Restored account showing in app that isn't in MD desktop
I have one account showing that is titled Restored xxxyyyzzz, which is a random string of numbers and letters and has a $0 balance. I have made inactive every account on the desktop that has a $0 balance and none have Restored in the name. How do I stop this from showing?
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1 Posted by Melissa on 08 Jun, 2021 08:57 AM
Thanks for contacting Moneydance support team.
Wondering if you could clarify in more details regarding which area of Moneydance do you wish to remove
Restored xxxyyyzzz
account from showing?To remove
Restored xxxyyyzzz
account from showing at Summary Page, try navigating Tools --> Accounts, and locating your account named:Restored xxxyyyzzz
.After that, select the account and click on 'Edit' button.
A new window regarding the account details will appear.
Select or Tick the 'Hide on Summary Page (if balance is zero)', this shall be able to remove your
Restored xxxyyyzzz
from showing up within your Summary Page.To remove
Restored xxxyyyzzz
account from showing up at the sidebar, try click '+' button on the bottom left corner of Moneydance window.A new 'Add Items' window. will appear.
Select 'Advanced' button, and a new 'Select Items' window will appear.
Here, you could select
Restored xxxyyyzzz
account under 'Included' section, and click on 'Remove' button and 'OK' button to save the changes.I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have further questions or need any assistance. Thank you.
Melissa, Infinite Kind Support
2 Posted by Karl Leibensper... on 08 Jun, 2021 11:23 AM
Hi Melissa,
It shows only in the android app and only since the newest update. I have already gone into Tools→Accounts on the desktop and hidden every $0 account, but the restored one is not there. That's the problem.
Karl Leibensperger, DO
3 Posted by dwg on 08 Jun, 2021 11:55 AM
I'm a fellow user.
What you are seeing is not related to $0 accounts.
Seeing a "Restored account ..." is really just a surfacing of an inconsistency in the data that may have been there for quite some time and just not visible.
These accounts are generally caused by Moneydance encountering something that refers to a category or account that is no longer present. These references can be from a transaction, reminder, or sub-account. Because MD does not know the name of the category/account, it only has the ID number, it uses that to create the "Restored" accounts and uses this ID as part of the account name.
These have been reported as occurring on the desktop version of Moneydance at times. I have not seen reports of them on the mobile version. The surfacing of the data inconsistancy also seems to be more common on newer versions of Moneydance, it does suggest you may be running an older release as you are only seeing the problem on the mobile.
What version of Moneydance are you running on the desktop?
4 Posted by Karl Leibensper... on 08 Jun, 2021 12:00 PM
Good response. I am using the newest version that I just updated yesterday.
I only mentioned $0 because it points out that there is no matching main application account for that amount.
Karl Leibensperger, DO
5 Posted by Melissa on 08 Jun, 2021 12:06 PM
Hi Karl,
Thanks for getting back to us, and explaining further regarding the issue.
I can see you’ve received a reply from one of our knowledgeable Moneydance customers.
To add to this useful information I thought it's worth mentioning that unfortunately, some issues with the new Android mobile app were reported soon after its release. The development team are working to fix these problems, but in the meantime, if you wish to revert to the previous version of the app, we have reinstated it as a "beta" release.
A beta of the Android version is now available for download here - at the bottom right of the page, or via Google Play.
You can subscribe to the Google Play services beta using a web browser, or directly through your device. After you've signed up it will be automatically downloaded on all devices using the Google account you signed up with. After re-starting your device, you will be running the beta version.
I flagged this discussion so you will be notified as soon as a new repaired version of the Android App has been released.
Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience this has caused. Do not hesitate to get back in touch if you need further assistance.
Melissa, Infinite Kind Support
System closed this discussion on 07 Sep, 2021 12:10 PM.