Quotes and Exchange rate extension v1000 cannot download the correct quote for AXB.IL

Uffe's Avatar


06 Jun, 2016 11:21 AM

I hold some Axis Bank GDR's that are listed on the London Stock Exchange (IOB) in USD. The ticked symbol according to Yahoo Finance is AXB.IL which also quotes the stock in USD.

If I ask Qoutes and Exchange Rate to update the system it changes the currency to GBP. On top of that the price are not even correct in GBP as the closing price of 03.06.2016 was USD 40,60 and as you can see from the attachment the system thinks the price was GBP 4.060,00.

I think the problem might be related to a change in how the London Stock Exchange is being handled as it now says London Stock Exchange (GBP) as you can see from the attachment.

In the past the extension did not show this problem. At present I hold the stocks in a DKK denominated security account. In the past I had them in a USD denominated security account.

Best regards,

  1. 1 Posted by Tom Freeman on 06 Jun, 2016 04:01 PM

    Tom Freeman's Avatar

    In the history window change the currency to USD by click the scroll button in the currency field. In the extesnion right click on the exchange field and edit the currency to USD.

    As for the decimal issue, sometimes Yahoo does not link the correct GBP/pence quote and it is corrected later.

    Tom Freeman
    Infinite Kind Support

  2. 2 Posted by Uffe on 07 Jun, 2016 05:33 AM

    Uffe's Avatar

    Hi Tom,

    I can change the currency to USD in the history window, but that does not make the prices correct, as now the closing price of 03.06.2016 is 5.935,06849315 which does not get me closer to 40,60 see attachment.

    I am not sure I understand how to change the currency to USD in the extension, could you upload a picture?


  3. 3 Posted by Uffe on 15 Jun, 2016 07:25 PM

    Uffe's Avatar

    I think I got it to work now.

  4. 4 Posted by Tom Freeman on 17 Jun, 2016 03:35 PM

    Tom Freeman's Avatar

    Glad you were able to get it working please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

    It would also be helpful if you listed what steps you did to make it work. If someone else has the same issue and searches the forums for help they may be able to resolve their issue using the steps you out line.

    Tom Freeman
    Infinite Kind Support

  5. 5 Posted by Uffe on 17 Jun, 2016 06:42 PM

    Uffe's Avatar

    Hi Tom

    There seems to be an additional issue with the extension.

    When I ask it to update the stock price it only reads the price as of February 11th, which is $27,35.

    If I look at the historical prices on finance.yahoo.com I can see all the prices from 2016 incl. today and yesterday.

    The next update is set to 18.06.2016 in the extension, so that cannot explain why it reads the stock price from February 11th.


  6. 6 Posted by Tom Freeman on 24 Jun, 2016 08:20 PM

    Tom Freeman's Avatar

    I played around with the extension and think i found a bug that effects the extension when you changed the exchange to London from default I am putting in a bug ticket.

    You can get the current price by having the ticker symbol as axb.il and using default exchange but the history is going to be off because of the inability to mark London (GDP)

    Tom Freeman
    Infinite Kind Support

  7. 7 Posted by Uffe on 05 Jul, 2016 04:08 PM

    Uffe's Avatar

    Hi Tom,

    If I do as you propose I get the result as shown in the attachment.

    I expect that the history being off is related to the bug you talked about?


  8. 8 Posted by Tom Freeman on 19 Jul, 2016 03:01 PM

    Tom Freeman's Avatar

    Sorry for the late reply. Yes the history not recognizing the difference between London exchange (pence) and London exchange (GBP) is the bug.

    Tom Freeman
    Infinite Kind Support

  9. System closed this discussion on 18 Oct, 2016 03:10 PM.

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