I recently began using MoneyDance+ to download transactions for several investment accounts. I worked through the linking of accounts within MoneyDance to the outside accounts and activated the download process. At this point the MoneyDance+ was working well. Upon reviewing the imported transactions, I have found multiple issues in how the data was imported. The issues range from incorrect actions for a given transaction to incorrect price for a purchase, the share price is multiplied by 100! Did I setup MoneyDance+ incorrectly? Did I miss a setup screen? The only alternative I see is to delete the accounts and begin the manual process of entering the transactions.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Maddy on 31 Oct, 2023 01:26 PM
We are sorry to hear about the problem you have encountered.
In order to update security prices, you can use the Quotes and Exchange Rates extension or the Quote Loader.
You can choose Extensions --> Manage Extensions->Quotes and Exchange Rates and use Yahoo as a source (it's more reliable!)
Alternatively, you can try the extension called "Quote Loader".
You can find more information about the extension in this thread post 51, from the public discussion board.
To get an overview take a look at the YouTube video by using the link on page 1 of the PDF in that thread.
The latest build 3203 of Quote Loader is available within Moneydance, under Extensions –> Manage Extensions.
The system provides an end to end solution, obtaining quotes from a choice of two sources and entering them into the relevant History window, all from a single window within Moneydance. The system can obtain Security Prices, Exchange Rates, Market Indices, Cryptocurrency Rates and prices for Cryptocurrency Investments. The system provides quotes from many stock exchanges, US, Canada, UK, Europe and Australia to name but a few. The process of obtaining quotes from the selected source is fast and error free.
Please keep this thread on how to use the Quote Loader:
Finally, it might be useful referring you to this thread containing the last updates from Mike Bray - the Quote Loader developer.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions or need more assistance.
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
Support Staff 2 Posted by Maddy on 31 Oct, 2023 01:31 PM
Additionally, please send us your Moneydance error logs.
The logs should include information about what might be causing a problem.
They are saved on your computer as an errlog.txt file.
You can get to your error logs as follow:
1) navigate to Help->Console Window to show the console log in a window
2) in the Finder, press ⌘⇧G and then copy and paste
~/Library/Containers/com.infinitekind.MoneydanceOSX/Data/Library/Application Support
into the field and press enter/return.At that point the finder will show an internal folder containing the errlog.txt file which includes the log.
Finally you can paste the full content to your next reply.
To add an attachment to this thread, please click on the "Browse" button.
Thank you
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
3 Posted by dwieliczka on 01 Nov, 2023 03:28 PM
There is a mis-understanding in my request, the issue is not with Quote Loader, it is with MoneyDance+ and importing transactions from investment firms.
I setup MoneyDance+ to access my financial institution. The login proceeded with no issues. I opened the MoneyDance account and accessed the download feature in the menu, “Online” and then “Download AcctName Transactions”. The software accessed the financial institution and downloaded the transactions for the requested dates. When I began reviewing the entries, I noticed entry errors in “share price”, “Misc Exp”, etc. These are not “errors” in the process, i.e. values were loaded appropriately, but the values are incorrect.
Also, the portfolio value was considerably larger than it should have been, I wish I had that much money in the investment account!! It appears the decimal point on “share price” is not present and values are increased by 100.
I reviewed the error log and found no entries associated with the download of the transactions.
This is an old datafile, earliest entry is from 1993 and has over 30 accounts ranging from checking, credit card, and investments. Many of these have dependent transactions so I am reluctant to delete any accounts. The investments accounts also have funds that appear in more than one account and I am cleaning the investment accounts up to minimize duplicate security entries. Could my issue be due to the duplicate entries? I know I made some early errors on the investment accounts as I thought I needed to create a new security for each account rather than simply add the existing security to each account. ( I hope that makes sense.)
My current thinking is to return to an archived file prior to the download process, clean up the duplicate securities and then repeat the download process.
System closed this discussion on 31 Jan, 2024 03:30 PM.
dwieliczka re-opened this discussion on 28 Feb, 2024 01:35 PM
4 Posted by dwieliczka on 28 Feb, 2024 01:39 PM
I began the above discussion in January of this year. I continue to have an issue of using MoneyDance+ when importing transactions from financial institutions. The dollar amount is multiplied by 100 when imported. I have checked the accounts for the dollar/cents separator to assure it is a "." I have been manually entering the transactions or editing them after they have been imported. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Support Staff 5 Posted by Maddy on 28 Feb, 2024 01:47 PM
Sorry to hear that the problem persists!
In order to determine what might be causing it, please can you send us your Moneydance error logs?
They are saved on your computer as an errlog.txt file.
You can get to your error logs as follow:
1) navigate to Help->Console Window to show the console log in a window
2) in the Finder, press ⌘⇧G and then copy and paste
~/Library/Containers/com.infinitekind.MoneydanceOSX/Data/Library/Application Support
into the field and press enter/return.At that point the finder will show an internal folder containing the errlog.txt file which includes the log.
Finally you can paste the full content to your next reply.
To add an attachment to this thread, please click on the "Browse" button below your next post.
Thank you
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
6 Posted by dwieliczka on 28 Feb, 2024 10:02 PM
I attached two log files. One created prior to today's download and the second created after the download.
Support Staff 7 Posted by Maddy on 01 Mar, 2024 05:16 PM
It is possible that the exchange rate was incorrect for a certain period of time, resulting in a bunch of wildly incorrect fee amounts on the "other side" of the transaction.
I've attached a file called "" that will search for and correct the exchange rate for any transactions with extreme rates. When running this on your file it corrects all amounts.
Now you should follow the steps below:
1) Make a backup of your data file (just in case!) using the File -> Export Backup menu
2) Select the Window -> Show MoneyBot Console
3) In the window that appears, click the Open Script button and select the file that is attached to this message called
. Note: you will have to unzip the attached file first.4) Click the "Run" button
After that, none of your account balances or visible transactions should be changed.
I would keep the backup made in step 1 around for a while until you're sure that everything is in order. Please do let us know if you have any trouble with the script or if it doesn't solve the problem.
Maddy, Infinite Kind Support
System closed this discussion on 31 May, 2024 05:20 PM.