Bitcoin price/rate Update

gerard's Avatar


30 Jun, 2016 04:49 AM

Has anyone figured out how to get price of Bitcoin to daily update? In yahoo finance there is a currency and daily price for Bitcoin with codes USD/BTC (BTCUSD=X). I've tried all combinations of this in the Currency ID field of the Bitcoin currency I created but nothing seems to work during the quotes and exchange daily update process.

  1. 1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 30 Jun, 2016 02:29 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar

    I created a currency for BitCoin and put BTC in the "Currency ID" field and was able to get the Quotes and Exchange rates extension to download a current price for the currency. Historical prices do not seem to be available.

    Ben Spencer
    Infinite Kind Support

  2. 2 Posted by gerard on 01 Jul, 2016 05:27 AM

    gerard's Avatar

    Thanks Ben, I should have mentioned that yes I had tried this. When I do
    I get a value (666.66667 which is close to current value), sometime it
    changes to 625 but that's all and it doesn't seem to update value each
    day, whereas BTC is a very volatile currency. Whenever I run the quotes
    and exchange rate update extension all the other currencies are updating
    nicely and accurately. I watched this for several days and some days the
    BTC price value reported by MD (either 666 or 625) was completely
    outside the days range reported by Yahoo Finance. If you run a quotes
    and exchange rate update and then immediately check the currencies
    current price in MD all, with the exception of BTC, are very very close
    to what Yahoo Finance reports. I have AUD, GBP, EUR, NZD and AED with a
    base of USD.

    As an interesting aside, If I create a Security with USD as currency
    and put the security ticker as BTCUSD=X then this updates price in MD
    perfectly each day. I've selected Yahoo Finance USA for current and
    historical updates source. This is fine for getting updated daily value
    but not so good when you are transferring BTC between wallets (accounts)
    or income and expenses as every transaction needs multiple MD
    transactions and causes other MD reporting issues.


  3. 3 Posted by Ben Spencer on 01 Jul, 2016 01:05 PM

    Ben Spencer's Avatar

    It seems to be working for me now. I got a downloaded rate of 680.27 using the currency code BTC this morning.

    I am am fairly confident BTC is the correct code. If Yahoo fails to provide the correct data for the code there isn't anything we can do on our end.

    Ben Spencer
    Infinite Kind Support

  4. 4 Posted by gerard on 01 Jul, 2016 01:07 PM

    gerard's Avatar

    Thanks, Not sure why I see a difference. I will try again

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