total number of shares is incorrect
I purchased 16 apple shares before the stock split, and then received 96 shares in the split in June of 2014, giving me a total of 112 shares. Moneydance has added the two together and it has always (until last month) shown the correct number of shares, both on the portfolio page and on the home page. Around a month ago, I updated to MOneydance 2015 and now see that it is giving me credit for only 16 shares.f It still has the two different transactions (the original purchase and the new shares that came with the split) but in both the portfolio and the home page, it lists only 16 shares.
See screenshots.
How can I have MD give me the credit for all 112 shares? It obviously makes a difference in the total money that I have invested.
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1 Posted by lists5040 on 01 Dec, 2015 05:20 PM
Can someone please help me solve this issue? This has clearly been introduced with my update to MoneyDance 2015, as the total number of shares was correct in MoneyDance 2014. What can I do to make it correct? Do I have to go back to MoneyDance 2014 to make the money invested to be accurate? I shouldn't have to do that.
2 Posted by Ben Spencer on 01 Dec, 2015 06:27 PM
Can you show a screenshot of the complete list of transactions that security is involved in.
Ben Spencer
Infinite Kind Support
3 Posted by lists5040 on 01 Dec, 2015 06:39 PM
> On Dec 1, 2015, at 11:27 AM, Ben Spencer <[email blocked]> wrote:
and, if your want this:
4 Posted by Ben Spencer on 01 Dec, 2015 06:45 PM
There is something strange about the BuyXfr of 96 shares. The price is 100, which is strangely round to begin with, but the amount is 0.00. Could you show me a screenshot of this transaction in the register of the investment account.
Ben Spencer
Infinite Kind Support
5 Posted by lists5040 on 01 Dec, 2015 08:00 PM
> On Dec 1, 2015, at 11:45 AM, Ben Spencer <[email blocked]> wrote:
I believe that the amount is 0.00 because I didn’t pay for the stocks - they were from a stock split. This is the way that MoneyDance recorded the distribution of the new shares. Why would the initial price matter anyway (other than in cost basis); shouldn’t the total be accurate and MD correct the amount of money when it downloads the stock prices?
By the way, I also have this same situation in another account - one of our IRA’s which also received Apple shares when it split. I didn’t mention it because what solves the problem in this instance will solve the other.
Thanks for your attention; I hope that you can solve this.
6 Posted by lists5040 on 01 Dec, 2015 08:27 PM
Additional comment related to email sent to you 26 minutes ago, about this issue.
One additional thing - whatever is wrong with this listing changed when I updated from 2014 within the last mont. Under MD 2014, the totals were listed correctly. I don’t see how just an update to the software would cause this problem.
7 Posted by dwg on 01 Dec, 2015 08:43 PM
I agree with Scott that the BuyXfr transaction for 96 shares looks strange, especially with a price of 100. The fact that the transaction looks strange could account for why MD2015 treats it differently to MD2014.
From what you say I am assuming that this was a 7 for 1 stock split i.e. for each share you owned you received 6 additional shares.
I would not expect to see a stock split entered like this in Moneydance. A download from a broker may show it like this but that is not how I would do it in MD. I'm wondering if removing the existing transaction and manually entering it as a stock split would correct the issue.
8 Posted by lists5040 on 02 Dec, 2015 02:28 AM
. you are correct - this is the way that the split was downloaded from Fidelity. As I said, MD 2014 had no probem interpreting this entry. When I updated to 2015, and looked at my investment totals a weekor so later, I was shocked at how much money I had lost!
Using your suggestion, I deleted the entry of the additional stocks, and used the “stock split” button on the security details, and it worked. Now all seems to be accurate (and it carried over from one account to the other without me having to change both), so thanks for the suggestion. Is it okay that there is nothing in the register to acknowledge this? The only evidence that I see of it is along the bottom of the security detail box.
Thanks again, both Ben and dwg,
9 Posted by dwg on 02 Dec, 2015 05:14 AM
With MD2014 the problems would have probably surfaced later, I would expect the transaction to break lot matching for starters.
This is an easy way for brokers to adjust the number of shares but it is wrong in so many ways.
You did not purchase any shares on the indicated date.
What the stock split did was to adjust the number of shares you own in each lot keeping the same total cost prices but lowering the cost per share and keeping the original purchase date. The buy transaction didn't do any of this.
i know you only have one lot or parcel of shares but imagine you had a number of parcels and you did a part sale drawing shares from different parcels, not handling the stock split correctly can badly affect the calculations you need to do to determine capital gains and the remaining share costs.
I would suggest that any time there is a stock split you look to correct any entry like that, that is downloaded.
There does not need to be a register entry for this as it is not that type of transaction. If you like you can put an entry in, using say a MiscInc transaction type so that it does not impact anything it should not, zero amount and some dummy category you set up for it - avoid buy and sell action types for this sort of thing as that does cause problems.
Perhaps Infinite Kind need to create an action type of Memo for recording notes in registers :)
System closed this discussion on 19 Mar, 2016 05:03 AM.