Choose Folder

Alan Hughes's Avatar

Alan Hughes

24 Jun, 2021 01:56 PM


When I try to start the moneydance android app it goes through the routine of asking to link with dropbox. This goes fine and permissions are given but it then stops with a window saying "Choose a Folder" bit no option to make a choice being given and no way out of this creen.

Help please, I can't find a way through this
Kind regards


  1. 1 Posted by derekkent23 on 24 Jun, 2021 02:52 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Alan

    A good starting point to sorting out your problem would be to confirm some of the basics.

    Are you setting up syncing for the first time?
    What is your computer operating system?
    What version and build are you running on your computer, e.g., 2021.1(3069)
    What sync method have you selected on your computer, Dropbox Folder or Dropbox Connection.
    If you look into you Dropbox Folder assuming you have Dropbox Client installed on your computer do you see the folder “.moneydancesync” which should contain at least one folder with an alphanumeric name. Was Dropbox Client installed in the default location? If you are using the sync method Dropbox Connection and you do not have Dropbox client install look in your Claud account to confirm the existence of the folders.
    What version of the Moneydance app are you running, e.g., 2021.2
    Hopefully this information will help in solving the issue.

  2. 2 Posted by Alan Hughes on 24 Jun, 2021 05:50 PM

    Alan Hughes's Avatar


    Many thanks Derek. I have fixed the problem and I hope I know how. I was using Dropbox Folder sync method and had the dropbox clients installed (on android, windows and linux). All could see the /.moneydancesync folder whioh contained files so I was flummoxed. I then retried to log in on android but instead of using the email/password option I chose log in with Google. This first time showed me the available folders. I gues it was using a different authentification method which subsequently ascribed the correct permissions.



  3. 3 Posted by derekkent23 on 24 Jun, 2021 06:19 PM

    derekkent23's Avatar

    I am not support staff, just a user.
    Hi Alan

    Glad you got it sorted.

    Just for the record if you have installed Dropbox client on your Android device it will not play any part in syncing to your computers. The Android app includes a Drobox API which connect directly to your Dropbox account in the cloud. I don’t have Dropbox client installed on my two android phone and they happily sync to my Windows 10 and Linux Feren OS computers set to sync using Dropbox Folder.

    Have Fun, Stay Safe.

  4. Melissa closed this discussion on 25 Jun, 2021 07:29 PM.

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