Syncing has stopped working

Peter Morris's Avatar

Peter Morris

09 May, 2021 02:28 PM

I have 2 windows 10 laptops on which I am using Moneydance and the syncing was working ok. I decided to rename the data file on one laptop to make it more meaningful, then it occurred to me that as I was syncing between 2 machines renaming a data set was probably a bad idea, so I changed the name back to its original name. However, the syncing is now not working. When I go into 'File' then 'Syncing..' the syncing method is now 'Don't Sync' and I am unable to change it. Previously I think it used to say 'Dropbox Connection'. Please can you advise how I get the syncing working again.
Thanks, Peter

  1. 1 Posted by derekkent23 on 09 May, 2021 04:00 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Peter

    To help I first need to know the Moneydance version and build you are running, e.g. 2021.1(3066) as found under HELP - ABOUT MONEYDANCE.

  2. 2 Posted by Helen & Peter M... on 09 May, 2021 05:31 PM

    Helen & Peter Morris's Avatar

    Hello Derek

    It is 2020.1 (1928)

    Thanks and Regards


  3. 3 Posted by derekkent23 on 09 May, 2021 07:01 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Peter

    On the computer you want to be the primary computer do an EXPORT - BACKUP in case something goes Wrong.

    When you sync between computers you first set up one computer as the primary computer under FILE (MONEYDANCE on Mac) – SYNCING. You then set up any number of secondary computers to sync using FILE (MONEYDANCE on Mac) – NEW – OPEN SYNCED FILE.
    You can change the syncing method on a primary data set or a Moneydance backup restored from a primary data set.

    With a secondary data set the syncing method is fixed, greyed out and cannot be change. You get the same result after restoring a secondary computer Moneydance backup. Make sure the auto backups for the primary and secondary computers are not set to use the same location if you are say using Dropbox.

    If you have lost your primary computer data set first try to find a backup created from your primary computer and restore from that.

    If you only have a secondary data set try the following:

    To convert a secondary data set to a primary data set you need to run the attached script in Moneydance 2019/2020 and 2021.
    With your data set open click WINDOW - SHOW MONEYBOT CONSOLE use OPEN SCRIPT to select the script and click RUN. Wait for the script to complete its run, it can take a minute. Close and reopen Moneydance. You should now be able to change the syncing method.

    You now need to reset syncing as follows. The following assumes you are using the sync method Dropbox Folder.

    1. If you have mobile devices use there setting menu to disconnect.

    2. Set primary computer “Sync Method” to “Don’t Sync” under FILE – SYNCING, then click OK.

    3. On your primary computer use FILE – EXPORT BACKUP to save a backup in case something goes wrong.

    4. On your second computer click on HELP – SHOW DOCUMENT FOLDER to open a file explorer, close Moneydance and delete your data sets “yourdatasetname.moneydance”.

    5. Using your primary computer in the Dropbox folder move any folders you find in the folder “.moneydancesync” to your hard drive, say document folder. Don’t move the “.moneydancesync” folder itself. The moved folders are just a backup copy and can be deleted once syncing is working. Watch the Dropbox icon and wait till it states “Up to Date”. This can talk some time.

    6. In your second computer check that in the Dropbox folder that the folder “.moneydancesync” is empty. You need to give Dropbox a short time to complete this action.

    7. On your primary computer under FILE - SYNCING, set your “Encryption Passphrase”, set “Sync Method” to “Dropbox Folder”, click OK.

    8. Wait for a folder to be created in the Dropbox folder “.moneydancesync” Check the Dropbox icon states “Up to Date”. This can take some time.

    9. Wait until the same folder appears on your second computer in “.moneydancesync” folder, again watch the Dropbox icon this time on your second computer and wait till it states “Up to Date”.

    10. On your second computer starting Moneydance should open it in the welcome window, click on “Create a new account set”.

    11. Select “Open Synced File” and use dropdown to select “Dropbox Folder” then click NEXT.

    12. You should see a search screen headed “Select a synced document to open”

    13. After a short search delay, it should then list your un-synced data set name used on your primary computer.

    14. Highlight your data set name and click NEXT.

    15. Enter the encryption password, the “Encryption Passphrase” you set on your primary computer under FILE – SYNCING.

    16. Then click on FINISH. Wait for your data to be synced.
      You may find a lot of old, maybe closed accounts or other accounts you have removed from the side bar reappearing in the second computers side bar. Use the “+” sign at bottom of side bar then ADVANCED to tidy up the side bar.

    17. If you are syncing any mobile devices start the Moneydance App(s). On some devices you may need to click on the Dropbox symbol. You may be asked to sign in to your Dropbox account to allow Moneydance to access Dropbox if this is the first time the device has done this. The mobile app will search for your data set to sync. On the completion of the search you should see your current data set listed. Select this to sync. You will then be asked to enter you Encryption Password, the passphrase you entered on your computer FILE – SYNCING. After you have entered the password click BEGIN SYNCING. The initial sync can take a long time.

    Hope this helps.

  4. 4 Posted by Helen & Peter M... on 10 May, 2021 04:26 PM

    Helen & Peter Morris's Avatar

    Thanks Derek, the syncing is now working!

    However, it is doing it in a way that slightly mystifies me. What I ended up doing was deciding that the secondary computer had the most up to date data set. So I created a copy of it, renamed it to avoid confusion, and then copied this renamed data set on to the primary pc. I opened this newly renamed data set on the primary machine and it has all the data and the correct syncing information ie. same as the secondary pc. The syncing is working fine but on both machines the syncing method is now greyed out and so cannot be changed. I don’t need to change it as it seems to be working fine but hope that having possibly having 2 secondary pcs doesn’t create issues in the future?

    Best Regards


  5. 5 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 10 May, 2021 04:28 PM

    Stuart Beesley (Mr Toolbox)'s Avatar

    I don’t think the fact that it’s a ‘secondary’ machine makes any difference. However, if you want to change it then my toolbox extension can do this for you.

  6. 6 Posted by derekkent23 on 10 May, 2021 04:47 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Peter

    If syncing is working you don’t need to reset syncing but you can use Stuart’s Toolbox or the Script I posted to turn your data set on your primary computer to a true primary data set, so syncing is not greyed out. Always do a export backup first.

    Hope this helps.

  7. 7 Posted by Helen & Peter M... on 10 May, 2021 07:22 PM

    Helen & Peter Morris's Avatar

    Thankyou Derek and Stuart.

    Kind Regards


  8. Maddy closed this discussion on 11 May, 2021 11:51 AM.

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