Investment Performance Report Calculation: Return %
Does anyone know how the Return % column within the Investment Performance report is calculated, especially if all the columns within the report have any entry (e.g. initial balance, buys, sales, income, current balance, gains, annual returns)?
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1 Posted by Ian L on 12 Oct, 2015 02:42 PM
Currently the return amount is calculated as:
(end_balance + sales + income) - (start_balance + buys)
and the percentage is:
return_amount / (start_balance + buys)
Are you seeing an error on the report?
Infinite Kind Support
2 Posted by Norm on 13 Oct, 2015 03:54 AM
Hello Ian,
Thank you for the information. Yes I am seeing an error on the report. I attached a file that demonstrates an error. If you use the last row of the snapshot and apply it to your formula you would get a different value (-3.4) as opposed to the -2.69 that is written as the total. Also please note if you add the column totals for the Return % summary you get a different number -1.61.
Any additional information and or insights would be helpful. Thank you.
3 Posted by Ian L on 16 Oct, 2015 02:17 PM
Hi Norm,
Thanks for the screenshot. This is a known bug in the total row on that is on my list of investment report bugs to fix. We've been swamped with support tickets recently, so I haven't had a chance to look at this more. I'm hoping to get at it in the near future, though. I've attached the ticket for this bug to this discussion, so you'll be notified once it's been fixed.
Infinite Kind Support
4 Posted by brthrorchid on 11 Nov, 2015 03:17 AM
Hello Support Team,
What is the status on closing this ticket such that we can use the investment performance reports? If it isn't closed, can you provide an approximate date for closure. This bug is prohibiting me from reliably using the investment performance report.
Thank you, Norm
5 Posted by Ian L on 12 Nov, 2015 04:20 PM
Hi Norm,
Unfortunately, I haven't gotten this bug ironed out quite yet. I don't have a good date for when this will be fixed, though I'm aiming to get back at this before the end of the year.
Infinite Kind Support
6 Posted by brthrorchid on 13 Nov, 2015 03:48 AM
Hello Ian,
Thank you for the response, but I have some additional questions/concerns:
1) I am confused, in one of our previous correspondences you stated this was a well known bug (the totaling of the columns for the performance report was not right), and you opened a ticket to get this addressed. Now you tell me you haven't gotten this bug ironed out quite yet. This does not make sense to me. Can you provide some additional insight and or clarification (e.g. is anyone working on it, and or planning on working on it)?
2) We have been corresponding on this issue for months without any real movement, closure and or any type of commitment to bring this to closure. I understand that you and the team are very busy but this report is not working, and cannot be used because of a known problem of column totals not being accurate. It appears that for one reason or another the resolution of the problem continues to be delayed and is is not a priority to close. Of all the reports MD offers, in my opinion this is key and should be fixed and was the primary reason I chose MD (i.e. to track my investment performance). Is there a way that your team can bring some attention to this problem and or raise it's priority to be fixed? Is there someone I contact to raise this up in the priority queue?
If you have any additional insights and or recommendations, please contact me.
Thank you, Norm
7 Posted by brthrorchid on 17 Dec, 2015 02:42 PM
Hello Support Team,
I wanted to follow up with you and get a status on this problem and confirm if there has been any movement and or plan to address the problem.
Thank you,
8 Posted by Ian L on 17 Dec, 2015 03:13 PM
Hi Norm,
Sorry for the delay on this. We had some other major issues come up that I was asked to focus on. However, I'm moving reports (and specifically the investment reports) up my priority list now. I can't give a timeline on when this will be fixed, but hopefully sooner rather than later.
Infinite Kind Support
System closed this discussion on 19 Mar, 2016 04:59 AM.