Development of Android app
Is the Android app currently under active development or have people more or less decided to leave it at Beta? I ask because there are some niggly issues which I have with categories and how they are selected when you have a lot of them (for example, on the PC application you can start typing and it will jump to an appropriate section, this doesn't happen in the mobile app), or how amounts are entered. However, if basically there is no more development likely on the mobile app then I'll just live with it.
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1 Posted by derekkent23 on 02 Jun, 2021 08:16 AM
I am not support staff, just a user.
Hi Angus
Yes, the Android app is still being worked on, all be it sporadically.
Sean did a release to 2021 build 76 on the 22 May 2021 which for many users has created major problems. Due to the issue Sean is stepping back to 1.15 as the release.
In my case build 76 is running without issues.
Build 76, unlike the older version 1.15 which only receive Bank type data, 76 gets all data as a prelude to expanding the features in the mobile app. Also 76 displays all bank type transactions, same as on the computer, back to when each account was opened. 1.15 only displays back 1 year.
Have Fun, Stay Safe.
Maddy closed this discussion on 14 Jun, 2021 03:35 PM.