Moneydance 2022 syncing between iCloud Drive and MD iOS app
Is there a projected date in the midst for when the new syncing capabilities might be added? My interested is also piqued regarding the “even more seamless sync setup experience for people immersed in the Apple ecosystem.”
I’ve used Dropbox with my old Mac and loved it - now I’m excited to be able to add the upcoming new method to my new MacBook instead of having to install Dropbox.
Thank you
From 10/12/2021 blogpost:
“iCloud Drive Syncing. For years, we’ve heard that many Apple customers would prefer to drop Dropbox and sync using the iCloud Drive that was built-in to their Macs. With this update, Moneydance for Mac can finally do precisely that. We’ll be releasing updates to the iPhone and iPad apps shortly. Dropbox syncing will still be available, but there will be an even more seamless sync setup experience for people immersed in the Apple ecosystem.”
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1 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 31 Oct, 2021 08:47 PM
iCloud sync is already available in MD2022 for Mac to Mac. It’s not yet enabled for iOS app.
2 Posted by Mike Sohon on 04 Nov, 2021 01:09 PM
I bought MoneyDance 2022.2 and am trying to set up Mac to Mac iCloud syncing. I have been using MoneyDance for years and sync using DropBox. I welcome iCloud synching but I need a step by step procedure because nothing I have tried has worked so far.
3 Posted by tj on 06 Nov, 2021 09:48 PM
Agree w Mike. iCloud syncing does not seem to work seamlessly. I previously synced with Dropbox many years ago and when I tell it to now sync with iCloud nothing seems to happen and I cannot find any Mondeydance files on my iCloud drive.
When I open Moneydance on a 2nd Mac, there is not option to open a synced version?
How should this work?
I have an old sync password that is weak, so I want to improve it. How do I change the sync password?
4 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 06 Nov, 2021 10:13 PM
You cannot change sync password. You have to build a new sync relationship.
Force reset Sync settings
Then setup sync again.
5 Posted by dwg on 06 Nov, 2021 10:29 PM
I'm a fellow user.
Let me expand on why you cannot just change the syncing password.
It is because it is not a password as such. It is an encryption key and it is used to encrypt the data. So all the data in the shared location is encrypted with this key. Each machine uses this key to encrypt data it copes to this location and to decrypt data it retrieves from it.
So to change this "password" all data needs to be decrypted with the old key and then encrypted with the new at least. Also each machine needs to also know the new key.
The most straightforward way to achieve this is to stop syncing and then set up syncing fresh using the new key.
6 Posted by tj on 06 Nov, 2021 10:37 PM
Thanks for responding DWG. I understand how encryption works, so your explanation is not a surprise. Unfortunately it does not address my do I change the sync password via the UI. Sounds like that may not be possible without "hacking" which is not something I am excited about doing with my personal finance software.
I have been a long time Moneydance user...10+ years after being a 20+ year Quicken for Windows user. Unfortunately, traditional account syncing is working less and less and I have not yet been able to get Moneydance+ OR iCloud syncing to work.
Seriously considering moving back to Quicken for Windows as manually updating accounts is far too painful!
7 Posted by Stuart Beesley ... on 07 Nov, 2021 07:19 AM
Is it hacking? Well, that’s just my terminology. If you want another way to achieve exactly the same thing as toolbox….
File/export backup. File / restore from backup. Then set up sync.
This will achieve the same thing.
System closed this discussion on 06 Feb, 2022 07:20 AM.