Clarity on how to bypass Desktop 3 device Dropbox limit

Rich W's Avatar

Rich W

Aug 09, 2020 @ 08:58 PM

Hi. Ethan has stated the following I’m a recent chat - is it possible to provide a more detailed explanation how I do this please?

“Note that if you are not using Dropbox for any other purpose, you can usually bypass their three device limit by using the Dropbox Connection option on your desktop systems, and not otherwise installing the Dropbox app on your systems. This accesses your data directly from their servers, and does not count towards their device limit for free accounts.“

Thanks for your advice

  1. 1 Posted by dwg on Aug 09, 2020 @ 09:22 PM

    dwg's Avatar

    I'm a fellow user.

    It is as Ethan says. Rather than installing the Dropbox client (which is in fact eats up a connection license) and setting up Moneydance syncing to use Dropbox Folder, you do not install the client and when setting up syncing you select to use Dropbox Connection instead. this method uses the Dropbox API to read and write to the Dropbox folder on the server and so does not use one of the licenses.


  2. System closed this discussion on Nov 08, 2020 @ 09:30 PM.

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