I own shares of Under Armour (NYSE:UA). On 4/8/16, they did a "Tax exempt dividend/stock split" and I ended up with a 1:1 split but with a new class of stock. (UA/C). How do I enter this in my register?
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1 Posted by David Hanley on 12 Apr, 2016 09:25 PM
Hi Mike,
I'd recommend that you take a look at the following article from our knowledge base, which will walk you through our recommended process for entering a stock spinoff:
Hope this helps, and feel free to contact me with any questions about this process!
David Hanley
Infinite Kind Support
2 Posted by Michael Riddles on 13 Apr, 2016 12:05 AM
I looked at that before writing, but I guess I didn’t think it was the same issue. Upon reading it properly and with due focus, I realized that it did, indeed, address my problem.
3 Posted by David Hanley on 13 Apr, 2016 12:20 AM
Glad to hear that addressed your issue. Please feel free to contact us for any additional support!
David Hanley
Infinite Kind Support
David Hanley closed this discussion on 13 Apr, 2016 12:20 AM.
Michael Riddles re-opened this discussion on 13 Apr, 2016 04:05 AM
4 Posted by Michael Riddles on 13 Apr, 2016 04:05 AM
You guys rock, David.
5 Posted by Mark on 25 May, 2016 12:34 PM
With all due respect, I do not agree that "you guys rock".
A quick search reveals that users have been clamoring for a way to account for spinoffs for YEARS. With each "upgrade" of Moneydance, this feature is not included. Indeed, while there may be changes under the hood, basic accounting features continue to be neglected and given passing concern with a half-hearted promise to "look into it". Or refer the customer to a user-written article on how to work-around this missing feature.
I'm sorry, but I just spent an upgrade fee from MD 2012 because of an issue syncing with Fidelity (security certificates coded into the software instead of a lookup file?!? C'mon!!!), and I find the feature set of the new software to be IDENTICAL what I was running 4 years ago. A stock I own is going to spin off soon, and I have HUNDREDS of transactions (purchases, dividends) that will need to be MANUALLY ENTERED. I'm pissed off, because this software is supposed to make my life easier!
I chose MD way back then because it was the only Mac compatible personal finance software that imported my old data properly. I held my nose at some of the missing features and the horribly unsightly, bush-league bitmapped charts, expecting that the software would evolve and improve. I've seen nothing of the sort. Changing the font while continuing to make empty promises to add CRITICAL features will no longer cut it with me. I'm going to start looking elsewhere.
System closed this discussion on 02 Oct, 2016 02:33 AM.