Some transactions failed to sync
I use Moneydance in Windows 10 and on an Android phone. Some transactions failed to sync and consequently several accounts show different totals on the two devices. No amount of deleting or editing these transactions resolve the problem. Have others had a similar experience, and is there any way to solve the problem?
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1 Posted by tgilbert666 on 07 Mar, 2021 12:27 AM
Hi Robert,
Yes, I've been encountering this problem sporadcally on Win10 and Android (beta app) both on MD 2019.3 and 2021.1 (3033)
I'm using dropbox folder with two Android devices but since investigating, I've reduced to just my Android tablet and my Windows laptop and refrained from entering any transactions on my Android phone.
I've been investigating and gathering logs for weeks without finding the root cause of the problem. My latest suspicion is that it's to do with when my dropbox folders are updated. For instance, a couple of times I've caught the console log reporting, for instance...
"local file is newer than sync file. local=Thu Mar 04 16:44:33 AEDT 2021 synced=Thu Mar 04 16:44:03 AEDT 2021"
...when actually, the sync file was saved to dropbox 48 hours earlier (but presumably updated to my laptop concurrently but 30 seconds later than MD syncing). Perhaps it's to do with the fact that I opened MD before my laptop had a chance to sync itself with Dropbox (in general, not just for MD sync files) so I'm carefully trying to prove that, but no proof so far. I do have screenshots of the Android app transactions that are getting trampled and never reaching the master copy but currently I've been ensuring that I don't open MD on the laptop until AFTER I've opened the Dropbox folder on the laptop and ensured it's up-to-date. That seems - so far - to have alleviated the problem.Prior to that, I'd tried all the tricks suggested on the forums, including starting over (twice). I've still lost transactions as recently as last week, but I haven't been able to find sufficient time to give this dedicated testing so I'm just observing and documenting the (mostly) normal course of events.
I am leaning toward believing it's a problem when MD is more eager than Dropbox in it's syncing and maybe the experts can investigate in that region . . .
I'll update as I learn more, but you are not alone!
2 Posted by tgilbert666 on 07 Mar, 2021 12:45 AM
. . . actually, your post (and mine) caused me to take a closer look at that particular log and the message above is preceded by another message that I'd previously overlooked...:
<<<< pushing transactions there are txns to buffer in the outgoing file (numbytes:22133) uploading buffer file to syncFolder nio atomic move failed. Reverting to old-fashioned copy-and-move. Errors were: e1:java.nio.file.FileSystemException: C:\Users\tgilb\.moneydance\Documents\CURRENT\Home_CY2020.moneydance\safe\tiksync\uploadbuf -> C:\Users\tgilb\.moneydance\Documents\CURRENT\Home_CY2020.moneydance\safe\tiksync\in\d312f0d7-c3ba-4c98-80ec-c424ce94f9cb.mdtxn: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process; e2:java.nio.file.FileSystemException: C:\Users\tgilb\.moneydance\Documents\CURRENT\Home_CY2020.moneydance\safe\tiksync\uploadbuf -> C:\Users\tgilb\.moneydance\Documents\CURRENT\Home_CY2020.moneydance\safe\tiksync\in\d312f0d7-c3ba-4c98-80ec-c424ce94f9cb.mdtxn: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
which perplexes me. Perhaps I had the MD sync folder open in Windows explorer, but I didn't have any dropbox FILES open. Hmmm. Another avenue to explore
System closed this discussion on 06 Jun, 2021 12:50 AM.