Bulk imports
Dear Sir
How do I import in bulk non-quoted shares and their prices?
Best regards
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1 Posted by Hans Falkena on 08 Oct, 2023 01:04 PM
I am downloading share purchases and its prices from an Excel spreadsheet.
2 Posted by dwg on 08 Oct, 2023 09:03 PM
There are a couple of ways
If you chose the Moneydance menu option Tools --> Securities, double click on the security you want, you will end up with a screen that has an import button on the right hand side, clicking on this will take you to an import page, this allows for imports on a share by share basis and has the details of the file layout required
If you have files that contain multiple shares all for the same date you would be better served using the security price load extension. This extension has been written by a Moneydance user and is available from:
System closed this discussion on 07 Jan, 2024 09:10 PM.