How to add investment accouns
I have 4 investment accounts, each investment account has a cash reserve account and each account has between 6 to 9 investments potfolios.
If someone has investment accounts of this nature can you explain how you were able to sent up and create the four account each with a cash reserve account and between 6 to 9 investments.
One other question, I found that my bank account with Commerec Bank Shares was not compatible with MoneyDance for automatic account downloads, would you also know if Fidelity Investments has the automatic download function if not can it be accomplished as a manual function
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1 Posted by Ian O on 25 Apr, 2016 11:36 AM
Hi Glyn,
You can create an account within Account --> New Account, and specify the account type as Investment. Once created, you can select the account in the left sidebar to access the account register. You'll need to also create securities and add them to the account. You can then use those securities in the Investment transactions.
You can add securities by either clicking the 'securities' tab, or by selecting the 'Actions' button at the top right of the Investment register. Then you want to enter 'buy' transactions using these securities, to enter your initial holdings. After this you want to edit the account (within Account --> Edit) to add an initial balance to reconcile your cash balance. You can read more in this article about how to enter your current holdings.
You can see a list of investment related articles here. And please see this link to download the Moneydance user guide here, Investments are detailed in Chapter 7, Page 45.
Regarding the automatic download, Moneydance supports Direct Connect. You can view a list of banks that support this feature here. If your bank is listed, then you can get this setup by selecting Online --> Set Up Online Banking/ Online Bill Pay. Then select 'New Connection' and choose your financial institution from the list.
If your bank is not listed, then the best way to get your files into Moneydance is to use a web browser to download them from your bank's web site. You can download into QFX, OFX or OFC files (aka Quicken or MS Money files), any of which will import cleanly into Moneydance.
You can also open your bank's download page directly (after entering the appropriate address in the Account --> Edit Account menu) by going to the menu bar and selecting Online --> Open Account Website, which makes the download process easier.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can be of further assistance.
Ian O
Infinite Kind Support
System closed this discussion on 30 Jul, 2016 03:52 AM.