One holding did not download from Well Fargo Advisors
New account download: On CEF did now download, but the dividends show up. How do I fix this. Also, how can I edit the initial opening balance used when I set up the account or do i just make an adjustment to bring it into sync.
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1 Posted by Tom Freeman on 18 Apr, 2016 06:32 PM
The online banking connection downloads recent transactions made available by the institution. The time period of transactions made available vary from financial institution.
You would want to manually add the initial balance of the fund. To do this find a statement from your broker prior to the earliest dividend transaction. You want to backdate a buy transaction for your total holding at this time of this security. Use your cost basis as the transaction total. this will create a negative cash balance. Now go to account . edit account. There is a field for initial balance. Put in the dollar amount that will reconcile the cash balance.
Tom Freeman
Infinite Kind Support
System closed this discussion on 30 Jul, 2016 03:52 AM.