2nd user can’t see my MD file
I’m trying to share my Moneydance file with my mom who’s using her own laptop. I’m using Dropbox Connection and have shared my Dropbox file w her via Dropbox. She’s downloaded Moneydance but when she tries to connect MD w Dropbox she’s never asked which file or to enter my Encryption PW. And then she ends up with a msg “No synced documents found” Why?
Attached are the screenshots.
1. You can see on the first screen above “Authorize with Dropbox” it says “not connected.” We clicked Authorize button anyway, got the Moneydance code to allow access and pasted it into the box.
2. It’ll then say “connected as Mary” (my mom).
3. But then on the final screen it says “No synced documents were found” Why?
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1 Posted by derekkent23 on 11 Sep, 2021 07:28 AM
I am not support staff, just a user.
Hi Wendie
Some things to check.
1. Look in your Dropbox account in the cloud you should see a folder called “.moneydancesync”.
2. In the “.moneydancesync” folder should be another folder with an alphanumeric name.
3. In this alphanumeric folder the should be a number of folders and files, one called mdsyncinfo.txt
4. Open mdsyncinfo.txt file in a test editor. The first line of this text file should be the name of the data set you are trying to sync.
5. If you have correctly shared the “.moneydancesync” folder if should appear in your mom’s Dropbox account in the cloud containing the same files and folders.
As a start can you confirm the 5 items above?
a) What version and build of Moneydance are you both running, e.g., 2021.1(3095)?
b) What computer operating system are you both running?
c) Have you both installed Dropbox client on your computers, i.e., you can see the Dropbox folder on both your computers?
Support Staff 2 Posted by Ethan on 12 Sep, 2021 04:05 PM
The above suggestions are a good place to start. However, let's take a step back and clarify a few things. You wrote that you shared the Dropbox file with your mom. I think the responders on the two threads you created assumed this meant that you are syncing to your Dropbox account, have tried to share your .moneydancesync folder with your mom's Dropbox account, and then have tried to have her load the data through her account. That's how most people would do this sharing. However, I notice in your #2 you write that the Dropbox connection setup is saying that you're connected as Mary (your mom). Does that mean you're trying to set up syncing with just using your mom's Dropbox account, which presumably you have access to (and not yours)? That makes a difference for the steps that we suggest for how to work through this.
Infinite Kind Support
3 Posted by Wendie on 21 Sep, 2021 03:11 AM
Finally getting back to this. Thanks for your quick replies. In answer to your questions:
Ethan: Yes, my Moneydance folder in my dropbox is shared with my mom's dropbox account. My mom is trying to get connected to the shared Moneydance folder I shared to her dropbox via her downloaded Moneydance software. (I am not trying to connect as my mom).
4 Posted by Wendie on 21 Sep, 2021 03:24 AM
@derekkent23 Thank you so much. Circling back and here is what I've found in answer to your questions:
The long number I see when I open moneydancesync.txt is NOT showing in my mom's dropbox account. Instead, she has 5 different alphanumeric folders within her moneydancesync folder. (She doesn't access any other MD account so not sure why she's got five). NONE of her MD folders match the alphanumeric MD folder that I have. Should it? Meanwhile, I'm having her check the moneydancesync.txt folders within each folder to see if any match my moneydancesync.txt.
In answer to your other questions:
A. We're both running Moneydance 2021.1
B. We're both running Microsoft Windows on PC laptops
C. We've now both installed the Dropbox client. (we'd been working via website before)
5 Posted by derekkent23 on 21 Sep, 2021 07:24 AM
I am not support staff, just a user.
Hi Wendie
Some confusion, you talk of a file called moneydancesync.txt ? As far as I know Moneydance does not create a file with this name, are you sure you are not talking about mdsyncinfo.txt ?
See screen shot where explorer shows the Dropbox folder and the contents of the alphanumeric folder. If you use a text editor to open mdsyncinfo.txt a line in that file indicates the data set being synced. In the second screen shot you can see the contents of my mdsyncinfo.txt file confirming the data set being synced is Derek Security Price Daily Update last updated Tue, Sep 21, 2021 7:41 am
Yes the exact same alphanumeric folder should be present on your mum’s Dropbox folder.
If as you say the alphanumeric folder on your computer is not appearing on your mum’s computer this looks like a Dropbox sharing issue not a Moneydance issue.
If Dropbox sharing is working correctly any file or folder within the .moneydancesync folder you have shared should appear in your mum’s .moneydancesync folder.
As a test save a simple word document to your .moneydancesync folder and confirm it appears in your mum’s .moneydancesync folder.
Let see were the above takes us.
Don’t worry about the 5 extraneous alphanumeric folders for now.
Hope this helps.
6 Posted by Wendie on 30 Sep, 2021 05:08 AM
Hi Derrek,
Success! Thanks for the tip that dropbox was the issue. I reshared my MD folder in my DB with my mom. Then we manually moved the folder for my MD into her Moneydance folder which enabled MD to find the file. Yay! It took awhile to sync but now we're up and running.
thanks again,
7 Posted by derekkent23 on 30 Sep, 2021 08:11 AM
I am not support staff, just a user.
Hi Wendie
I am a little concerned about the wording of your last post. You talk about resharing my MD folder in my DB with my mom and manually moved the folder for my MD into her Moneydance folder.
The folder that should be shared with your mom in your Dropbox is “.moneydancesync”. This folder will then automatically appear in your mom’s Dropbox folder after which she should use FILE - NEW – OPEN SYNCED FILE to sync the data.
When you talk about manually moved the folder for my MD into her Moneydance folder, I wonder if you have moved your actual Data Set folder (yourdatasetname.monedance) into Dropbox, this is a big NO NO as it can corrupt your data.
Can you clarify you have shared your “.moneydancesync” folder in Drobox with your mom’s Dropbox account and she has synced using FILE - NEW – OPEN SYNCED FILE on her computer and you have not moved anything including your Data Set?
8 Posted by Wendie on 30 Sep, 2021 08:17 PM
Attached are two screenshots of my mom’s computer. The first is her top level in Dropbox. You can see her Moneydance folder. When I shared my MD folder in my Dropbox with her, my folder showed at this top level and her MD couldn’t find it.
So we moved my folder into her MD folder (see 2nd screenshot). My folder starts with f6bb and is shared btwn us. The other folders above it are not shared, they’re my moms only that MD must have created for her.
Inside the f6bb folder are my MD files. See 3rd screenshot. These are all shared w her. (3rd screenshot from my Dropbox but it’s same on my moms end)
9 Posted by Wendie on 10 Oct, 2021 06:45 AM
@derekkent23 Given my reply on 9/30, does it sound like I moved my "actual Data Set folder (yourdatasetname.monedance) into Dropbox"? You said this was a big NO NO and could corrupt my data so my mom is holding off helping me with my financial stuff.
You've been so helpful thus far. Would love to know your thoughts. (I forgot to mention you by name in my last post)
10 Posted by Wendie on 10 Oct, 2021 06:52 AM
@derekkent23 PS: I also don't see any file in MY dropbox (or my mom's) that could be the file you mentioned, yourdatasetname.monedance
I just don't see any files that end with .moneydance or .monedance
11 Posted by derekkent23 on 10 Oct, 2021 03:51 PM
I am not support staff, just a user.
Hi Wendie
I thought from your post dated Sep 30 all looked OK
But no harm in double checking.
On your primary computer open your data set then close it again and reopen.
Explorer will open at the default location for data sets on your hard drive C:\Users\your_user_name.moneydance\Documents
Your data set should be listed with today date and the time at which you just closed Moneydance.
If you see that your data set is in the correct location, alls well, if not post again.
Hope this helps.
12 Posted by Wendie on 10 Oct, 2021 10:28 PM
Awesome, thanks Derek. All looks good :) I sooooo appreciate your help with this.
13 Posted by derekkent23 on 11 Oct, 2021 07:52 AM
I am not support staff, just a user.
Hi Wendie
Glad to help.
Have Fun, Stay Safe.
System closed this discussion on 10 Jan, 2022 08:00 AM.