Investment Account Widget providing inaccurate information
This question is NOT directly related to Download Quotes from Yahoo problem. I am aware that that is broken right now. It may be loosely related as the problem began about the same time.
Because of the Yahoo problem, I downloaded manually the history for 2 of my stocks (from Yahoo) and successfully imported the data into MD. If i look at the stock history, it has all of the correct information by day. However, the "Current Price" field in the top center of the security history window shows an incorrect value that is close but does not match any of the historical prices. I have attached a screenshot of the security history window as an example.
The problem that this causes me is that I get inaccurate information on the "investment account" widget on the summary page. It is using the "Current Price" instead of the most recent price. The workaround is that I have to go into the Security History window for each security that I own and update the Current Price in order to get accurate information on my summary page.
My question is where does this "Current Price" come from and why isn't it derived from the price history?
Thank you
- XIC_History.JPG 54.6 KB
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