DivXfr and DivReinvest Actions and Investment Transaction Report
Dividend transactions entered using the DivXfr or DivReinvest actions are not being properly reported in the Investment Transaction report. Using the dividend transfer action or the dividend reinvestment action causes the transaction to be shown with a 0.00 amount. If the item is entered as a plain vanilla dividend transaction, the correct dividend amount appears in the Investment Transaction report.
Is there any way to produce an investment income and expense report that properly reports income and expenses by security after using the DivXfr and DivReinvest entry actions?
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1 Posted by Tom Freeman on 31 Aug, 2017 09:20 PM
In the catagory field of the divreinv transaction put in Investment : dividends. This is a default income catagory you can make one more specific if you wish. This will then show up on an income and expense report.
For a divxfer, separate the two transactions. Use a div transaction with dividend in catagory to record the income then a simple xfer to the bank account.
The issue is that a transfer is the moving of assets from one asset account to another. So it will not show up on an income and expense report. The dixxfer is actually a shortcut melding two separate transactions.
You can edit the income and expense report to show only the dividend income catagory.
Tom Freeman
Infinite Kind Support
2 Posted by Chris on 01 Sep, 2017 01:07 PM
I use Dividend Income in the category field of a DivReinvest a transaction. However, while the dividend income transaction for the security appears in the Investment Transactions Report, the amount shown is only 0.00.
If I run a Transaction Report for the investment account, it shows two category lines for the DivReinvest transaction. The first line says Dividend Income 10.00. The second category line says Investment Account:Security -10.00.
In the case of a DivXfr transaction, the Transaction Report shows three category lines. The first line says Dividend Income 10.00. The second category line says Investment Account:Security 0.00. The third category line says Bank Account -10.00.
The Transaction Report is showing that the proper amount is being assigned to the Dividend Income category for the DivReinvest and DivXfr actions, but the Investment Transactions Report shows a dividend income amount of 0.00 for each security.
The Investment Transactions Report is the only report that I can find that can easily generate figures by security. The other reports tend to aggregate all amounts to the parent investment account of the securities.
It seems that there should be more options with the report tool to get the data that I need, but at this point I'm being frustrated by what I am not seeing.
3 Posted by Tom Freeman on 15 Sep, 2017 09:59 PM
Moneydance was created as a personal finance register. It is meant to keep track of your transactions and the value of your accounts. It was never meant for investment analysis.
The transaction reports just list the transactions. On the Investment transaction report the amount column is for changes to the cash balance. ON a div reinv the shares and share price are listed, but there was not a change to the cash balance. The general transaction report just lists the transactions.
There is a feature request ticket in to allow more utility to the reports by allow to aggregate by security, but i can't make promises as to when this could be implemented.
Tom Freeman
Infinite Kind Support
System closed this discussion on 15 Dec, 2017 10:00 PM.