desktop not updating
Hi there
For some reason none of my July transactions - which I entered on the desktop app - are showing up. They show up on my phone but not on the desktop. I just upgraded to the latest version but no luck.
I started a discussion on this yesterday but no email or response. Also I'm pretty sure I registered under this email but it's not recognizing that either. Please email Thank you.
AND I'm not able to find/follow the thread I started yesterday. So no idea if someone responded.
Sinan Unel
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1 Posted by davidvernonlong on 01 Aug, 2021 09:57 AM
Might sound like a silly reply, but one time I thought I had the same problem was because I was not scrolling down the page for the account on my desktop, so did not see the transactions. Hopefully you are not so daft as me.
Another time my desktop and Android was not syncing, was because for some reason Dropbox was not automatically starting up on my desktop after a restart, so nothing was syncing.
2 Posted by sinan on 01 Aug, 2021 11:18 AM
David thank you for the kind reply. Neither one of these seem to be the case. All transactions appear on my iPhone. But transactions between June 1 and June 29 are missing from the desktop app. Everything before and after is there. I'd go ahead and enter the missing transactions on the desktop but I don't want to mess it up further. Thanks again.
3 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 01 Aug, 2021 11:56 AM
Well. Just renter 1 missing txn (with text ‘reentered’ in the memo) and see if it syncs properly (it should create a dup on iOS). Then delete the original dup on iOS (and leave the new one). If it works, you could renter all and repeat.
I suspect you have a sync issue. Personally, when your data is all good again, I would disable sync everywhere. Rename the Dropbox .moneydancesync folder. Start a new sync relationship up again from scratch.
Support Staff 4 Posted by Ethan on 01 Aug, 2021 08:37 PM
To clarify, are the June or July transactions not showing up? Your initial message said July, but the more recent reply said June 1-29. That difference could indicate different issues, as in just the most recent transactions versus a gap in transactions from farther back.
In addition to the above suggestion, a few other things to check:
Make sure the All button is selected at the top of your register. Some of the other options can filter out recent transactions from the active view.
Do you see a bar towards the bottom of your register that says something like '## Unconfirmed Transactions'? If so, you have the split register view active. You can either click and drag this bar up to reveal your unconfirmed transactions, or exit this view by clicking on the 'box' icon just to the right of the New Transaction button.
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System closed this discussion on 31 Oct, 2021 08:40 PM.