QFX file Import
I'm trying to import a QFX transaction file; this files has investment transactions (stocks and options, and includes some short sells). I'm confused on why I need to verify each entry. On my first import, empty database, it asks me to verify duplicates (that shouldn't happen). Also, your program is limited on how it figures out entries. If for example, I bought 100 shares of SPY in one month and hold on to it for several months, it should be smart enough to know that entry already exists based on dates. Biggest flaw is you most likely truncate compare strings, for example, the following two stock options entries are unique.
QQQ 141018C00090000 QQQ 18OCT14 90.0 C
QQQ 141018C00090500 QQQ 18OCT14 90.5 C
And they also will be unique based on date and timestamp of Buy/Sell transaction. I do hope you're looking at full timestamp too. I sometimes will buy and sell the same security 3-4 times in the same day. For example, buy 100 spy, sell 100 SPY, then buy 100 SPY, buy 100 more SPY, then sell 100 SPY, then buy 100 more, then sell 200 to close; all in one day.
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