Investments Procedure

Don Barsell's Avatar

Don Barsell

30 May, 2016 08:52 PM

Has someone made, or can someone make, a video showing the steps of:
1. Create an investment acct.
2. Add a subcategory stock purchase
3. Later in month sell the stock at different price
4. Have the proceeds transfered back to parent acct.
5. Account for transaction fee.
6. Account for investment gain/loss

Thank you

  1. 1 Posted by Tom Freeman on 06 Jun, 2016 04:43 PM

    Tom Freeman's Avatar

    No videos. But we do have faq's here (and you can also download the user's guide):

    1 from the toolbar go to accounts > new account. Select Investment

    2 To add a sub-type to a security go to the securities detail woodwind and click edit security. There is an edit link next to the sub-type filed. Click this to add sub-types. There is a + sign in the sub-type window to add sub-types. Close the edit sub-type window and click the scroll menu icon to select the attach the sub-type to this security.

    3. In the account register make a sell transaction. You can fill in the appropriate price and share count.

    4 This would be a transfer transaction.

    5. In the investment transaction their is a fee field and a fee category field.

    6 This should happen automatically and should show up on the reports. In the cap gains report you can edit it to show unrealized capital gains

    Tom Freeman
    Infinite Kind Support

  2. System closed this discussion on 02 Oct, 2016 02:36 AM.

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