New laptop sync caused to lost all of my entries
My laptop broke so i use Moneydance for 2 months only from my iPhone and iPad and it worked.
Yesterday my new laptop arrived. I installed the app i connect it and started the sync process that took some time - about 10 min.
After having complete the sync i tried to use the app and i realise there are some new files called "recovered......." and i have lost my entries. When i connect with my iPad it immediately synced to the same file and i lost the entries from there too...
How can i roll back one day or get my entries back?
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1 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 06 Mar, 2021 01:04 PM
What version of MD? What Os and version?
Did you install a newer MD than the one you previously had? If newer, what was the version that existed before?
What steps did you follow to connect your new laptop to sync?
Do you have any backups? Eg *.moneydancearchive files ?
In Moneydance on the laptop do you see any txns at all, especially the most recent ones created on your iPad/iPhone?
On the app, do you see any txns at all?
If you create a new txn on laptop, does it appear on the iOS app? And visa versa?
When you connected the new pc, did you reconnect the iOS apps to sync or did you leave them untouched (ie using the same existing sync settings)
With these answers we might be able to guide you.
(Not support, just a fellow user)
2 Posted by Constantin on 09 Mar, 2021 11:07 AM
Hi and thank you for your response!
I run 2020.1 (1928) ver of MD and OS 11.2.2
Both the old and new laptop run the same versions.
As my old laptop just stopped (ssd issue) i follow the connect another PC procedure.
I do not have backup files - the latest i have is 4 months ago.
On the laptop i do see some transactions from a file called backup followed by numbers but these are random transactions. The same happen to my iPad/iphone.
After i saw the laptop sync failed i put my iPad on flight mode and i add some new transactions just to have a more recent entry. Then i switched on the wifi and immediately synced with the broken file ignoring i had newer entries on the iPad. After that i did not try anything else.
3 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 09 Mar, 2021 11:41 AM
Last question. On the pc if you do file new l, open sync file, Dropbox, how many datasets does it show you? Only 1? If more than 1 try the other one. If one, just cancel.
But i suspect only one. If so, your sync has damage.
If you look in the recovered accounts do you see your missing txns?
If so, I think you are going to have to create new accounts for each missing account, move the txns from recovered into the new accounts and go from there.
I can’t think of anything else as you have no backup? Are you sure you don’t have a time machine backup?
If the above works, then once (and only once) you have rebuilt your dataset I would do a file export backup and then turn off all sync everywhere. I would then delete the Dropbox moneydance sync folders. And then turn on sync again and start a new sync profile.
(Not support, just a fellow user)
4 Posted by Constantin on 09 Mar, 2021 05:36 PM
Unfortunately i only have on file.
So my last Time Machine was 4 months ago.
As i understood i will deactivate any syncing, then delete Dropbox files and then i will copy the file from the MD backup folder of my Time Machine to my backup folder of my laptop and then start dropbox again.
If you can please confirm so i make sure i got it right.
Thank you so much for your time!
5 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 09 Mar, 2021 06:15 PM
BEFORE you do any of this, did you try these steps?
'If you look in the recovered accounts do you see your missing txns?
If so, I think you are going to have to create new accounts for each missing account, move the txns from recovered into the new accounts and go from there.'
If no good and you want to restore then....:
- Restore Time Machine - you want the file/folder something.moneydance. - restore it to a new folder so that you do not touch anything existing. - DO NOT OPEN IT - as this will start to Sync from the 'corrupt dropbox' - Once you know you have restored a good file, then.... - Disconnect Sync on iPhone and iPad - Find Dropbox / .moneydancesync folder. Rename the subfolder with a very long number to something else - Wait for dropbox sync to replicate the rename - Open the restored file in MD - Check it's OK
(not support, just a fellow user)
System closed this discussion on 08 Jun, 2021 06:20 PM.