Sync not working anymore

Joško's Avatar


24 Mar, 2021 05:43 PM

Since I have purchased the license I have been syncing my Iphone with PC Moneydance data through Dropbox cloud, but now seems Dropbox has serious limitations, e.g. it is not free anymore.. What are the alternatives for cloud?

  1. 1 Posted by derekkent23 on 24 Mar, 2021 07:40 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Joško

    If your using a phone there is no alternative to Dropbox.

    The Dropbox restrictions maybe not as bad as they first sound.

    The limit of 3 devices running Dropbox applications with a free account applies to the devices that can be connected to a Dropbox product itself, via official Dropbox applications, such as the official Dropbox desktop client or mobile applications.

    If your computers are using Dropbox Folder as a syncing method for Moneydance then as you have to have Dropbox Client installed, this count towards the limit. However, if you use Dropbox Connection and don’t have Dropbox Client installed, this does not count towards the limit. This limit does not apply to third party apps that connect to Dropbox via the Dropbox API. This includes the Dropbox Application Program Interface that is embedded in Moneydance mobile. Your mobile devices would only count towards the limit if you had Dropbox official app installed on your mobile devices for another reason.
    You can also mix Moneydance sync Methods on computers, say 3 computers using Dropbox Folder and any additional computers using Dropbox Connection.

    Another approach is to set up another Dropbox account under a different email address and set up the Moneydance folder “.moneydancesync” as a shared folder between the two accounts.

    Hope this helps.

  2. 2 Posted by Josko on 25 Mar, 2021 08:01 AM

    Josko's Avatar



    Thank You very very much for extensive answer!

    Last evening I realized that Dropbox assigned me to some more „advanced“ business model and when I cancelled that, it switched back to basic and (after reinstallation) my IPhone Moneydance app started to sync again.

    IT was not straighforward to do that but now works , thanks!


    BTW. pitty that Moneydance does not work with some FTP account or similar




  3. 3 Posted by derekkent23 on 25 Mar, 2021 09:30 AM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Joško

    The problem is as far as I know Dropbox is the only cloud server that offers API (application programming interface) that developers can build into their applications. The current free Mobile Moneydance App is built around the free Dropbox API and its works.
    If you were just syncing between computers then there are any numbers of cloud servers that will work. I have tested OneDrive, Google Drive, and pCloud and they all work with the Moneydance sync method Shared Folder. I have not tested FPT but it should work for syncing between computers using Moneydance sync method Shared Folder.

    Have Fun, Stay Safe.

  4. 4 Posted by dwg on 25 Mar, 2021 09:45 AM

    dwg's Avatar

    If you are talking about FTP as in File Transfer Protocol Moneydnace will not work with this, it either requires a file type service that is accessible at the Operating system i.e. CIFS, NFS and the like or it uses the Dropbox API.

  5. System closed this discussion on 24 Jun, 2021 09:50 AM.

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