Investment types
I have given each stock in my investment portfolio a type (e.g. Bond, Corporate etc) using Moneydance on my laptop. When I synchronise using Dropbox and then load Moneydance on my desktop computer, the investments types are not updated. Is there a way to ensure that investment types are synchronised across my devices? Thanks for any help on this.
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1 Posted by Ben Spencer on 11 May, 2016 03:01 PM
Can you let me know which version of Moneydance you are running? To do this run Moneydance and select "Help->Console Window..." from the menu. Then, copy and paste the output of the console window to this discussion.
Ben Spencer
Infinite Kind Support
2 Posted by C & F Howe on 11 May, 2016 03:36 PM
It is this version:
Moneydance 2015.7
[email blocked]
System closed this discussion on 02 Oct, 2016 02:34 AM.