not showing correct amount since last update

me.wooton's Avatar


18 Jun, 2021 05:58 PM

Since the last app update on my Android phone, the amount for one of my accounts is showing incorrect. The account is showing correctly within the desktop application. I have reinstalled the app, cleared the cache, removed all data for the app and re-synced the data with Dropbox again, and it continues to show the same incorrect amount. What else can be done to get the sync showing correctly?

  1. 1 Posted by derekkent23 on 19 Jun, 2021 07:23 AM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Mark

    Can you confirm the version of the Android app on your phone. It should be 2021.2 unfortunately the version is not identified within the app, you need to look under the phones Settings – Apps. Also, what version of Android is your phone running.

    I am not sure if you have completely reset syncing, so if your phone is running 2021.2 try the following.

    The following assume you have Dropbox Client installed on your computer, that is you can see a Dropbox Folder on your hard Drive.

    1. On your computer In Moneydance do a FILE – EXPORT BACKUP in case something goes wrong.
    2. On phone in Moneydance under setting disconnect.
    3. In Moneydance on your computer under MONEYDANCE – SYNCING set SYNC METHOD to DON’T SYNC, then click OK.
    4. In the Dropbox folder rename the “.moneydancsync” folder to “.moneydancesync_old” and move it to another location on your hard drive, not in the Dropbox folder. This is just a backup and can be deleted is the process works OK.
    5. On your computer under MONEYDANCE - SYNCING, set your “Encryption Passphrase”, set “Sync Method” to Dropbox Folder, click OK.
    6. Wait for Dropbox folder “.moneydancesync” and its contents to be created in your online account. This can take some time.
    7. On your phone start the Moneydance App. On some devices you may need to click on the Dropbox symbol. You may be asked to sign in to your Dropbox account to allow Moneydance to access Dropbox if this is the first time the device has done this. The mobile app will search for your data set to sync. On the completion of the search, you should see your current data set listed. Select this to sync. You will then be asked to enter you Encryption Password, the passphrase you entered on your computer FILE – SYNCING. After you have entered the password click BEGIN SYNCING. The initial sync can take a long time.

    Hope this helps.

  2. 2 Posted by me.wooton on 11 Jul, 2021 04:30 PM

    me.wooton's Avatar

    I was on holiday for a couple of weeks, but have returned and tried these steps. It works a treat! Many thanks for your help and taking the time to answer me!

  3. 3 Posted by derekkent23 on 11 Jul, 2021 04:37 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Mark

    Glad I was able to help.

    Have Fun, Stay Safe.

  4. System closed this discussion on 10 Oct, 2021 04:40 PM.

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