Updated 2021 version not syncing

Debi's Avatar


29 May, 2021 05:31 PM

My desktop is not syncing with android app since 2021 update. Sync setting shows don't sync no option to allow sync.

  1. 1 Posted by derekkent23 on 30 May, 2021 07:16 AM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Debi

    I assume the problem is that under FILE – SYNCING the syncing method is greyed out and stuck at Don’t sync. This involved two or more computers syncing sometimes with addition of mobile devices.
    On the computer you want to be the primary computer do an EXPORT - BACKUP in case something goes Wrong.

    When you sync between computers you first set up one computer as the primary computer under FILE (MONEYDANCE on Mac) – SYNCING. You then set up any number of secondary computers to sync using FILE (MONEYDANCE on Mac) – NEW – OPEN SYNCED FILE.
    You can change the syncing method on a primary data set or a Moneydance backup restored from a primary data set.

    With a secondary data set the syncing method is fixed, greyed out and cannot be change. You get the same result after restoring a secondary computer Moneydance backup. Make sure the auto backups for the primary and secondary computers are not set to use the same location if you are say using Dropbox.

    If you have lost your primary computer data set first try to find a backup created from your primary computer and restore from that.
    To convert a secondary data set to a primary data set you need to run the attached script md_convert_secondary_to_primary_data_set.py in Moneydance 2019/2020 and 2021.
    With your data set open click WINDOW - SHOW MONEYBOT CONSOLE use OPEN SCRIPT to select the script and click RUN. Wait for the script to complete its run, it can take a minute. Close and reopen Moneydance. You should now be able to change the syncing method.

    Hope this helps

  2. System closed this discussion on 29 Aug, 2021 07:20 AM.

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