macbook?
Also, I need to make sure that I don't lose 5 years of data by doing any of
the things you're suggesting. Can you assure that this won't happen? I
don't want to proceed further till I'm clear about this.
Support Staff 3 Posted by Ethan on Jan 08, 2017 @ 11:27 PM
Hi Diane,
I apologize that I wasn't clear. Those instructions were for your laptop, the computer where it appears you are unable to do anything in Moneydance at the moment beyond having minimal menus that don't get you anywhere. It sounds like your other computer is set up correctly.
Nothing I described should alter your data. It is possible that something strange is already happening with your data that is causing this situation, but what I describe will only reset parts of the program, not your data, and will give us a more complete error log of what's happening if that doesn't solve the issue.
Moneydance Support
4 Posted by diane.franklin on Jan 09, 2017 @ 12:43 AM
Hi Ethan,
Thanks for the explanation. Since I have no MD data on my laptop. I went
ahead and did as you suggested and got the same result when I reopened MD.
Attached is a screenshot of what you see when you open MD after I renamed
the config.dict file.
I'm also trying to attach the error log file but I can't find it. The way I
found it before was to use Go to Folder in Finder. But I can't do that and
also attach it to an email. When I go the My Computer and then Library
there is no sub folder marked Containers. So the Containers folder must be
under a different Library that I can't figure out how to access. If you can
tell me how to access the correct Library folder, I can find the file and
attach it.
Support Staff 5 Posted by Ethan on Jan 09, 2017 @ 12:52 AM
That actually sounds like we're making progress if you can now get to the welcome screen. You should now be able to click on the "create a new account set" option, choose the "open synced file" option, and tell Moneydance where you are sharing your data from your first computer (presumably this would be the same Dropbox option as you set up on your first computer). Then you may have to wait a moment, but your data should then appear.
If that doesn't work for some reason, let me know where you are getting stuck.
Moneydance Support
6 Posted by diane.franklin on Jan 09, 2017 @ 01:00 AM
Thanks. When I did what you just suggested, all I got was the local Dropbox
option which does not contain the data file. That's on the remote Dropbox
that I have to access over the Internet. How do I do that from the Open
7 Posted by diane.franklin on Jan 10, 2017 @ 09:43 PM
Hi Ethan,
It's been 2 days and you didn't respond to my last email so I'm not sure
what to do next. Could you look at it and respond?
8 Posted by Ian O on Jan 11, 2017 @ 11:36 AM
Hi Diane,
Please accept my apologies for the delayed response. Sorry to hear of the difficulties you have encountered. I'm unsure why this would not be working for you, it may be useful to see a screenshot of what you are seeing when you are attempting to open the synced file? You can read instructions for taking a screenshot from here:
I believe this may have been covered already but I'd like to make doubly sure this is made clear. You will only be given the option to open a synced file if you are running Moneydance 2017. To successfully sync both systems have to be running the same version of Moneydance 2017.
Ian O
Infinite Kind Support
9 Posted by diane.franklin on Jan 11, 2017 @ 03:34 PM
Hi Ian,
Thanks for your response. Both computers are running Moneydance 2017.
Are you able to read the emails I sent to Ethan? They include a screenshot
of what I saw when I opened Moneydance on my laptop. They also explain that
the synced data file is on Dropbox on the internet but not the local
Dropbox on my laptop. I don't know how to access the web-basd Dropbox which
contains the synced file during the syncing process from my laptop. If you
can't read the previous emails, I can copy them for you.
10 Posted by Ian O on Jan 11, 2017 @ 03:47 PM
Hi Diane,
I am able to see your previous responses, sorry for any confusion. As the screenshot previously sent does not contain the window where you are able to select 'Open Synced File' it is hard to distinguish from Moneydance 2015. Once 'Open Synced File' selected, the dropdown menu should become active on this window and you should be able to select between 'Dropbox Connection', 'Dropbox Folder' and 'Shared Folder'.
Please let me know if you continue to encounter issues.
Ian O
Infinite Kind Support
11 Posted by diane.franklin on Jan 11, 2017 @ 04:11 PM
Hi Ian,
Attached is a screenshot of what I get on my laptop when I clicked on
Import New Account Set from the MD 2017 screen on my laptop. There is no
choice for opening a Synced File.
12 Posted by Ian O on Jan 11, 2017 @ 04:14 PM
Hi Diane,
On the Welcome Screen can you select 'Create a new account set'. This will lead you to a screen where you will be given the option to select 'Open Synced File'. Once 'Open Synced File' selected, the dropdown menu should become active on this window and you should be able to select between 'Dropbox Connection', 'Dropbox Folder' and 'Shared Folder'.
Ian O
Infinite Kind Support
13 Posted by diane.franklin on Jan 11, 2017 @ 04:32 PM
OK, I did what you suggested and I now have my file on the laptop. How do I
keep the two versions in sync? I mainly work on the Imac but I want to make
sure that the transactions that are added on the Imac are transferred over
to the laptop. Do I have to go through a manual sync process every time I
make a change on the Imac?
14 Posted by Ian O on Jan 12, 2017 @ 02:18 PM
Hi Diane,
The syncing between systems should take place periodically and automatically. Once set up, this is not a task you should have to worry about, Moneydance should take care of the rest.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Ian O
Infinite Kind Support
15 Posted by diane.franklin on Jan 13, 2017 @ 12:09 AM
Thanks, Ian. I will monitor this and let you know if I have any problems.
System closed this discussion on Apr 14, 2017 @ 12:10 AM.