Batch change security
Is there a way to batch-change all holdings of one security to another?
I won't go into the reasons why this is needed, but I need to know if it is possible. I have FUND1 in Account A, and FUND2 in Account B. I want to change all holdings of FUND2 in Account B into FUND1 in Account B. Price history, shares, value and all other data are identical between the two, so it is just the security name that needs to change. I have years worth of data that I don't want to key in manually.
I tried using batch change or the Find Replace extension, but neither seems to be able to handle the Security field.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Maddy on 27 Oct, 2023 03:01 PM
Thank you for contacting Moneydance support.
Using Moneydance 2023.1 (5006) (you are entitled to a free upgrade to this version), you can navigate to Extensions->Manage Extensions (when the Toolbox is already installed) you will see the option Toolbox: Move investment transactions.
You'll be asked to ensure that the Quote and Exchange Rates Updater or the Quote loader are not updating your security prices while you are moving/merging investment accounts.
In the resulting window you can choose HELP/GUIDE prior to proceed moving your investment transactions from an account to the other.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions or need more assistance.
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
2 Posted by retail on 27 Oct, 2023 04:26 PM
Thanks, Maddy. Just to be clear, I don't want to move transactions or securities from one Investment account to another investment account, I want to change all transactions in one account from one security into another security. Simply editing the main security to have it show as a different name (e.g. Tools > Securities > edit security) won't work.
I need to change 'buy 5 shares of FUNDB @ $3.21 per share' into 'buy 5 shares of FUNDA @ $3.21 per share'.
Again, why I need to do this is complicated, I just need to know if it is possible. It didn't look like the Move investment transactions feature will do the trick.
3 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 27 Oct, 2023 05:34 PM
Nope. There are no tools to do this.. In your original post, the Account A information is a red herring... All you are asking to do is to edit/change the security assignment on the txns in account B from Fund2 to Fund1
You will need to do by hand, or write a python script...
However, there might be a trick! If fund2 is not used anywhere else and it's genuinely the same as fund1, then you can use Toolbox > Merge duplicate Securities feature to merge Fund2 into Fund1 (across ALL investment accounts). For this to work, you will have to use Tools/Securities and edit Fund 2 so that the Ticker, Decimal Places, Current Price are all the same as fund 1
System closed this discussion on 26 Jan, 2024 05:40 PM.