Catastrophic Results Continued: Investments - Historical Prices Gone Blotto
Dear InfiniteKind Support Staff:
OK, things went well until last week. I was using 2015.7 (1358) as I always have.
Then the historical prices went blotto.
In addition to that, all the footings on the Summary page regarding Assets went bad as well as the account balances.
This has rendered Moneydance basically unusable for my purposes.
I would really like to get this fixed rapidly since this is the week of the month in which I perform most of my options trades.
Do you have any ideas how I can fix these issues?
Kind regards,
Paul J. Boller
Egg, Switzerland
- Bad_Footings.doc 164 KB
- AXA_price_history.doc 40.5 KB
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1 Posted by Ian L on 18 Jul, 2016 02:10 PM
Hi Paul,
I just responded to your private email about this. Since I need to get logs from you to help figure out what's going on, let's keep the conversation on the private discussion. Hopefully we can get this sorted shortly.
Ian L
Infinite Kind Support
2 Posted by pauljboller on 18 Jul, 2016 08:17 PM
I ran the script you sent me and the attachments are the results.
Kind Regards,
Paul J. Boller
Egg, Switzerland
3 Posted by Ian L on 19 Jul, 2016 12:50 PM
Hi Paul,
Could you try again with this script file? I think I accidentally sent you the wrong one.
Ian L
Infinite Kind Support
4 Posted by pauljboller on 19 Jul, 2016 01:39 PM
Dear Ian,
No change. The files are still corrupted and unusable.
Fortunately, I typically maintain five or six backups and can restore back to any date in the last week or so.
I have attached the before and after screenshot of the “front page” of Moneydance after using the last script you sent me.
I am also sending you the error log from the last session.
NOTE: Nothing really changed and the program still does not close properly after exiting (it remains an active process).
These problems only really started occurring after Infinite Kind released the last version.
Kind regards,
Paul J. Boller
Egg, Switzerland
5 Posted by Ian L on 19 Jul, 2016 02:03 PM
Can you try upgrading to the latest preview release of Moneydance from here:
and see if that fixes the issue that you're seeing? It looks like you are running the current download version, but there are a few fixes in the preview build that should improve this. You might have to restart Moneydance a couple of times after updating, but then it should be more stable.
Ian L
Infinite Kind Support
6 Posted by pauljboller on 19 Jul, 2016 03:19 PM
Dear Ian:
I tried with the preview version - 2015.8 (1367) and there is no significant difference.
All the files related to investments are basically crapped up – especially the pricing of all the different instruments.
Once again, I am sending you two screen shots and the error log.
Kind regards,
Paul J. Boller
Egg, Switzerland
7 Posted by Ian L on 19 Jul, 2016 03:32 PM
It looks like you still have a number of errors in your log that should have been fixed by the script I sent you. Could you try manually fixing those? To do so, first close Moneydance. Then, open Windows Explorer and navigate to this folder:
C:\Users\Paul Jacob Boller.moneydance\Documents\Personal Finances.moneydance\tiksync\out\
In that folder, you should see a number of files ending in .txn. In your logs, you'll see a number of lines like this:
"error loading txn file tiksync/out/20160714174323_657.txn; continuing..."
For each of those lines, find the corresponding txn file and rename it so that it ends in txn.err. Once you've completed that, re-open Moneydance.
Ian L
Infinite Kind Support
8 Posted by pauljboller on 19 Jul, 2016 04:59 PM
Dear Ian:
That did not work either. I changed the file extensions to .err as you suggested.
I reran Money and the results are pretty much unchanged.
Footings are wrong, prices are incorrect, etc.
I am enclosing the results and the error log again.
When this is all over Infinite Kind will owe me lifetime upgrades.
Kind regards,
Paul J. Boller
Egg, Switzerland
9 Posted by Ian L on 20 Jul, 2016 11:46 AM
I'm not sure what else could be causing this issue in your file. At this point, it probably makes the most sense to restore one of your backups.
Do you remember what you were doing before everything went wrong?
Ian L
Infinite Kind Support
10 Posted by pauljboller on 20 Jul, 2016 02:25 PM
I have been working from my backups.
I wasn't doing anything when this happened. I was getting ready to update
some of my prices manually. I opened Moneydance, navigated to the
portfolio, clicked on the instrument and saw the prices were screwed up.
When I closed the instrument dialog, it updated the price with a
nonsensical value. When I went back to the summary screen, all the footings
also were screwed up.
My questions now are:
1. How can I do a completely new, clean install of Moneydance.
2. Which is the oldest version of Moneydance that I can use with this
datafile format. (As I mentioned, these problems only began cropping up
after I upgraded to the latest stable version)
I have already spent over eight hours messing with this issue - and if I
have to restore back to a month before (I actually have a backup from June
2nd) it will take me several more hours to reenter the transactions update
the prices, etc.
Trust me, this has been a "less than enjoyable experience". But before I go
through this insane exercise, do you have any other suggestions on how to
fix my files?
Best regards,
Paul J. Boller
Egg, Switzerland
11 Posted by Ian L on 20 Jul, 2016 03:16 PM
Without knowing what actually caused the problem, I can't fix it for sure. Are you using any extensions that might have done something in the background to cause this? There was a problem with the Quotes and Rates Updater extension, but it should be working with the latest preview version of Moneydance.
The current file format only works with 2015 versions of Moneydance. if you have earlier versions Moneydance 2015, you could revert to those.
To do a clean reinstall, first uninstall the program. Then, go to your settings folder, which is located here:
C:\Users\Paul Jacob Boller.moneydance
Remove everything in that folder except the Documents folder, which contains you Moneydance data folder. Then re-install Moneydance. You'll need to re-enter you license key when you run the program again.
Ian L
Infinite Kind Support
System closed this discussion on 19 Oct, 2016 03:20 PM.