Syncing with spouse Macbook Pro (not IOS) problem
I have the prmary account, my spouse syncs with my mac as secondary.
The issue is that one of our credit card accounts now shows up as "Restored" on her mac, and it is no longer under credit cards, it is under bank.
I'm pleased that it is still there, but what is the procedure to clean this up properly versus possibly making things worse by moving/changing/creating/deleting accounts/credit cards?
My main concern is BANK vs. CREDITCARD location, if Restored were still in Credit Cards, I'd be tempted just to rename it back to the correct name. As it is, I'm concerned I will make things worse.
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1 Posted by derekkent23 on 03 May, 2021 07:44 AM
I am not support staff, just a user.
Hi dtd
From your post my understanding is your computer is the primary computer and shows the correct data. Your wife has a secondary computer and there is an error. A primary computer is defined by the fact you can change the syncing method under SYNCING whereas a secondary computer syncing method is fixed. If this is the case the best way forward is to reset syncing and start a new sync.
Make sure you have the same version and build of moneydance on both computers, preferably latest preview from
The following assumes you have Dropbox client installed on both computers and that is you can see the Dropbox folder on your hard drives.
To reset syncing.
If you can’t find “.moneydancesync” you will need to sign into you Dropbox account and copy “.moneydancsync” to your hard drive from there and then delete its contents of “.moneydancesync” in Dropbox.
You may find a lot of old, maybe closed accounts or other accounts you have removed from the side bar reappearing in the second computers side bar. Use the “+” sign at bottom of side bar then ADVANCED to tidy up the side bar.
Hope this helps.
2 Posted by dtd on 03 May, 2021 11:00 PM
This seems extremely logical. I also have ipads and iphones connected. Do I need to do anything specific (other than waiting for dropbox files to clear) for those devices?
3 Posted by dtd on 03 May, 2021 11:26 PM
Just an as an aside - the syncing deletions totally exposed the "everything is wonky" bug - where balances go crazy. It would be nice if that bug were fixed.
4 Posted by dtd on 04 May, 2021 12:11 AM
ked fine for spouse computer - took quite some time to remove from sidebar given 35 years of data.
still wondering if there is something I need to do for the ios devices.
5 Posted by dwg on 04 May, 2021 01:42 AM
The restored data issue is a result of something in the data set on that specific machine, all previous occurrences as far as I can recall have been on standalone machines. It is normally a case of cleaning up that data set but as you are in a syncing relationship that is not something I would consider doing - who knows what effect it would have on other machines. As a secondary machine then wiping the MD data on that machine then re-adding it to the relationship would be the best option in my opinion.
I do not see that it should have any effect on the ios devices in itself, it should only have an effect on any other device if the underlying issue has been synced to another machine.
6 Posted by derekkent23 on 04 May, 2021 06:57 AM
I am not support staff, just a user.
Hi dtd
If you have mobile devices then before step 1. go into there setting and disconnect and close the apps. Then after step 15. on your mobile device(s) start the Moneydance App(s). On some devices you may need to click on the Dropbox symbol. You may be asked to sign in to your Dropbox account to allow Moneydance to access Dropbox if this is the first time the device has done this. The mobile app will search for your data set to sync. On the completion of the search you should see your current data set listed. Select this to sync. You will then be asked to enter you Encryption Password, the passphrase you entered on your computer FILE – SYNCING. After you have entered the password click BEGIN SYNCING. The initial sync can take a long time.
Hope this helps
7 Posted by derekkent23 on 04 May, 2021 07:05 AM
I am not support staff, just a user.
Hi dtd
Reading your post again it looks like you have completed the 15 steps so try this.
First do an EXPORT BACKUP on your primary computer. On your mobile devices go into their setting and disconnect and close the apps. On your mobile device(s) start the Moneydance App(s). On some devices you may need to click on the Dropbox symbol. You may be asked to sign in to your Dropbox account to allow Moneydance to access Dropbox if this is the first time the device has done this. The mobile app will search for your data set to sync. On the completion of the search, you should see your current data set listed. Select this to sync. You will then be asked to enter you Encryption Password, the passphrase you entered on your computer FILE – SYNCING. After you have entered the password click BEGIN SYNCING. The initial sync can take a long time.
Hope this helps
8 Posted by dtd on 04 May, 2021 07:08 AM
I get everything you are saying. and will comply. It should be simpler.
9 Posted by dtd on 04 May, 2021 10:54 PM
Turns out it was simpler. After fixing the spouse computer, I simply went to the ios devices and opened Moneydance. Everything synced fine, even given I had blown away the .moneydancesynce files and had recreated them.
10 Posted by dwg on 04 May, 2021 11:05 PM
This is where you need to be careful.
If you disconnect and close the app and go through the set up procees you are creating a new data set on the mobile device.
If you just open the app on the mobile device you are not doing this and in the event that a problem was passed in the data to the IOS machine it could then be passed back.
I suspect the problem in this instance was localised to the one machine so it may not be a problem that is passed around.
11 Posted by dtd on 04 May, 2021 11:29 PM
I agree. I was going to disconnect anyway, but had my backup, and just decided to see what might happen. As you say, the Restored bit on my spouse's computer was localized, so the ios devices (and the primary) were fine.
So, yes, I took a risk, but actually was wondering if this would occur, and it did.
(I absolutely looked back, forth, and sideways to insure it was all fine.)
Your comments are extremely valid. I just assessed the situation carefully and realized it would probably be fine (though I was surprised how even blowing away the .moneydancesync files in dropbox didn't cause a problem for the ios MD program)
12 Posted by dwg on 05 May, 2021 03:18 AM
In the early days what you had on the mobile device was just a subset of your data, so in that case I would expect a problem.
These days it should be a full copy of the data so I would expect that from IOS the moneydancesync folder could be rebuilt.
13 Posted by dtd on 05 May, 2021 03:45 AM
It still seems to go back only one year.
I have 35 years, so it still seems to be a subset in some ways.
14 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 05 May, 2021 04:46 AM
I would not trust this situation and you may well find one way sync issues if you do not also disconnect and reconnect your iOS devices. So whilst your computer sync has rebuilt, you should now disconnect and reconnect your iOS.
(Not support, just a fellow user)
15 Posted by derekkent23 on 05 May, 2021 08:27 AM
I am not support staff, just a user.
Hi dtd
Mobile devices by design only display up to one year’s data.
As dwg explained, now days, all data is transferred to the mobile, not just the data that can be displayed, making it possible to add extra features in the future. Maybe the one year limit now has the benefit of limiting the amount of data that is held in the mobile device to a manageable size.
16 Posted by dtd on 05 May, 2021 03:15 PM
I went ahead and reset all the ios devices. Better safe than sorry.
Thanks for the advice, all.
17 Posted by derekkent23 on 05 May, 2021 04:33 PM
I am not support staff, just a user.
Hi dtd
Glad you are all sorted.
Have Fun Stay Safe.
System closed this discussion on 04 Aug, 2021 04:40 PM.